January 2010 Minutes - electronic
OVMC Board Meeting Sunday January 10, 2010 at 9:30pm
Roll Call
Mike Stivason – president present by phone
Sherry Deans – vice president present
Teresa Emerson – treasurer present
Mitzi Walters – secretary present
Martha Hartley – board member present
Tara Smith – board member present
Sherry Deans called the meeting to order
Mike Stivason's report: Mike McBee has had to step down from his Board position. He will remain as a member of the Club.
We need to decide where to hold our February meeting. Mitzi, can you send out an email asking people for shows or locations that will work for them.
Report of the secretary (Mitzi Walters) minutes of the 2009 meetings are posted on the website under “Newsletter”
Report of the treasurer (Teresa E) 11/19/2009 Check to John Emerson for $18.05 for sweatshirt shipping 11/20/2009 Deposited $55.00 (Cuthbert, Lautner, Kinkade & Lutz dues) 12/08/2009 Deposited $16.00 for Picnic photos Checking account balance - $1,126.12 Savings account balance - $25.00
Membership:(Teresa E) newest members from November are Laura Lautner, Dan Kinkade, Chuck & Gloria Cuthbert, Marge Lutz
Report of Committees
1. AKC Committee – we still have not heard back from AKC on our name approval. It was recommended that Kay contact Bill Newman, the MCOA rep to AKC, for any assistance that he can offer.
2. Over-Haul Committee (Mitzi Walters for Kay Stivason) Kay has been working hard on our new By-Laws so that they can be approved by AKC. There will be some changes in our By Laws to agree with AKC. We will be adding a Secretary position so that there will be a both Recording Secretary and a Corresponding Secretary. We will also need another General Board position. We will have the new By Laws ready for Board input very soon.
New Business –
1. an email request was sent out to the Board members for nominations to fill our open Board positions as per our By-Laws. We now have 1 Board position open and hope to have 2 more positions open with the new By Laws. Each nominee will be contacted starting with No.1 to see if they are interested in accepting the position.
b10-01-01 2. Mitzi would like to propose that we send the money that we made ($70.00) from the picnic photo sales to Kim Fish as a gesture of good will with a thank you card for letting us be a part of the event and that we hope to do it again in 2010. This was approved and Teresa will take care of it.
Adjournment: Sherry adjourned the meeting
April 2010 General Meeting Minutes
MCONO General Meeting Sunday, April 25, 2010 Columbus, Ohio
Roll Call (or sign-in) 13 present
Mike Stivason – president - present
Sherry Deans – vice president -absent
Teresa Emerson – treasurer -present
Mitzi Walters – secretary -present
Martha Hartley – (even) board member -present
Tara Smith – (even) board member -absent
Vickie Orewiler – (odd) board member –absent
Members present: Kevin Eedy, Kay Stivason, Erinn Hadley, Kodey Young, Marissa McFarland, Coagi Long, Chad Long, Teresa Long, Sherrie Hart
Report of the president (Mike Stivason) All meeting attendees introduced themselves.
Report of the secretary (Mitzi Walters) minutes of all of the 2009 meetings are posted on the website under “Newsletter”. Meeting minutes will be emailed to all members present for corrections before putting on the website. General Meetings will be on the newsletter page. Board meetings will be on the Members Only page of the website. We received a nice thank you from Kim Fish, the Ohio Mastiff picnic Head, for the additional money we donated from profits that Marti Linfert made from the picnic photos.
We will be starting the election process this month. You will receive notifications by email.
Report of the treasurer (Teresa E) Check to Kim Fish for $70.00 on 1/11 for picture orders from picnic, $20.00 transferred from my (Teresa) personal account to OVMC checking account for whelping box ad, $40.00 deposited on 1/15 for Kim Fish dues, $15.00 deposited on 1/23 for Albright/Gilbert dues $60.00 deposited 3/13, $35.00 deposited 4/9 and $20.00 deposited 4/13. $60.00 was Chad & Coagi Long, Carl & Teresa Long & William & Sheyna Hudy dues, $35.00 was ribbon donations from Lois Franchino and Kim Fish and $20.00 was ribbon donation from the Cuthberts.We have $159.92 in our PayPal account. $75.00 of that is Webb Boyles dues. There was $11.00 and change left over from the t-shirt & sweatshirt orders and the remainder is ribbon donations from Erinn Hadley, Marge Lutz, Sherrie Hart, Chad & Coagi Long & Lynnette Albright. $10.00 donation from Teresa Emerson deposited 4/20/2010 Check to Stineman Ribbon Company for $107.46 for Fun Match ribbons mailed 4/20/2010 Check was mailed to GLMR for $123.50 Checking Account balance $1,150.16, Savings Account balance $25.00, PayPal Account balance $159.92
Marissa McFarland, Kodey Young, Kay Stivason and Webb Boyles set up a fundraising table and made $63.50 at the Rescue Fundraiser in Franklin, PA! They have been invited back next year and even asked to stay longer….they loved their dogs! The money is being sent to our local Rescue organization GLMR. Marissa also raised $60.00 selling cookbooks in her salon that we were sending on to Kim Fish of the Ohio Mastiff Picnic but she said to send it to GLMR also. Check was mailed to GLMR.
Report of Committees
1. AKC Committee (Mike)– Our Club name is now the Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio…MCONO. Heather Fowler , will coordinate with Kay Stivason, and Teresa Emerson to get our 501c and insurance researched.
e10-02-01 reference
2. Over-Haul Committee ( Kay Stivason) We have been working hard on our new By-Laws so that they can be approved by AKC when the time comes for us to get licensed with AKC. They were sent out by email (with response requested) on January 28 for member comments .
g10-04-01 Mike Stivason moved to approve these new By Laws and Constitution and that they will replace in full the existing By-Laws and this was approved. They will take effect Immediately.
3. Picnic Committee (Martha Hartley and Kay Stivason)
The Northeastern Ohio Mastiff Picnic has agreed to let us participate again this year.
g10-04-02 Motion was made to participate and donate all funds. Kodey Young was approved to be the Picnic Committee 2010 Head and she will start recruiting volunteers. Erinn Hadley offered to do a “Pulling Demonstration” . All of the 2009 committee heads will help and support the new committee members.
3. NewCastle Fun Match and Picnic (Kodey Young) Our New Castle Funmatch is organized and the potluck lunch is at Kody’s house directly after the mastiffs show but before the Funmatch. We cannot do any fund raising at the Newcastle event as planned. All info about the NewCastle Fun Match is on its own page on the website. The food list for the potluck will be emailed out again and will then be posted on the website also .
g10-04-05 A motion was made by Marissa McFarland that we invite non-MCONO members to the picnic and it was approved. Mitzi said that Tammy Kinkade is making a sign. Kodey is going to ask if we can set a table up at the show. All positions have been filled by Club members to assist. Kay Stivason offered to be the photographer.
4. Seminar at Canfield (Kay Stivason) Kay Stivason proposed a MCONO Canfield Event - We have the opportunity to hold an educational "Molosser" seminar Friday evening during the Canfield show cluster featuring Bas Bosch. Our costs will be his fee, gas and hotel.
It was decided that we will sponsor this on our own. Modern Molloser will sponsor with ‘free’ advertising and provide some items to raffle.
g10-04-06 A motion was made to go forward with this by Kodey Young and it was approved.
5. Events Committee (Mike Stivason)
g10-04-07 proposal to form an Events committee to replace our Social Committee to organize events. It was agreed.
We need nominations for a committee head who is a non-board member who will report to the Board. We want to get new people involved. They need to coordinate with the fundraising. This would be someone who would start taking over what the secretary is now doing. We need to find an experienced person. Mike proposed that we watch for a good group of people.
g10-04-09 Sherrie Hart and Erinn Hadley recommended that we make it regional. It was agreed
g10-04-10 Erin Hadley volunteered to be the Events Coordinator for Michigan and Sherrie Hart volunteered to be the Coordinator for Southeastern Ohio. They were approved. These Regional Events Committee Heads would report to one of the Board members with questions and info.
No Board Member was appointed.
6. Fund Raising / Ways and Means Committee (Marissa McFarland) proposal to form a fund-raising committee. She has many many ideas. She would like us to get enough of a financial foundation that we do not have to keep asking members for money out of their own pockets. Erinn Hadley suggested a dog calendar.
10-04-11 Mitzi motioned that we form a Ways and Means committee and proposed that Marissa McFarland be the head and it was passed. Marissa agreed and proposed even more fund raising ideas…asked that we please go to uglydawgs.com to get ideas. Marissa was asked to recruit her committee. Chad Long offered to use his relationship with the Equine Affair and Kodey offered to look into a Chiropractic Canine seminar.
New Business –
1. Tammy Kinkade wanted to propose that the Club runs a ‘good luck’ ad in the 2011 National Specialty program…. early bird deadline is February 15th. A simple black & white ad in the catalog is $60... she will design and she will submit digitally . Because Tammy was absent,
g10-04-03 Motion was made by Mitzi Walters to approve this and it was approved.
g10-04-04 2. Mitzi would like to propose that we sponsor trophies in the 2011 Specialty. Motion was approved.
General Discussion topics (requested by general membership)
- Mentor roles were discussed. We are concerned that this could cause problems because the club cannot be held responsible. We had a lot of great volunteers. We decided that it would be better for all of us to reach out to people and if people need advice we can refer them through the website.
10-04-12 Keven Eedy motioned that, instead of a program, we all just try to help people and network through the website. Motion passed.
