Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Meeting Minutes
Attending: Dave Henson, Linda Henson, Diane Caoua, Ron Banks Jr,
Ron Banks Sr, Karlee Banks, Niko Hagan, Debbie Thurston, Mary Ham,
Danielle Dudley, Matt Hess, Dan Fox, Shari Semelroth, Conner Semelroth,
Mitzi Walters, Chad Long, Coagi Long, Shannon Daniels, Ernie Daniels,
Sandy Holswarth, Steve Weisniski
Previous Minutes: October minutes are available on the website.
Report of President (Chad Long): Huge thank you to Debbie Thurston
and Niko Hagan and everyone who helped and supported the
Weekend in Wilmington!
Report of Recording Secretary (Coagi Long):
2016 Meeting Schedule
December - no meeting
Proposed 2017 Meeting Schedule
January - no meeting
February - Indy
March - Louisville
April - Columbus
May - Bucks
June - Troy
July - Lima
August - Marion
September - Lancaster
October - Urbana
November - Columbus (election)
December - no meeting
Recent Board votes:
Proposal to have a Supported Entry at the Marion, OH show in July 2017 was approved with suggestion of cook-out if weather is nice
Proposal to have another Independent specialty at Wilmington, OH in 2017 was tabled until further review of financial cost to club of 2016 Independent specialty
Proposal for the club to start having ribbons for CGC tests and new Champions was approved
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters) :
We have new members to welcome! Be sure to reach out to them! We currently have 138 members.
Rashawn Crenshaw (Wisconsin)
Julie Millay (Kentucky)
Keith Fulton (Kentucky)
Julie Campbell (Westerville, OH)
Report of Treasurer (Niko Hagan) :
Checking: $1,241.98 / Savings: $9,170.90/ Paypal $584.85 with $460 still to come in from trophy sponsorships
Specialty Weekend at Wilmington Report: Total 3 day income for MCONO: $10,239.00 / Total 3 day disbursements: $10,049.79 / Final Balance: $189.21
We have a detailed Financial Report available. We were able to produce a very nice show due to the generosity and support of our members (and some non-members also!)
AKC Rep Report (Debbie Thurston):
Report of the Committees:
Health-– no report
Nominating Committee (Mitzi Walters reporting)
The committee (Webb Boyles, Matt Hess, Shari Semelroth, Mitzi Walters and Brian Reese) proposed the following nominations(all of whom have accepted the nomination) for our November 2016 election:
President: Dave Henson for a first term
Recording Secretary: Monica Baughman for a first term
Board: Mary Ham for a second term
Board: Shari Semelroth for a first term
The responses from the general membership were identical to the nominating committee. There were no other nominations so our new Board for 2017 is:
President: Dave Henson
VP: Debbie Thurston
Treasurer: Niko Hagan
Recording Secretary: Monica Baughman
Corresponding Secretary: Mitzi Walters
Board (Odd):Tim Talbott, Ernie Daniels
Board (Even): Mary Ham, Shari Semelroth
The Nominating Committee would like to thank Chad Long and Coagi Long for their time and commitment to the welfare of this club.
Title Recognition Committee: (Brian Ham, Debbie Thurston, Niko Hagan) Our September titles(and one July title)!
GCH CH Lazy D Martich Kid Rock CGC

Mr. Webb Boyles/Lucy Parschauer/Kimberly Stefanik
Events Committee 2016/2017
(November 17-20) Columbus 4-day all breed dog show - get together
6:30 at Max & Erma’s, 411 Metro Place in Dublin Saturday evening
(July 2017) Supported Entry and cook-out and raffle at Marion, OH show
2016 MCONO Regional Specialty(s): Debbie Thurston (show chair) report
All events went smoothly with great trophies and ribbons. Show site worked well and All Breed Kennel club(CCKC) was very accommodating. The only complaints were about the show superintendent Foy Trent which we have no control over
Puppypalooza on Saturday after BIS:. Three judges: Lisa Gynn, Paul Bass, Margo Lauritsen. Again this was very popular and Lisa Gynn added a few extra classes that we need to consider making a tradition. Congratulations to Angela Dineen and Kassidy Banks!
Poop ‘n Panty games Friday evening: This was a blast! It is a great ice-breaker and one of the few activities where adults and children can compete at the same level.
Congratulation to the Foxy Hams!