Note:We need new Business cards asap
- Meet the breed on Monday of the NewCastle show. A reminder was made that you cannot do this to promote your own pups….just the club. Someone requested that we look into this for the Cleveland.
- We discussed that we have no way of communicating that works besides email. Marti Linfert did a lot of work setting up a online chat but it is not functioning for everyone.
g10-04-13 Erinn Hadley was roped into setting up a Facebook page for our members and Kay offered to be administrator. Erinn and Kay accepted.
Kay asked about elections. The Board will choose a head for the nominating committee and they will begin the process this month.
g10-04-14 2010/possible 2011 meeting schedule: this was approved and will be adjusted in 2011 as needed
Jan – off (risky weather)
Feb – Indianapolis, IN
April – Columbus, OH (election process begins)
July – (Saturday July 3) Lima, OH (potluck picnic)
August – (Saturday, Aug 7) Canfield, OH (potluck picnic)
September – (Saturday Sept 11) Medina Ohio Northeast Mastiff picnic
November - Columbus, OH (Saturday November 20) (lunch @ restaurant & election)
December – new and old officers of board will use this month to meet individually & coordinate transition to new year
Adjournment: Mike asked that Mitzi email the list of picnic jobs out to the general membership
Mike Stivason adjourned
MCONO Board Meeting Minutes Saturday April 25, 2010 immediately after the General Meeting
Columbus, Ohio
Roll Call (or sign-in)
Mike Stivason (even)– president - present
Sherry Deans(odd) – vice president -absent
Teresa Emerson( – treasurer -present
Mitzi Walters(odd) – secretary - present
Martha Hartley – (even) board member -present
Tara Smith – (even) board member - absent
Vickie Orewiler – (odd) board member - absent
Report of the president (Mike Stivason) meeting went well and we got a got some good volunteers from members
Report of the secretary (Mitzi Walters) Heather Fowler is looking into a 501C and insurance for the club and she will coordinate with Kay Stivason and Teresa Emerson
Report of the treasurer (Teresa E) made at the general meeting
Membership: New Members(Teresa E) New members are Kim Fish, Lynnette Albright and Lanny Gilbert, Chad & Coagi Long, Carl & Teresa Long, William & Shayna Hudy, Webb Boyles.
Report of Committees
the Ways and Means Committee must work and report to the Treasurer….absolutely no money going out by personal checks. We are very excited about having a Ways and Means Committee and want to get Tammy Kinkade involved
New Business –
1. New Recording Secretary position – we have created a new Secretary position which now needs to be filled from our existing board. We will have a recording secretary and a corresponding (membership) secretary who must work closely together in equally dividing the Secretary’s jobs.
b10-04-01 Mitzi nominated Martha. It was approved, effective immediately. Martha will hold this position until it comes up for election this year but she may run for it again. President, Recording Secretary and the two even Board Members are up for election this year. Mike checked to see if a position can be held for two terms and they can.
2. New Board members - an email request was sent out to the Board members for nominations to fill our open Board positions in preparation for our new By Laws .
b10-04-02 We now have 2 Board positions to fill. Each nominee was contacted starting with No.1 to see if they were interested in accepting the Board positions. Courtney Thompson(even)
b10-04-03 and Erinn Hadley (odd)have graciously accepted. They were approved.
3. We must form a Nominating Committee to solicit nominations for the positions: President, Recording Secretary (which has just been appointed), and Two Board Members (Even) Committee has 7 members (5 voting and 2 alternates) with only 1 Board member. The Board shall name a Nominating Committee Chairperson who will report to the Membership Secretary. This committee will solicit nominations and come up with a slate then they get nominations from the general membership and present this to the club. We are trying to do this the way AKC suggests.
b10-04-04 Our Board member should be an odd person. Martha Hartley nominated Mitzi Walters as head of the Nominating Committee and it was approved.
b10-04-05 4. Mitzi proposed that we reimburse Teresa Emerson for the website charges starting now. She has been paying for it out of her own pocket. It was approved. She will invoice the club.
Adjournment: Mike Adjourned
MCONO Board Meeting Minutes Saturday July 3, 2010
Lima, Ohio
Roll Call (or sign-in)
Mike Stivason (even)– president - absent
Sherry Deans(odd) – vice president - present
Teresa Emerson(odd) – treasurer -present
Mitzi Walters(odd) – corresponding secretary - present
Martha Hartley –(even) -present
Tara Smith – (even) board member - absent
Vickie Orewiler – (odd) board member – present
Courtney Thompson - (even) board member – absent
Erinn Hadley (odd) – board member – present
Report of the vice president (Sherry Deans) - Welcome
Report of the corresponding secretary (Mitzi Walters) – Discussed at the General Meeting
Report of the recording secretary (Martha Hartley) – All minutes of the 2009 meetings are posted on the website under “Newsletter”. Meeting minutes will be emailed to all members present for corrections before putting on the website. General Meetings will be on the newsletter page. Board meetings will be on the Members Only page of the website.
Report of the treasurer (Teresa E) – Discussed at the General Meeting
Membership: New Members (Teresa E) - New members are Brandon Deans, Matt & Dena Drozdoff and Frank Hartley.
Report of Committees:
Ways and Means Committee – Discussed at the General Meeting.
Oho Mastiff Picnic – Discussed at the General Meeting
Nominating Committee – Discussed at the General Meeting.
New Castle Fun Match – Discussed at the General Meeting.
Bas Bosch Seminar – Discussed at the General Meeting. The club will be paying for Friday night and Kay Stivason has offered to pay for Saturday night. Sherry Deans has offered to share this expense with Kay. It was discussed that if the club can clear enough money to cover Saturdays stay, we will reimburse Kay and Sherry for it.
AKC – Discussed at the General Meeting.
New Business –
1. Club Insurance – Discussed at the General Meeting
Adjournment: Sherry Adjourned
July 2010 General Meeting Minutes
MCONO General Meeting: Saturday, July 3rd, 2010 – Lima, Ohio
Roll Call (or sign-in)
Mike Stivason (even) – President - absent
Sherry Deans (odd) –Vice President - present
Teresa Emerson (odd) – Treasurer - present
Mitzi Walters (odd) – Corresponding Secretary - present
Martha Hartley (even) – Recording Secretary - present
Tara Smith – (even) Board member - absent
Vickie Orewiler (odd) – Board member - present
Courtney Thompson (even) – Board member - absent
Erinn Hadley (odd) – Board member – present
Members present: John Emerson, Bruce Orewiler, Kaitlyn Orewiler, Tammy Kinkade, Dave Kinkade, Brandon Deans
Report of the Vice President (Sherry Deans) – Sherry opened the meeting with a welcome to all attending members. All members introduced themselves.
Report of the Recording Secretary (Martha Hartley) the minutes from our last meeting are on the Newsletter page of the website. The Board Meeting minutes are on the Members Only page of the Website
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters) – A thank you note was sent from our club to the director of the New Castle Dog Show for the use of the horse barn…the note included a hint about doing it again next year.
Report of the treasurer (Teresa Emerson) $100.00 cash from checking account to have on hand for incidentials for upcoming events (New Castle, PA picnic/Fun Match, Lima picnic, Canfield events, Northeastern Ohio Mastiff picnic) which is in my possession.
$318.00 deposited 6/11/2010 ($115.00 Raffle tickets, $128.00 Fun match proceeds, $20.00 Drozdoff dues, $15.00 Walters dues, $40.00 Tong Bosch Seminar)
$35.00 deposited 6/12/2010 (Soviar dues, Emerson dues)
Check to Kodey Young in the amount of $69.30 for reimbursement for meat and buns for New Castle, PA picnic
Through PayPal, we received $5.00 for raffle tickets, $10.00 for Fun Match enteries, $25.00 Orewiler New Castle ribbon donation, $15.00 Hart dues and $20.00 for Kimbrell dues
Today (6/18/2010) we have $278.21 in our PayPal Account
$40.00 deposited on 6/18/2010 (Horner and Hudy dues)
Today (6/19/2010) we have $25.00 in our Club savings account and $1,314.36 in our Club checking account.
Have renewal dues for Tara Smith, Tammy & Dave Kinkade, and Sherry & Brandon Deans that need to be deposited.
Received renewal dues from Mike & Kay Stivason and Martha & Frank Hartley (new member).
Received fees for Bas Bosch Seminar from Mike Stivason, Sherry Hart, Mitzi Walters and Martha Hartley.
Received fees for Bas Bosch critique from Martha Hartley.
Received $30 donation for Northeast Ohio Mastiff Picnic fund from Martha & Frank Hartley.
Report of Committees
Ohio Mastiff Picnic Committee (Mitzi Walters) – Volunteers are being recruited.
g10-07-01 Kodey Young will not be running the picnic because she has taken on too much and has asked me to take it over. This was approved.
We had lost our CGC/ TDI person (scheduling conflict) but we have a person who has volunteered to do the CGC and TDI, Erinn is doing a Pulling Demo with a Boston Terrier. Sherry Deans will be doing Cystinuria Testing and Courtney Thompson is in charge of the baskets. All information is on the website Members Only page. We will be holding a Fun Match again and still need a Ring Steward to run that. We have a list of nominees for judge and they will be contacted soon. Everyone thought that Sherry did a wonderful job last year but we are going to try to have a different judge for every event that we host. Sherry Deans has offered to do the microchipping again this year.
2. Nominating Committee Report (Mitzi Walters) - The Committee unanimously agreed to recommend and nominate the members who already hold their position for a second term to create good solid continuity in the club. The members who hold these positions were asked if they are interested in running for a second term. These are
Mike Stivason-President
Martha Hartley - Recording Secretary
Tara Smith - Board
Courtney Thompson - Board
all said yes except Tara Smith who has gotten too busy and would just like to be a regular club member.
The Nominating Committee has come up with a slate of names that they feel would do a nice job in Tara's position. These people will be approached to see if they are interested in running for a Board position. An email will go out to the general membership soon asking for nominations also.
3. Ways & Means Committee (Marissa McFarland)
Upcoming Events Courtney Thompson and I have spoken on the phone and discussed fundraising ideas and I will be sending out a list to all soon. For public events, we will need a copy of our insurance. We are planning on a "Meet the Breed" fundraiser at the Columbus, Ohio show in November. More discussion on this at the Medina Meeting.
New Castle fun match (Kodey Young & Marissa McFarland) The picnic was a huge success with good attendance. We invited all mastiff people(not just club members) We had over 20 entries for our fun match. A good time was had by all and we would like to see this repeated next year. Marissa donated the judge's gift - $25.00 gift certificate to Olive Garden. She also donated the toys/prizes for the fun match - $65.00. There were toys remaining which she would like to see used at the Northeast Ohio Mastiff Picnic Fun Match. Marissa also donated three handmade collars and did a raffle.
g10-07-02 Marissa would like to propose that the Fun Match price be raised to $8.00. Along with that price increase (by $1.00), she would suggest that we leave it at one price and not have a "pre-registration" discount. How many pre-registrations do we normally get at the $5.00 price? Eight dollars seems to be the average prices of other clubs that hold fun matches, if not more. The picnic head has agreed to these price changes.
Bas Bosch Seminar (Kodey Young) (as of June 25th)– We will be having the seminar outside under tents, weather permitting. There is a building there that we will be permitted to use in case of inclement weather. This building will cost $50 usage fee, which is non-refundable.
g10-07-03 Martha Hartley motioned that we approve this amount to the Steel Valley Kennel Club, motioned passed.
Webb will be providing the sound system, Martha will contact him about being emcee. We need to recruit some members for set up and tear down, an email will be sent to members for volunteering. Erinn Hadley and Sherry Deans will be taking care of refreshments. The hotel room has been requested for Mr. Bosch for Friday and Saturday nights. We are waiting on confirmation. Kay Stivason says that MC Kay of Owenspride Mastiffs will be able to attend the seminar (coming the whole way from Cape Cod), and is willing for us to use her Potamus as an example dog, as he was this year's Bucks Winners Dog, and Trenton Winners Dog/Best of Breed. Blu’s owners are also willing to let us use Blu if we want. That would make 2, and we need at least 1 or 2 more. Please send any suggestions to Martha Hartley or Kodey Young. The Neo people have assured us they will have at least two dogs there to represents their breed. Kay also emailed Sarah Kargar about Bullmastiffs and she said she knew of a few, and would get back to her. Kodey Young is supposed to email Kent MacFarlane to see if he is coming to Canfield with his Bullmastiff and Dogue specials (and if we can use them!), and she said that if we don’t come up with more Mastiff examples she could also ask about him bringing one of the Eastwind dogs.
5. AKC report (Kay Stivason) – Erinn Hadley
The MCONO is in "inquiry" status with the AKC, meaning we are unofficial, but the AKC is aware of our existence.
The next step is to become accredited.
Here is info from the AKC on becoming accredited:
.AKC Accreditation
After holding an organizational meeting, electing
temporary officers, drafting a set of bylaws,
scheduling a date for the first annual meeting,
establishing a schedule of meetings/events/
activities until the first annual meeting and holding
at least one “fun” match, your club will be eligible
to apply for accreditation at the AKC, and to
be approved for the holding of sanctioned match
shows, and/or trials and tests.
A presentation
should be sent to the Club Relations Department,
and should include the following information:
1. An outline of the club’s development and history,
including a list of meetings, elections, and
2. A list of “fun” matches, including dates, sites,
and number of entries.
3. A list of voting (regular and household) members’
names and addresses, with the letter designations
“B” (Breeder) — someone who has
registered a litter within the past three years;
“E” (Exhibitor) — someone who has handled a
dog at an AKC-licensed event within the past
two years, if you are applying for more than
one type of competition the different types of
exhibitors must be designated; “DO” (interested
Dog Owner) — someone who, although not
actively breeding or exhibiting, is a dog owner
of an AKC registered dog and active in the
club; or “J” (AKC-licensed judge). The breed of
dog owned should also be indicated, as well as
the year in which each person joined the club.
.Individual breeding and exhibiting records are
not required. (Note: Performance clubs should refer
to Part V of this brochure for more information.)
4. A list of club officers with addresses and daytime
telephone numbers.
5. The New Club Profile Form (if not previously
6. A copy of the club’s constitution and bylaws. If
the sample bylaws provided by AKC are closely followed,
little additional work will be necessary. If
state laws require additional or different language
please submit a copy of the applicable statute.
This information will be reviewed by a staff committee,
and the club will be notified of its status.
Upon approval, the club will be sent match applications,
rule books, and (for show and obedience
clubs) the AKC’s Show/Obedience Trial Manual....
We are now at the stage where we can apply for accreditation. If the club does indeed want to go forward with accreditation, I propose a committee be formed to put together the materials for the presentation, as this may be a lot of work for one person.
It can be broken down as follows (one person for each)
1.Someone responsible for gathering all the materials for the outline of club's development and history, including a list of meetings, elections and activities. Meeting minutes should accompany this, as well as any photographs or flyers for activities.
2. Another person will be responsible for a list of the fun matches, including dates, sites, and number of entries. Any documenting photographs or flyers.
3. Someone responsible for getting together a list of all voting member's names, addresses & designations (see above) may require contacting each member. Also list club officers w/addresses and phone numbers.
4. New club profile form and copy of club's constitution and bylaws ( I (Kay) can do this)
I'll volunteer to get together all the fun match information and materials, provided someone else doesn't want to do this.
Once we have the presentation together everything will be sent to the AKC for approval, and they will decide whether or not the grant us "accredited status".
Once we are approved we will be able to hold our first B Match, then after our first B Match we will be able to support entries.
Erinn Hadley went over this list with present members. It is agreed that this committee will report to Kay Stivason as she is our AKC representative. An email will be sent out asking for volunteers for this committee. Erinn Hadley has offered to help put this into presentation form after all information is gathered.
New Business –
g10-07-04 1. Mitzi Walters motioned to dissolve the Goodwill Fund as it is being replaced by the Ways & Means committee. Motion passed.
2. The club discussed having insurance for our events. Mitzi Walters did contact her insurance company to discuss a quote. There is a lot of information that they require. Premiums can be paid per event ($450) or per year ($450-$750) for a million dollar blanket liability. More research needs to be done on this topic. Erinn Hadley will inquire about this at her work and pass on any information she can find. Bruce Orewiler brought up that AKC may have this type of information on insurance and may have access to insurance. This will be brought up to Kay Stivason. Our insurance needs to cover all events but not meetings.
Adjournment: - Sherry Deans motioned to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned.
MCONO Board Meeting Minutes: August 7, 2010 – Canfield, Ohio
Mike Stivason (even) – President – present (late)
Sherry Deans (odd) –Vice President - present
Teresa Emerson (odd) – Treasurer - present
Mitzi Walters (odd) – Corresponding Secretary - present
Martha Hartley (even) – Recording Secretary - present
Tara Smith – (even) Board member - absent
Vickie Orewiler (odd) – Board member - present
Courtney Thompson (even) – Board member - absent
Erinn Hadley (odd) – Board member - absent
Report of the President (Mike Stivason) or Vice President (Sherry Deans) – Sherry Deans welcomed everyone and commented on how successful the Bas Bosch Seminar was and how everyone had nice things to say. She said that we need to work on our directions and signs for next time for the critiques and was disappointed in the mastiff people who left the seminar when their breed was done because they missed a great seminar.
Report of the Recording Secretary (Martha Hartley) the minutes from our last meeting are on the Newsletter page of the website. The Board Meeting minutes are on the Members Only page of the Website
Report of the Corresponding Secretary(Mitzi Walters)
Kodey Young has told me she sent a letter of apology to Sarah Karger for canceling the use of their facility at the last minute. Teresa commented that it is taken care of. We will be sending thank you notes to all of the contributors to our seminar raffle baskets.
Report of the Treasurer (Teresa Emerson) $305.00 deposited into checking account on July 31st, 2010
$390.00 check mailed to Kay Stivason to reimburse for hall for Seminar
Checking account balance - $1,620.36
Savings account balance - $25.00
PayPal account balance - $736.73
Petty Cash balance (in my possession) - $100.00
Because of the seminar these figures need to be updated.
New Members:
Debbie Hatch
Report of Committees
Ohio Mastiff Picnic Committee (Mitzi Walters)
Our Fun Match judge is Scott Severson of Hoosier mastiffs. The Fun Match will be at 1:00 so it will be over by raffle time. This has been approved by Kim Fish. It will be entertainment for people while they are eating.
We need donations for the raffle baskets and will begin really promoting this.
The CGC/TDI testing will be between 1 and 3. We will also be having cystinuria testing again. Sherry Deans is checking on this.
Mike asked if people were aware that the Somerset show was the same weekend and to be sure and confirm with Scott.