Kissing Booth (donation for mastiff kisses) this is GREAT for socializing but was not a money maker
MCONO 2016 Limited Edition T-shirts - available on Specialty 2016 page of the website ….just a few left!
Specialty Raffle was a huge success! Thank you everyone…we sure do a nice raffle!
Public Education (Mary Ham) Handout on transporting - airlines
New/Unfinished Business:
Proposal on doing another Independent specialty at Wilmington. Idea was presented by Board to offer Sunday to MMF. Mitzi will contact Mark Tichenor
Open Discussion
Niko welcomes anyone to contribute ideas for future prizes and trophies. She prefers to select items that are useful.
Adjournment: Mitzi motioned to adjourn. Coagi seconded
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Meeting Minutes
Attending: Ken, Lucy, Cally, Diane, Danielle, and Debbie
Previous Minutes: September minutes are available on the website.
Report of VP (Debbie Thurston):none
Report of Recording Secretary (Coagi Long):
2016 Meeting Schedule
November - Columbus - election & get-together
December - no meeting
Recent Board votes:
Proposal to have a Supported Entry at the Marion, OH show in July 2017 was approved with suggestion of cook-out if weather is nice
Proposal to have another Independent specialty at Wilmington, OH in 2017 was tabled until further review of financial cost to club of 2016 Independent specialty
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters) :
We have new members to welcome! Be sure to reach out to them! We currently have 135 members.
Rashawn Crenshaw (Wisconsin)
Julie Millay (Kentucky)
Keith Fulton (Kentucky)
Report of Treasurer (Niko Hagan) :
Checking: $5.679.96 / Saving: $4,114.86 / Paypal $1,000.72
We have Specialty expenses not paid yet and we have trophy sponsorships still coming in so these figures are not really accurate.
AKC Rep Report (Debbie Thurston): None to report.
Report of the Committees:
Health-– A Dr. Hutch breeding seminar is Saturday October 22 at the Wilmington show (our Independent Specialty weekend), The Neo group will be hosting this and it will be open to all breeds. They are going to charge a VERY reasonable price for this. Please sign up with Sherry Deans ASAP!!!!. $50 fee. Email Sherry with any questions or to sign up. The registration form is also posted on the MCONO web site.
Nominating Committee (Mitzi Walters reporting)
The committee ( Webb Boyles, Matt Hess, Shari Semelroth, Mitzi Walters and Brian Reese) proposes the following nominations for our November 2016 election:
President: Dave Henson for a first term
Recording Secretary: Monica Baughman for a first term
Board: Mary Ham for a second term
Board: Shari Semelroth for a first term
All above nominees have accepted the nomination and are in good standing with the club.
We will now open things up to the general club for nominations.
If we have any other nominations ballots will be mailed.
Results are announced at the November Columbus meeting
Title Recognition Committee: (Brian Ham, Debbie Thurston, Niko Hagan) Our August titles!
Events Committee 2016/2017
(October 21, 22, 23) Independent Specialty with Junior Showmanship, Puppy/Veteran
Sweepstakes, Designated Specialty & Supported Entry (Debbie Thurston)
(November 17-20) Columbus 4-day all breed dog show - get together
(July 2017) Supported Entry and cook-out and raffle at Marion, OH show
2016 MCONO Regional Specialty(s): Debbie Thurston (show chair) taking committee volunteers
Independent Specialty, Junior Showmanship, and Veteran/Puppy Sweepstakes on Friday, October 21, 2016
Designated Specialty on Saturday, October 22, 2016 will take place during the regular Mastiff entry for that day
Supported Entry on Sunday, October 23, 2016
Puppypalooza (yep, we are doing it again!) on Saturday after BIS: Open to any age dog. There will be 12 classes. $5/class. Three judges will include: Lisa Gynn, Paul Bass, Margo Lauritsen.
Poop ‘n Panty games Friday evening: Teams of 4 with their dogs. Person will have to wear bitch britches, cool coat and chewing collar while they go pick up hot dogs with a two-piece pooper scooper with their dog and put the hot dog pieces in a bucket. The winner is the team who collects the most hot dogs with the pooper scooper.
Current teams: Caouabunga, Foxyburger, Hessterical, Old Broads, Banks…..get your team together!
Raffle (Friday) – please donate any empty baskets that can be used to put together raffle items
Kissing Booth (donation for mastiff kisses) – Niko is organizing and will need young puppies to assist. If you will have a young puppy in October, please contact Niko to participate.