Nominating Committee Report (Mitzi Walters)
We have waited until after August 1 to send out our nominations for the elections. An email was sent to all unpaid members clearly explaining this. We cannot have anyone holding office or running for office who has not paid their dues.
The Nominating committee will be doing a general membership mailing in August to all members asking for their nominations for the positions up for election - President, Recording secretary and 2 Board positions. The nominating committee feels that they would like to promote board continuity and try to keep existing board members if they are willing to run again. We have one board member who is unable but the rest are willing.
Ways & Means Committee (Teresa Emerson for Marissa)
50/50 raffle and basket raffle were held at Bas Bosch Seminar – results will be forwarded to Recording Secretary to be included in the September 11th meeting.
Bas Bosch Seminar (everyone)
All total profit and expenditures will be forwarded to the Recording Secretary to be included in the September 11th meeting. Martha Hartley really worked hard on this seminar and the critiques and the club is very grateful and appreciative. Mike commented that we learned a lot from doing this. We will be working on a report so we know what needs to be done when we host another seminar. We are grateful to Kay, Teresa, Marissa, Mike, Erinn, Laura, John, Webb, Kodey, Chad, Coagi, Tammy, Mitzi, Sherry, and Lois for being involved.
Old Business-
Club liability insurance is in progress, Mitzi has been communicating with Nationwide Insurance and she is waiting to hear back from them. They have questions about our non-profit status. We may need to get this settled before we can finalize our insurance. Martha is researching what is needed to get Federal ID number and the steps to become a non-profit organization. Her tax lady is going to walk her through this process, which will take a little time.
New Business –
1. Procedure for voting on fun match judge selection needs to be clarified.
Right now we ask all club members for nominations and then the event head invites them to judge starting with the individual who got the most votes......1) should we give club members top priority?, 2) should we give non-club members top priority to promote new members?, 3) should we just go by top nominee
b10-07-01 It was decided that we go with the top nominee who has the most experience with the breed. When we start doing AKC sanctioned matches this will become very important.
b10-07-02 2. Mike Stivason proposed that we start an Archive Committee to collect and record activities and events concerning the club. Chad and Coagi Long were recommended to head this. They accepted.
Adjournment: Mike Stivason adjourned
MCONO Board Meeting: Saturday, Sept. 11, 2010 - Medina, Ohio
Roll Call (or sign-in)
Mike Stivason (even) – President -present
Sherry Deans (odd) –Vice President - present
Teresa Emerson (odd) – Treasurer-present
Mitzi Walters (odd) – Corresponding Secretary -present
Martha Hartley (even) – Recording Secretary- present
Tara Smith – (even) Board member - absent
Vickie Orewiler (odd) – Board member - absent
Courtney Thompson (even) – Board member - absent
Erinn Hadley (odd) – Board member –present
Also present: Chad Long, Coagi Long, Marissa McFarland and Kay Stivason
Report of the President (Mike Stivason) – Introduction and a huge thank you to Martha Hartley for the Canfield Bas Bosch Seminar
Report of the Recording Secretary (Martha Hartley)
The minutes from our meetings have been moved to the Members Only page of the website. The Board Meeting minutes are also on the Members Only page of the Website
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters)
The Board was asked to vote on approving tshirts for the store and picnic. Marissa is handling this. It was approved and they are available on the store page of the website.
e10-08-01 Reference
The Board was asked by Ways & Means about doing a drawing from all picnic attendees for a free membership with a t shirt but this did not receive enough positive feedback to vote on.
Report of the Treasurer (Teresa Emerson)
Deposited 08/05/2010 - McElyea critique-$40.00, Courtney Thompson dues-$15.00
Withdrew $1,300.00 08/05/2010 (to bring to Canfield for seminar expenses)
Check to Martha Hartley for $85.62 for printing on August 6th, 2010.
Check to Lisa Hershberger for $40.00 for reimbursement for a volunteer dog on Aug. 6th.
Deposited 08/09/2010 - $1,079.00 (brought back from Canfield)
Transfer of $500.00 from PayPal Account to Checking account - 08/11/2010
Check to Stineman Ribbon Company in the amount of $91.57 for Fun Match Ribbons - 08/13/2010
Also I ordered 50 thank you cards and 50 envelopes and 50 ink pens from Vistaprint and paid for those using PayPal. The cost for those were $184.98 on August 13, 2010.
Check to Marissa McFarland for $23.05 to reimburse for items for Bas Bosch Seminar - 08/19/2010
$17.60 on August 20, 2010 out of the Petty Cash for 2 books of stamps.
Deposited 08/28/2010 - Tara Smith raffle basket donation-$15.00, Lois Franchino raffle basket donation-$20.00
Check to Erinn Hadley for $87.12 to reimburse for food for Bas Bosch Seminar - 08/28/2010
$16.63 for checks on August 28th.
$108.27 at Wal-Mart for 2 tables (for the club) and a $25.00 gift card for Scott Severson on Sept 6th.
PayPay Account Balance - $498.32
Checking Account Balance - $1,252.60
Petty Cash Balance - $112.40 (in my possession)
Saving Account Balance - $25.00
New Members:
Jean, Joe & Kelly Bailey
Report of Committees
Ohio Mastiff Picnic Committee (Mitzi Walters)
Picnic will be reported on at the November meeting in Columbus. We will not make a profit on the picnic but it is for a great cause.
Nominating Committee Report (Mitzi Walters)
An email notice was sent out to the general membership for nominations and we have had one nomination besides the ones that the Nominating committee made. A regular mailing will be sent the end of September. The election will be finalized in November
Ways & Means Committee (Marissa McFarland)
Club T-Shirts have been ordered and are for sale online. We will make a profit on these thanks to Marissa!
b10-09-01 Marissa proposed that we do a Meet the Breed at the Cleveland Crown Cluster on Saturday, December 18th. This was approved and Sherry Deans and Martha Hartley offered to get involved.
AKC report (Kay Stivason) Excited that there is an Archive Committee and looking forward to getting a presentation together for AKC.
Bas Bosch Seminar (Martha Hartley)
We had a total of 43 attendees for the seminar on Friday evening and critiqued 20 dogs on Saturday. Breakdown of expenses: Seminar: 18 no charges, 18 pre-registered (18X40=$720), 3 registered online after deadline (3x50=$150), 4 paid at the door (2X50=100; 2judgesX25=50 total $150) Total $1070 Critiques: (20X40=$800) Total $800. 50/50 raffle Total $45 Raffle baskets Total $344 GRAND TOTAL BROUGHT IN: $2209.
Our expenses were: $50 to Sarah Karger for hall deposit; $390 for hall rental; $1000 Bas Bosch for Seminar and Critiques; $236 Bas Bosch hotel; $85.62 to Martha Hartley for printing; $40 reimbursement to Lisa Hershberger (brought sample dog); $23.05 to Marissa MacFarland for supplies; $87.12 to Erinn Hadley for food. GRAND TOTAL EXPENSES: $1911.79 The club made a profit of $297.21 from this event.
Archive Committee (Chad & Coagi Long)
We developed an Excel spreadsheet to track current members including name, kennel, address, phone, email, and date joined. We also developed a spreadsheet to record past members including name, kennel, address, phone, email, date joined, date departed, and reasons why(if noted) .
We've also begun archiving the club newsletters and meeting minutes as pdfs with chapters. We'll keep track of information for MCONO club activities each year as well (such as the Bas Bosch seminar), but will need the flyers or pertinent details for each activity in order to archive them.
g10-09-02 It was agreed that this is acceptable. Kay Stivason said that she would like to work directly with the Archive committee toward the goal of AKC accreditation.
New Business –
1) Mike Stivason requests that we start a Property checklist on the Members Page of the website where we keep a record of property (tables, signs, ropes, posts, left-over ribbons & prizes, etc.) that the club has purchased and who is in possession of it. When property changes possession, the website needs to be informed. This is approved.
2) Erinn Hadley proposed that the club should create a Medical Emergency fund....to assist if a "human" falls ill, injury etc, sort of like Take the Lead.....She was asked to come up with a proposal.It was agreed that there should be a cap on this and that the assistance should not take the form of monetary assistance.
3) Marissa MacFarland proposed a yearly banquet at one of the Columbus Ohio shows. Mitzi recommended that it be at a hotel where everyone is staying so it would have to be coordinated. It was agreed that we would try to do this next year. Mitzi offered to find a place to get togethr this year. No person was assigned responsibility for 2011.
Adjournment: - Mike adjourned
(2009) 2010 Northern Ohio Picnic Job Assignments Director Kodey Young
( ) designates 2009 volunteer
Fun Match -
Director -
Judge – (Sherry Deans)
Ring Steward – (Kay Stivason)
Photographer – (Marti Linfert)
Entries – (Mitzi Walters)
Ribbons – (Mike & Kay Stivason)
Prizes – (Sherry Deans , Tammy Kinkade, Michelle Sovier)
Signs/Banners – (Laura Anderson)
Entry Forms – (Mitzi)
Dry Erase Board – (Martha)
Tables – (Martha, Kay, Sherry)
EZups – (Sherry Deans)
Pens, Clipboards - (Martha, Mitzi)
Posts, Ropes – (Mike S)
Judge's gift – (Courtney Thompson)
Set up and Tear down crew -
in charge – (Kay Stivason, Martha Hartley)
manly men – ( Don Linfert, John Emerson, Mike Stivason) Chad Long
Director – (Sherrie Hart) Sherrie Hart
Assistants - (Teresa Emerson, Kait Orewiler,Vickie Orewiler)
Entries – (Mitzi Walters)
Director – (Courtney Thompson)
Assembly – (Teresa Emerson,)
Health Testing
Director – (Martha Hartley)
Cystinuria – (Martha Hartley)
OVMC Club Membership Drive Table
Director -
Pulling Demonstration - Erinn Hadley
Microchipping – (Sherry Deans, Bruce Orewiler, Vickie Orewiler)
Fun Match -
Cystinuria – (Laura Anderson)
Beggars Kim Fish will be in charge – recruiting ads and sponsors
MCONO General Meeting – November 20, 2010 - Minutes
Meeting was held at the Banana Bean Café in Columbus, Ohio
Mike Stivason (even) – President - present
Sherry Deans (odd) – Vice President - absent
Teresa Emerson (odd) – Treasurer - present
Mitzi Walters (odd) – Corresponding Secretary - present
Martha Hartley (even) – Recording Secretary - present
Tara Smith (even) – Board Member - present
Vickie Orewiler (odd) – Board Member - present
Courtney Thompson (even) – Board Member - present
Erinn Hadley (odd) – Board Member – absent
General Membership Attendees:
Guest Speakers:
Kodey Young

Carrie Klaiber
Marissa McFarland
Coagi Long
Chad Long
Don Linfert
Marti Linfert
Lucy Parschauer
Ken Parschauer
Bruce Orewiler
Kaitlyn Orewiler
Debra Hatch
Laura Lautner
Kay Stivason
Report of the President (Mike Stivason) -
g10-11-01 Motion to amend agenda to include a discussion of the electronic voting procedures, specifically the voting for the donation of funds for Boss. To be added as Item 5 under the heading of Unfinished Business. Motion passed.
Mike welcomed everyone to the meeting and had members introduce themselves.
Report of the Recording Secretary (Martha Hartley) – The minutes from our meetings have been moved to the Members Only page of the website. The Board Meeting minutes are also on the Members Only page of the Website
Record of 2010 Board email votes*:
e10-02-01 Is it ok to change our name(Ohio Valley Mastiff Club) to the Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio. It is a requirement of AKC that we have a name that represents the largest portion of our membership.
Mike - yes
Sherry - yes
Teresa - yes
Mitzi - yes
Martha - yes
Tara - yes
Courtney - yes
e10-07-01 Is it ok to spend an additional $300-$400 (this was not in original budget) for a facility to host the Bas Bosch Seminar at Canfield. (Kay Stivason and Kodey Young and Martha Hartley)
Mike - no vote
Sherry - yes
Teresa - abstain
Mitzi - yes
Martha - yes
Erinn - yes
Tara - yes
Courtney - yes
Vickie - yes
e10-08-01 Is it ok to spend $5-$6 per tshirt and order 40 shirts? (Marissa McFarland)
Mike - yes
Sherry - no vote
Teresa - yes
Mitzi - yes
Martha - yes
Erinn - yes
Tara - yes
Courtney - no vote
Vickie - no vote
e10-09-01 Is it ok to spend $500 to help service mastiff 'Boss' with his knee surgery. Money will be paid directly to vet. Need has been verified by Marty Reither. (Teresa Emerson)
Mike - no
Sherry - yes, but lower amount
Teresa - yes
Mitzi - yes
Martha - yes, but lower amount
Erinn - yes
Tara - yes
Courtney - yes
Vickie - yes
e10-09-02 This was sent out for a second vote, making sure that board understood that it was for $500, with voting results being the same.
e10-09-01 New member applications for approval for Ken & Lucy Parschauer /Ohio and Gail Marschak /Wisconsin
Mike - no vote
Sherry - yes
Teresa - yes
Mitzi - yes
Martha - yes
Erinn - yes
Tara - yes
Courtney - yes
Vickie - yes
*This report is provided by Corresponding Secretary Mitzi Walters
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters)-We received Thank You letters from Marty Reither and Lora Myroup along with a few donations to support our club’s monetary donation to Boss the Service dog’s knee surgery. They are attached at the end of this agenda.
We also received a nice thank you from our newest club member, Gail Marschak.
Mitzi asked that everyone present to please review and make any corrections to the membership roster that is being passed around.
New Members (Mitzi Walters)- Mitzi announced we have three new members: Ken & Lucy Parschauer and Gail Marschak
Report of the Treasurer (Teresa Emerson)-
$136.00 check to Kim Fish 09/11/2010 - Fun Match entries
$75.00 check to Carolyn Kinley 09/11/2010 - CGC/TDI testing at picnic
$500.00 check to VCA Animal Hospital 10/04/2010 - Boss donation
Deposited $196.00 (t-shirt sales, Parschauer dues, fun match entries)
Mitzi Walters donated $50.19 that she spent for stamps and tri-fold paper for Club Election mailers
Deposited $35.00 11/01/2010 - Gail Marschak dues (single membership but she included $5.00 for future puppy buyer-she was confused by membership application-which will be held for an upcoming litter and $15.00 from Teresa Emerson for 2nd t-shirt
I received a check from Marissa on 11/11/2010 in the amount of $71.71. $41.71 was for the Ebay collar auction and $30.00 was for 2 t-shirts Marissa purchased. This has not been deposited yet.
Savings Account balance - $25.00
Checking Account balance - $878.23
PayPal Account balance - $207.07. This amount includes payment from Courtney Thompson on 10/01/2010 for one (1) t-shirt and shipping and a $25.00 donation from Mitzi Walters for Mastiffs for Mary Club basket on 10/08/2010.
New member applications received from Ken & Lucy Parschauer 09/16/2010 and Gail Marschak on 10/22/2010.
Report of Committees:
Ohio Mastiff Picnic Committee (Mitzi Walters)
The picnic was a huge success and Kim Fish and her crew should be proud of what it has become.
g10-11-02 Recommendations for next year are that we stop the Cystinuria testing as we do not have enough participation and the club has lost money over the last two years for shipping costs. We also have no interest among picnic attendees in the Micro-chipping . It was agreed
Everyone missed Sherry Hart as our CGC/TDI tester! And the club would like to continue offering this at next year’s picnic. We would like to do any demonstrations at the beginning of the picnic next year because we ran out of time and weather for Erinn Hadley’s pulling and rally demos. The signs that the Kinkades made were wonderful. Thank you to all who helped and attended.
A few ideas discussed for next years picnic included getting a gift for Kim Fish for all her time and energy she puts into this wonderful event. Also having games for the dogs and their owners. Anyone with ideas please forward to the Picnic Committee. Marissa stated that she has some good ideas
The 2010 picnic expense report is attached to this agenda.
Nominating Committee (Mitzi Walters):
The Ballots were mailed October 8th. The President and Recording Secretary are running unopposed and we have 4 people running for 2 Board positions. Two of these were nominated by the nominating committee, one was nominated by the general membership, and one is self-nominated. The Ballots are anonymous but they are numbered so that there can be no duplication. The Nominating Committee and voting ran smoothly. The ballots are being counted by Ken & Lucy Parschauer and were announced at the end of the meeting by Coagi Long.
Ways & Means Committee (Marissa McFarland):
Collars were sold on E-Bay to help "refund" the club's account on money that was sent to a dog in need. Breakdown:
$20.50 - Collar Sold -$29.00 - Collar Sold - $13.50 - Collar Sold
Total: $63.00
E-Bay Fees: $6.42 - PayPal Fees: $2.87 -Shipping & Handling: $12.00
Check mailed to Teresa: $41.71
Shirt sales are slow, unfortunately.
Marissa suggested setting up a booth at the Cranberry Mall in PA next year to promote our club and fund raising. Some items suggested were notecards, dog treats, Mastiff Lamps made by Marti & Don Linfert. Anyone with ideas or suggestions we could do for fundraising, please contact Marissa McFarland.
AKC Committee (Kay Stivason):
Kay stressed the importance of our members getting their information to the Archive Committee so that they may finish their presentation to submit to the AKC.
Archive Committee (Chad & Coagi Long):
Chad is waiting on information from six members so that they may move forward with their AKC Presentation.
Unfinished Business:
Meet the Breed (Marissa McFarland)
ENTERED dogs may be brought in to the Meet the Breed ring. The exhibitor MUST sign in and then they are allowed to be there. Friday, Saturday and Sunday - 10:00 - 2:00 are the times for "Meet The Breed". It would've been way too costly for the club to put up a booth.
Marissa McFarland, Mike Stivason, Laura Lautner, and Martha Hartley have volunteered to be present at the Meet the Breed on Saturday, December 18th at the Cleveland Crown Classic. We would like to see more volunteers. Marissa will organize this and sent out reminder emails.
g10-11-03 2.
Non profit discussion(Kay Stivason & Martha Hartley) - Bill Young has volunteered to take over the task of getting the club non-profit status started. This was approved.
Specialty Trophies(Mitzi Walters) – Mitzi invited Carrie Klaiber to discuss with the club our options to sponsor trophies for the 2011 National Specialty.
g10-11-04 Mitzi motioned that we sponsor the Winners Dog and Winners Bitch, with a spending limit not to exceed $200. Motion passed.
Insurance (Mitzi Walters) – Our insurance policy will cover two events per year at a cost of $300-$400/year. The policy is through Nationwide Insurance. It will not be activated until needed so there is no cost to the club at this time.