MCONO 2016 Limited Edition T-shirts - available on Specialty 2016 page of the website ….just a few left!
Specialty Raffle Friday (Only) We need help selling raffle tickets and 50/50 tickets for Friday.Matt Hess, Tammy Kinkade, and Kim Stefanik will be helping with raffle items.
Public Education (Mary Ham) Mary and Brian Ham held a CGC training twice in Centerburg
New/Unfinished Business: Ernie wants to do a cook-out at the Wilmington Specialty. Please contact him if you would like to help!
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Meeting Minutes
Attending: Debbie Thurston, Dan Fox, Tim Talbott, Todd Baughman,
Linda Henson, Brian Ham, Monica Baughman, Mitzi Walters
Previous Minutes: July 30 minutes are available on the website.
Report of VP (Debbie Thurston):
Report of Recording Secretary (Coagi Long): none
2016 Meeting Schedule
October - Urbana
November - Columbus - election & get-together
December - no meeting
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters) :
We have new members to welcome! Be sure to reach out to them!
Jim and Linda Nalley
Pam McCune
Karlee Banks
We received a thank you from MCOA for our Regional Club report. MCOA is putting together a Calendar. Do we have anything we would like to add to it?
Report of Treasurer (Niko Hagan) September 16, 2016 Report:Checking: $2,097.44 Savings: $6,114.81 PayPal: $2,222.90
Note: The above balances will be reduced by the following expenses, which the club has committed to: $500 service training for the Mary Ham puppy, up to $1000 for the specialty judge in October, and $300 for thank you gift towels for October.
AKC Rep Report (Debbie Thurston): None to report.
Report of the Committees:
Health-– A Dr. Hutch breeding seminar is in the works for October on Saturday October 22 at the Wilmington show (our Independent Specialty weekend), The Neo group will be hosting this and it will be open to all breeds. They are going to charge a VERY reasonable price for this. Please sign up with Sherry Deans. $50 fee. Email Sherry with any questions or to sign up. The registration form is also posted on the MCONO web site.
Nominating Committee (Mitzi Walters)
The committee is being formed and will have nominees for President, Recording Secretary and two Board positions soon. An email will go out to the general membership in the next week asking for nominations also.
Title Recognition Committee: (Brian Ham, Debbie Thurston, Niko Hagan) Our July titles!
CH Tr2c's Going Rogue On Hickory Creek
Monica L Baughman/Todd N Baughman/Tim Talbott/Robin Talbott
CH Hlf I'M Just A Singer In A Rocknroll Band
Stephen Wisnieski
Events Committee 2016
(Sept 24) Northeast Ohio Mastiff Picnic (Kim Fish & Monica Baughman) –The picnic will be Sept 24, 2016 Don’t forget to pre-register!
Callie Caoua will be helping people“Learn to Rally” at the picnic
(October 21, 22, 23) Independent Specialty with Junior Showmanship, Puppy/Veteran
Sweepstakes, Designated Specialty & Supported Entry (Debbie Thurston)
(November 17-20) Columbus 4-day all breed dog show
2016 MCONO Regional Specialty(s): Debbie Thurston (show chair) taking committee volunteers
Independent Specialty, Junior Showmanship, and Veteran/Puppy Sweepstakes on Friday, October 21, 2016
Designated Specialty on Saturday, October 22, 2016 will take place during the regular Mastiff entry for that day
Supported Entry on Sunday, October 23, 2016
Puppypalooza (yep, we are doing it again!) on Saturday after BIS: Open to any age dog. There will be 12 classes. $5/class. Three judges will include: Lisa Gynn, Paul Bass, Margo Lauritsen.
Poop ‘n Panty games Friday evening: Teams of 4 with their dogs. Person will have to wear bitch britches, cool coat and chewing collar while they go pick up hot dogs with a two-piece pooper scooper with their dog and put the hot dog pieces in a bucket. The winner is the team who collects the most hot dogs with the pooper scooper.
Raffle (Friday) – please donate any empty baskets that can be used to put together raffle items
Kissing Booth (donation for mastiff kisses) – Niko is organizing and will need young puppies to assist. If you will have a young puppy in October, please contact Niko to participate.
Ribbons for our three-day event have been ordered
The premium list for the Wilmington show is available (there are two!)