Boss Vote Discussion – Mike opened the discussion with his concerns about the Board vote on the “Boss Donation” from the club. How the board votes, the need for fundraising and the reimbursement of club expenses were also discussed. There were no motions made.
New Business:
Specialty/Supported Entry Prospect
Discussion on possible specialty and/or supported entry in Wauseon, OH. MCOA President, Dave Henson, was invited to address the club concerning such events. He stated that our club needs to be AKC recognized before we can do supported entries or we can do them under MCOA when we are recognized by them. He encouraged our club to remain active as a regional club, for our members to attend the Specialties, and join the MCOA.
This led to more discussion on AKC recognition for the club. Kay stated again that we need to get information in to the Archive Committee, who can then finish the presentation to send to AKC. We can then hold a Sanctioned “B” match and get AKC accreditation. Mike requested a timeline for approval.
Marti Linfert offered her club for the “B” Match.
Elections: Coagi Long announced the results of the Election as follows:
President – Mike Stivason
Recording Secretary – Martha Hartley
Board Member (even) – Gloria Cuthbert
Board Member (even) – Marissa McFarland
Adjournment: Mike reminded everyone of the reservations at Logans Roadhouse for this evening at 6pm.
Mike adjourned.
Correspondence that the club received:
I would like to thank all the very generous folks who stepped up to help Boss. The 2 year old brindle mastiff who is family pet and therapy dog of family who love and count on him. Husband is on disability from broken back injury and they have an adult child with Downs Syndrome so they depend on Boss a lot. He slipped through an open step and tore his cruciate . He needed surgery and the family could find no help due to the fact that the only way rescue could help was if they surrendered their dog. BY way of Great lakes Mastiff Rescue folks, MCOA folks, and Northern Ohio Mastiff Club donations were raised outside rescue for this surgery which was performed by Dr Bando and Boss came through very well, he is heading home with his family for rehab as I post!
As do I what a great spirit the mastiff people have! Bless you all!
Marty Reither, Great Lakes Mastiff Rescue Board Trustee
Great Lakes Mastiff Rescue Ohio SC
Thank you to the MCONO. How wonderfully generous of you all. For your
generosity I would like to send your group a gift certificate for a custom
portrait that you can raffle off or use at a supported entry show as a
For anyone else who donates to the cause I will collect the names from dr
Bando and draw another name to award the same to the other donators.
Marty would you ask the Dr if he would mind doing that?
Lora Myroup
Hi Mike,
Thank you for the welcome and the information. It’s quite refreshing to receive an introductory communication from the club’s president and I really appreciate and support open communications. I know I live a bit further and not actually in
Northern Ohio…Pleasant Prairie, WI, north of Chicago about 55 miles. I have experience and have been an MCOA and MMF member since 1994. I also like to show French Bulldogs and Cavaliers. Small dogs rule, Mastiffs drool!
Thank you again and look forward to meeting you and other members at the shows. I plan on attending Fort Wayne and Grand Rapids.
Gail Marschak
Dream Weaver Mastiffs
Since 1993
Picnic 2010 Committee report
donated by Tammy & Dave Kinkade

MCONO General Meeting 

April 24, 2011 

Columbus, OH
Attendance – Sherry Colby-Deans, Teresa Emerson, Don Linfert, Marti Linfert, Chad Long, Coagi Long, Frank Mays, Nicole Mays, Vicki Orewiler, Debbie Thurston, Jeff Thurston, Mitzi Walters
Report of V President(Sherry Colby-Deans)– Welcomed everyone including new members, introduced new recording secretary, nothing to report.
Report of the Recording Secretary – minutes from the November 2010 general membership meeting were approved and are on the website Members Only page of the website
Report of the Membership (Corresponding) Secretary – electronic voting starting from 11/10 will be attached to the next meeting agenda for approval
Report of the Treasurer
I received our Name Registration Certificate from the Office of the Ohio Secretary of State
The 2011 Financial Report spreadsheet is attached to the agenda
Mitzi commented that the last 2 pages of the Treasurer’s Report are incorrect and will check the spreadsheet, Chad agreed that there was confusion with his copier
Report of the Committees
Ways and Means – Marissa McFarland-no report
Health – Martha Hartley-no report
MCONO Messenger – Tammy Kinkade – April MCONO Messenger was sent out via email 4/23/11 and everyone agreed that Tammy is doing a great job!
2010 Nominating Committee – Mitzi Walters
Well, we had our first legit club election!
Thank you everyone for making this happen.
Just to sum it up:
We all agreed that we would nominate our existing board to keep club continuity.
One of the existing board members(Tara) had just gotten a job and was not able to run so we had to nominate someone else.
We worked from a list of eligible members (in good standing with the club and would have been a member for 1 year at the time of the election)
We came up with a rough list:
Tammy Kinkade
Kodey Young
Gloria Cuthbert
John Emerson
Kevin Eedy
We asked the general club membership to nominate and we got:
Marissa McFarland
Webb Boyles
Each nominee was asked if they accepted the nomination except Webb because he had not been a member of the club long enough to run for office. The rule is that you must be a member for a year at the time of the election.
Tammy Kinkade - accepted the nomination but then decided to wait to run for office next year
Kodey Young - accepted the nomination but then decided not to run due to personal issues
Gloria Cuthbert - accepted the nomination
John Emerson - did not accept the nomination because he has a spouse on the board
Kevin Eedy - did not accept the nomination due to time constraints
Marissa McFarland - accepted the nomination
At this point Tara decided that she had gotten her work schedule under control and wanted to run.
Therefore our ballot was:
Mike Stivason for President uncontested
Martha Hartley for Recording Secretary uncontested
Four people running for two even Board positions: Courtney Thompson, Tara Smith, Gloria Cuthbert, Marissa McFarland
Ballots were mailed out with instructions to be returned by mail or at the November show. Each ballot was numbered.
We had 42 ballots! WOW
The ballots were counted by Ken and Lucy Parschauer at the Columbus meeting (because they are not on the board and are not running for office.)
There were 2 duplicate ballots and 2 ballots with the numbers cut off. These were not counted.....so 38 ballots were counted. That is 65%! We should be very pleased with our turn-out!
The 4 votes that were not counted would not have made a difference in the election results.
President: Mike Stivason - 2nd term
Recording Secretary: Martha Hartley - 2nd term
Board Member (even): Marissa McFarland - 1st term
Board Member (even): Gloria Cuthbert - 1st term
Their term begins 12-31-2010 and ends 12-31-2012.
Next year we will be having an election for the Vice President, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, and the two odd Board members. The Recording Secretary will be in charge of the Nominating Committee.
Recommendation for next year: add a comment on the ballot that says "Alteration or duplication of this ballot renders it void"
2010 Election Nominating Committee
Kay Stivason
Kevin Eedy
Kodey Young
Tammy Kinkade
Mitzi Walters
Sherrie Hart
Unfinished Business
New Business
New Castle Fun Match & picnic update – Teresa Emerson We have an approved budget and Teresa is preparing to order ribbons, prizes, and researching a source for sub sandwiches or will bring hot dogs. Erinn Hadley has agreed to be our Fun Match judge
Banquet at November meeting (proposed by Marissa) - none
g11-04-01 Proposal to have MCONO Messenger editor run our MCONO Facebook page as a newsletter to keep continuity – Motion made by Mitzi, it was approved with the understanding that the current Facebook participants( Erinn and Kay) are in agreement. Mitzi said that she would follow up on this. It was approved unanimously by all members in attendance.
Donation by Marti Linfert – Marti is donating a ribbon box to be raffled by the club at the Lima meeting/picnic. She asked that we put it on the website and sell raffle tickets there and then the drawing would take place at the Lima picnic.
Open Discussion
Discussion concerning having a Fun Match or Puppy Match at Wauseon in the fall. Sherry will get more information together.
Adjournment – Sherry adjourned
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio May 28, 2011 11:00 am Board Meeting New Castle, PA
Attendance: Lucy Parschauer and Coagi Long
Board Members Present: Chad Long, Teresa Emerson, Mitzi Walters, Erin Hadley, Gloria Cuthbert and Marissa Mcfarland.
Previous Minutes: April 2011 general membership meeting minutes were approved and are posted in the Members Only page of the website
Report of President or Vice President: Mike Stivason-was absent due to a car accident the morning of the show.
Report of Recording Secretary: Chad Long-welcomed everyone and started the meeting.
Telephone Voting:
t11-05-01 Proposal by Teresa Emerson to donate our winnings from getting first place in the Regional "basket" competition at the 2011 Specialty back to rescue foundation RFI.
Mike - fine with this but did not vote
Sherry - yes
Chad - yes
Mitzi - yes
Erinn - yes
Marissa - yes
Gloria - yes
Vickie - could not reach
Teresa spoke with David Henson and he will have MCOA Treasurer Becky Campbell send the club a receipt
Report of Corresponding Secretary: Mitzi Walters
MCOA: I am putting together a letter and documentation to send to MCOA to begin the recognition process. This will be sent by June 1, 2011.
B11-05-01 Mitzi made a motion to include the Code of Ethics it was supported by Teresa and Gloria, all approved.
From: bjccle@aol.com
To: MitziWalters5@aol.com
CC: doncrumb@rochester.rr.com, kinsmen@dishup.us
Sent: 5/22/2011 3:46:53 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Regional basket proceeds
Thank-you so much for the donation of your proceeds from the regional basket raffle($173.60).
It was an amazing basket and your donation will go to good use.
Please forward me your address.
Becky Campbell
Report of the Treasurer: Teresa Emerson see attached spreadsheets (Lucy Parschauer has not yet been reimbursed for basket items or book publishing)-Lucy agreed to submit receipts for the pool and also generously donated the expenses from the book for the club’s specialty basket.
Note from Mitzi: the attached Treasurer’s report has a small math error that I made when transposing onto spreadsheets and I haven’t found it yet…Teresa is going to check my math
Gloria reminded us that the annual dues notification needs to be sent out.
Report of the Commitees:
Archive Committee- Chad Long-none
Ways and Means-Marissa McFarland-Will come up with something, maybe a calendar or online auction? Also, discussed Non-profit status, and it is being looked into by Chuck.
Health-Martha Hartley (absent) no report
AKC Committee- Kay Stivason
Hi everyone - I won't be at the meeting or picnic on Saturday because I have to work at 11 (going to try and make it for the show, at least), but here is some information regarding AKC accreditation and how it pertains to the Wauseon show:
From what I understand, their kennel club will allow us to have a "fun match" as long as we support the mastiff entry. Here's the problem....Our club is still in "inquiry" status, meaning we currently can't support entries at shows; not until we are considered "accredited" by the AKC.
In order to support an entry, the club MUST have held a B-Match, and in order to hold a B-Match, the club MUST be accredited.
For an outline of the steps toward accreditation please see the July 3rd 2010 club meeting minutes. This information can also be found on the online AKC pamphet "How to Form an AKC-Accredited Dog Club."
Currently, I believe the only thing that needs done to finalize accreditation is for the club materials to be printed up in a nice presentation format and sent to AKC club relations. Upon approval of our club as "Sanctioned" status, they will send us match applications and rule books, and we are free to hold our first B-Match. After our first B-Match, we may support entries at AKC all-breed shows (such as Wauseon).
FYI - From the moment we are sanctioned, any "fun matches" held are limited to club members. B Matches are open to all. Since MCONO is considered a "Specialty" Club (one breed only) I am pretty sure that we can only hold matches for our own breed.
My suggestion - get the presentation printed up and sent to the AKC asap, hope they approve us, and then plan for our first "B MATCH" to be held at the Ohio Mastiff Picnic in September.
This would then allow us to support the entry at the Wauseon show. The fun match (if you still want to hold one) at the Wauseon show would be limited to members then, since we will be AKC accredited.
Also, I suggest letting the Wauseon kennel club know that we can NOT hold a "Specialty" show as we are not "AKC Licensed" - that is a whole other ballgame, and I won't even mention the requirements because our club would literally be at least 2 years away from being able to do this (and I don't think it's even being considered at this point).
We can certainly support their entries, but can't hold our own specialty show in conjunction with their all-breed show.
If you have any questions let me know!
Erin will start the AKC presentation and try to have it wrapped up within a couple weeks of receiving it from Archive Committee and Mitzi.
Events Committee-No head and nothing to report
Specialty Basket- Our club entered a trunk filled with fun stuff in the Regional club competition. Lucy Parschauer was in charge and did a great job. We won the competition by receiving the most votes.
B11-05-02 Mitzi made a motion that we keep the monies left over from the trunk coffee-table book and donated by Lucy set aside for next year’s Specialty trunk. It will give us a nice foundation to build our 2012 trunk with. It was approved
Unfinished Business:
Events Committee-Still needs a Head, currently Mitzi is doing this and can continue to.
B11-05-03 Mitzi was nominated for this position and accepted. Approved
Wauseon Puppy/Fun Match-
Discussion: holding a Match at the Wauseon, OH show Saturday October 8. Please read all the way down. I also wanted to share the information that I have about the fun match in Wauseon Ohio. We probably need to let them know as soon as possible if we want to do it. They do ask in return for us doing a fun match that we support the show, but offering rosettes for BOB, BOS and BOW, I would be more than happy to pay for the rosettes out of my own pocket if need be. Let me know your thoughts.Sherry
Good Morning Sherry
Here are some idea's:
Have a spe cialty on Friday or a match.
If a specialty, you could have 2 in one day. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. Limited to 100 each show.
No charge to the club for use of the show site. You would be in the main building. Ring size would be double of what it would be the day of the all breed show.
All our club asks is that you support the entry the next 2 days. BOB, BOW, BOS or any other trophies that your club wishes to support.
Fulton KC will pay $1.00 per entry if there is a major. SO if you have like you did at the past show 29 entries each day, Fulton will pay $58.00 to your club.Your club of course may hold any other event on Friday that you wish.If you would rather have a specialty or match on Saturday it would have to be after BIS and it is limited as to a show to 50 dogs. . No limit on a match.If there is anything else that we can offer to the club please let me know.Looking forward to working with your club.BIll
>I asked Chuck to explain the requirements for a supported entry. It gets sort of complicated, but you need to be recognized by AKC to support an entry.
>Although this is not up for a vote yet, I am in support of the idea. I hope that Gloria is looking into whether or not we could hold an all breed match (more lucrative) or a mastiff only match (good PR). Whatever way we do it, I will be in attendance and willing to help. Thanks to Sherry for keeping the ball rolling on this one. Erinn
>I say "YES" to a Fun Match in Wauseon... Teresa
>I am following up on this with Kay Stivason and with Chuck. If I am understanding correctly we could have a Fun Match Saturday after BIS (see red highlighting).
We are not recognized yet by AKC I hate to say.
Sherry is following up on this. Decision needs to be made if we want to go forward with a Fun Match
Mitzi will call Sherry and email Bill that the club is not in the position to support an entry at Wauseon just yet, but all in attendance agreed that Wauseon should be the first place that the club supports entries to due to their invitation and generosity.
AKC Accreditation- Erinn will be provided everything that she needs to start putting this together in a presentation format by Mitzi and Chad.
New Business:
November Meeting Banquet-(proposed by Marissa)-Marissa will look into this more, and all in attendance agreed that it was a good idea, that we may even have a club awards ceremony. It was discussed that we look at a motel for the event also.
Open Discussion:
Mass email question were brought up, and more about this will be added to the membership application. People will be given the chance to opt out of club emails.
Also Mitzi brought up the Picnic fun match and the inclusion of a possible game, it was decided that we would try to do a Musical Mastiffs game. The Lima meeting was discussed as well, it is unclear if there will be enough members present to have the meeting, Mitzi will confirm by email.
Member resignation was discussed and it was decided that members wishing to resign could do so by simply not paying their dues to continue membership in the club.
Adjournment: Gloria made the motion for adjournment and all approved.
All motions are labeled, example: e11-04-01 means that electronic vote in 2011, month of April, and is the first electronic vote of April, b=board, g=general, t=telephone.
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio July 2, 2011 General Meeting Lima, Ohio
Board Members Present: Sherry Deans, Vickie Orewiler, Mitzi Walters, Teresa Emerson, Chad Long
Attendance: Bruce Orewiler, Kaitlyn Orewiler, Tammy Kinkade, Dave Kinkade, Coagi Long, Brandon Deans
Previous Minutes: May 2011 board meeting minutes were approved and are posted in the Members Only page of the website
Report of President or Vice President: Sherry Deans brought the meeting to order. A note was made that we have enough in attendance for voting.
Report of Recording Secretary: A nominating committee has been formed and will have their nominations finalized soon, and we will be able to move on to the next step for this year’s election process. Nominees will be announced after August 1.
Report of the Treasurer: See Attachment for Financial Statement
Hi All!
The New Castle Fun Match was a blast!! We had 16 entered for a total of $128.00. Someone (non-Club member) came up with the idea to put out a "Donation" cup and we received $53.00 in the "Donation" cup!!!
My budget was $375.00 for the Fun Match. I spent $96.67 on ribbons, $123.64 for prizes, $50.00 for the Judge's gift, $22.93 for Pop and chips and $60.00 for subs for a total of $353.24.
I personally purchased "cookies" from Melody Fuller of Jagger's Doggy Deli for the "Best" prizes. Melody donated a bag of "cookies" for the Best In Match prize.
We have six (6) Teal 1st Place ribbons, eight (8) Magenta 2nd Place ribbons, eleven (11) Yellow 3rd Place ribbons, twelve (12) White 4th Place ribbons, one (1) Silver Best Altered ribbon, one (1) Dark Green Best Adult Male, one (1) Copper Best Male Puppy and one (1) Best in Match ribbon left over. Mitzi won the Best Male Puppy and Best in Match ribbons but donated them back.
We also have twenty (20) small prizes, twenty-six (26) medium prizes and four (4) large prizes left over.
I enjoyed organizing the fun match and would like to thank all those that helped!! When everyone works together, things run very smoothly!!
Teresa reminded everyone that after July 1, 2011your dues are late and they must be received by July 31 for a member to remain in good standing.
Report of Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters) Dues Renewal notices were sent out May 31, 2001. Dues should be paid by July 1. After August 1, a member with unpaid dues is not in good standing with the club and must re-join. This means that they may not run for or hold office for 1 year. A final email reminder was sent 6/25/11.
A sympathy card was sent to Scott Severson from MCONO
Email Motions:
e11-06-01 2011 Nominating committee proposed by Head - Chad
1. Kim
2. Lucy
3. Marty
4. Debbie
5. Nicole
6. Sherrie
7. Carl
was proposed by Chad Long,
seconded by Gloria Cuthbert.
Marissa McFarland - yes
Mitzi Walters - yes
Sherry Deans – yes
Teresa Emerson – yes
Erinn Hadley – yes
Vickie Orewiler – N/R
Mike Stivason – N/R
Report of the Commitees:
Archive Committee-Chad and Coagi - Nothing to report
Ways and Means-Marissa McFarland (absent) nothing to report
Health-Martha Hartley (absent) nothing to report
AKC Committee-Kay Stivason (absent), Erinn has all the information as of June 5th, and is beginning to assemble it.
Events Committee-Mitzi Walters - the Picnic is in motion. MCONO will not be doing health testing or micro-chipping this year. We will have the CGC/TDI testing. Marissa McFarland has suggested a game. This was approved by the Picnic Chair if we limit it to puppies. The Picnic Chair also suggested that the Fun Match that we are doing be held earlier. Everyone was in agreement with this.
Chad shared the following communication from Kim Fish, Picnic Chair:
Will mcono be donating a basket again to the picnic? If so, would the person in charge please contact me.
Also, any private kennels or members interested in sponsoring the picnic please contact me. The 10th annual picnic has BiG shoes to fill as the goal is $10,001. There's a donation button on the picnic website for those that would like to make a monetary donation. Thanks everybody for your continued support of the picnic. Oh yeah.....there's a printable flyer on the website as well. Feel free to print off and drop off at your vet office, local pet places or mail to your puppy buyers or mastiff friends.
Kim <{{><
g11-07-01 - A motion was made by Mitzi that we donate a basket for the 2011 Northern Ohio Mastiff Picnic. Motion was approved
Nominating Committee-Chad Long head(see above)
Unfinished Business:
Wauseon Puppy/Fun Match-Sherry Deans and Mitzi Walters both notified Bill Sahloff that we would not be doing a match this year. Sherry said that Bill still would like us to do something if at all possible. Mitzi said that we could take it to the Board again.
New Business:
Canadian Specialty- is the MCONO interested in running a MCONO ad in the Canadian Specialty? We have a lot of MCONO members attending this year and it is $25 for a full page black and white ad.
g11-07-02 – Motion was made to submit an ad. Motion was approved. Mitzi will send our logo to the Canadian Specialty Program person.
Club Direction-do we want to be strictly non-profit or should we set up a separate non-profit. As soon as we decide this Chuck can get started on the paperwork.
A not for profit organization does not distribute it's surplus funds to, in the case of a breed club, it's members. All surplus money is to be used to help pursue the goals of the organization.......... breed education, animal legislation, anything that would enhance the stated reasons for the organization to exist.
The next step is the 501-c3 status. The organization is not for profit and all money raised, whether by individual donations or grants from business, is directed toward a charitable goal. The IRS lists (together) the prevention Child and Animal Cruelty/abuse as a recognized 501-c3 organization and that also covers breed rescue/placement. All money must be directed toward that goal and records kept.
If you need or want more explanation, please call me at 440-670-2996 or 440-639-0316.
g11-07-03 – Motion was made to incorporate the Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio. The club will not be set up as a non-profit, with the understanding that we may form a separate non-profit foundation at a later date if it is decided to do so. We will also begin the process of filing and paying taxes. It was agreed that we would pay an accountant (approximately) $150 for this service. Chad Long is taking this to an accountant.
Open Discussion:
g11-07-04 - Chad made a motion that the financial report no longer be sent by email with the agenda. Instead, a summary should be included in the Bi-monthly Messenger.
Motion was approved
Adjournment: Sherry adjourned
All motions are labeled, example: e11-04-01 means that electronic vote in 2011, month of April, and is the first electronic vote of April, b=board, g=general t=telephone.
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio September 10, 2011 Board Meeting Medina, Ohio
Attendance: sign-in sheet is being passed around
Board Members Present: Stivason, Chad Long, Erinn Hadley, Teresa, Mitzi, Marissa
Previous Minutes: Lima 2011 general meeting minutes were approved and are posted in the Members Only page of the website
Report of President or Vice President: No report
Report of Recording Secretary: A nominating committee has been formed and had their nominations, and we are able to move on to the next step for this years election process.
-Chad Long brought the meeting to order.
Report of the Membership (Corresponding) Secretary : See attached member roster
The Board approved the expense of $200 to purchase posts and rope for club usage.
Molli Miller from Indiana has been approved as our newest member.
We received correspondence concerning a former club member which was forwarded to Mike to research.
I have sent out an email with our current club roster attached to all members requesting updates and corrections so that we have correct info for the election mailing.
-Chuck told Mitzi to follow up with the MCOA, with another letter concerning recognition.
-The club received two new applicants: Kristen Zellen and David Henson, both were approved by unanimous decision.
Report of the Treasurer:
Our Saving account balance is $25.00
Our Checking account balance is $2,378.87
Our PayPal account balance is $959.48
-Teresa asked everyone to turn in receipts from the picnic to receive reimbursement.
Email Motions:
Report of the Commitees:
Archive Committee-Nothing to report
Ways and Means-Marissa McFarland nothing to report
Health-Martha Hartley (absent) nothing to report
AKC Committee- Update from Erinn on presentation.
-Erinn has provided Chad with the AKC presentation, Chad will update the Roster and get it printed up. Board may meet at Wauseon to review the presentation or possibly Columbus? Mitzi will email board to see if a meeting at Wauseon is possible.
-Kay will write a letter to the AKC for the presentation and club accreditation.
Events Committee-
Unfinished Business:
Club Incorporation-
New Business:
Nominating Committee-This year’s nominating committee is comprised of:
Chad Long-Committee Head
Lucy Parschauer
Debbie Thurston
Nicole Mays
Sherrie Hart
Kim Fish
Carl Long
And Marty Reither
The nominating committee has made it’s nominations, and have opened nominations up to the membership. Nominations are:
Erinn Hadley for Vice President
Teresa Emerson for Treasurer
Mitzi Walters for Corresponding Secretary
Lucy Parschauer for Board
Sherrie Hart for Board
Sherry Deans for Board
Open Discussion:
-Mike asked that we discuss how to deal with ex-members of the club representing themselves as current members:
it was decided that a letter asking them to remove this representation would be sent first, followed by a cease and desist if necessary.
-Marissa discussed a calendar, so Mitzi will create a webpage and we will begin accepting free entry for photos, but the photos placed on the calendar will be by a voting process like the postcards. Votes will cost $1.00.
-Club dinner and awards ceremony will be at Logan’s Roadhouse in Columbus at the fall show.
-Chad adjourned.
All motions are labeled, example: e11-04-01 means that electronic vote in 2011, month of April, and is the first electronic vote of April, b=board, g=general.
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio November 19, 2011 General Meeting Columbus, Ohio
Attendance: Coagi Long, Debbie and Jeff Thurston, Deanna Kneeland and daughter, Marge Lutz, Webb Boyles, Don and Marti Linfert, Ken and Lucy Parschauer, John Emerson, Erinn and Chris Hadley.
Board Members Present: Chad Long, Mitzi Walters, Teresa Emerson
Previous Minutes: Medina 2011 general meeting minutes were approved and are posted in the Members Only page of the website
Report of President or Vice President: No report
Report of Recording Secretary: Announcement of election results
Vice President – Erinn Hadley
Treasurer – Teresa Emerson
Corresponding Secretary – Mitzi Walters
New Board Members – Lucy Parschauer and Sherrie Hart
Report of the Membership (Corresponding) Secretary : No report
Report of the Treasurer:
Our Saving account balance is $25.00
Our Checking account balance is $3,034.92
Our PayPal balance is $565.80
Teresa Emerson
Email Motions:
Report of the Commitees:
Archive Committee-Nothing to report
Ways and Means- We had 610 votes (570 of which were paid via PayPal and Teresa Emerson $40 via personal check). The PayPal fees were $22.30 so we made $587.70 for the calendar votes. No money was taken from any of the club money to "fund" this project. (Marissa Mcfarland)
Health-Martha Hartley nothing to report
AKC Committee-MCONO’s AKC presentation is here, please take a look!
Events Committee-
Unfinished Business:
Club Incorporation-
New Business:
Proposed change to MCONO By-Laws Article IV , Section 4:
(a) The Nominating Committee shall nominate, from among the eligible members of the Club, one (1) candidate for each position which shall expire December thirty-first (31) of the current year and shall procure the acceptance of each nominee so chosen. After securing consent from each person nominated, the Committee shall then submit its slate of candidates to the Membership Secretary who shall mail the list, including the full name of each candidate and the name of the state and in which he/she resides and how long they have been a member of the club, to each member of the Club on or before June first (1) so that additional nominations may be made by the members, if they so desire.
g11-11-01 Proposed change:
The Nominating Committee shall nominate, from among the eligible members of the Club, one (1) candidate for each position which shall expire December thirty-first (31) of the current year and shall procure the acceptance of each nominee so chosen. After securing consent from each person nominated, the Committee shall then submit its slate of candidates to the Membership Secretary who shall mail the list, including the full name of each candidate and the name of the state and in which he/she resides and how long they have been a member of the club, to each member of the Club on or before September first (1) so that additional nominations may be made by the members, if they so desire.
Voting was unanimous and the changes to by-laws were passed.
Open Discussion:
AKC presentation was available at the meeting and open to review, Lucy Parschauer recommended adding additional pictures and will email them to Chad Long to include in the presentation. Upon review of the list of material Mizti Walters noted a few missing items and will email to Chad Long.
Chad Long adjourned.
All motions are labeled, example: e11-04-01 means that electronic vote in 2011, month of April, and is the first electronic vote of April, b=board, g=general.