We will have ring-side judge’s education available. Contact Debbie Thurston
October 4th is the deadline to sponsor trophies and have your name listed in the Wilmington catalog.
The CCKC all breed shows (Saturday and Sunday) will be offering a Veteran class. It will be 7+ only and all entries must be intact. Class winner for dog and bitch Veteran will be eligible to compete in BOB.
MCONO 2016 T-shirts - available on website
Specialty Raffle Friday (Only) We need help selling raffle tickets and 50/50 tickets for Friday.Matt Hess, Tammy Kinkade, and Kim Stefanik will be helping with raffle items.
Trophy Committee (Niko Hagan) - Sponsorships are available to sign up for. Payment is not due until October but we need your correct sponsorship information so that it can go in the Show Catalog
Public Education (Mary Ham) no report
New/Unfinished Business: Ernie wants to do a cook-out at the Wilmington Specialty. Please contact him if you would like to help!
Marion show formally requests that we hold a Supported entry at their show in 2017.
Open Discussion
Adjournment: Debbie adjourned, Mitzi seconded
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Meeting Minutes
Attending: Ron Banks, Monica Baughman, Todd Baughman,
Ernie Daniels, Shannon Daniels, Sherry Deans, Dan Fox, Niko Hagan,
Brian Ham, Mary Ham, David Henson, Matt Hess, Cindy Hollar, Chad Long,
Coagi Long, Pam McCune, Kay Stivason, Tim Talbott, Debbie Thurston,
Sherri Semelroth
Previous Minutes: July 2nd minutes are available on the website.
Report of President (Chad Long):
Report of Recording Secretary (Coagi Long):
2016 Meeting Schedule
August - Lexington cook out at Niko Hagan’s Saturday. Niko will send an
email to club members with directions to the cookout.
September - Lancaster
October - Urbana
November - Columbus - election & get-together
December - no meeting
Board Voting results as of April 23, 2016:
Approved Directors & Officers insurance for club
Approved Specialty proposal by show chair Deb Thurston
Approved advertising 2016 Specialty
Approved AKC Club Outreach
Approved AKC Title awards update expense
Agreed that the club is not prepared to do a summer 2016 Supported Entry
Approved sponsoring trophies for the Neapolitan National Specialty as thank you for bringing in judge and holding health seminar
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters) :
We have new members to welcome! Be sure to reach out to them!
Payge Bailey from Ohio
Jane Mitchell from Canada
Margo and Eric Lauritsen from California
Report of Treasurer (Niko Hagan)
June 26, 2016 Report:
Checking: $1,307.34
Savings: $8,514.68
PayPal: $1,710.47
Note: The above balances will be reduced by the following expenses, which the club has committed to: $500 service training for the Mary Ham puppy, up to $1000 for the specialty judge in October, and $300 for thank you gift towels for October.
Annual Dues are Due now!
2016-2017 dues $15/$20 or you can renew for 3 years 2016-2019 dues $40/$55
AKC Rep Report (Debbie Thurston): None to report.
Report of the Committees:
Health-– A Dr. Hutch breeding seminar is in the works for October on Saturday October 22 at the Wilmington show (our Independent Specialty weekend), The Neo group will be hosting this and it would be open to all breeds. They are going to charge a VERY reasonable price for this. Please sign up with Sherry Deans. $50 fee. Email Sherry with any questions or to sign up. The registration form is also posted on the MCONO web site.
Title Recognition Committee: (Brian Ham, Debbie Thurston, Niko Hagan) Our May titles!
CH Clover Valley's Daughter To The King Lisa Marie
Mrs. Deanna Kneeland/Mrs. Lucy Parschauer
GCH Nottinghills Turnontheredlight
Pam Bartlett/Jane Mitchell
CH Spring Hollow's Striking Gold
Ms. Mary Adelle Horner
CH Devincourts Aint No Ships Captain
Shari Semelroth
GCH Eastwinds Float Like A Butterfly Sting Like A Bee CGC
Ron Banks/Nancy A Huether
GCH Pioneer’s Shabri-El’s Shaken Bacon
Shane Hamilton
Our June New Title!
CH Leodess' Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap CGC
Dana Vingin/Lisa Gynn
Events Committee 2016
(Sept 3) Pig Roast (Niko Hagan) - Cynthiana, KY
(Sept 24) Northeast Ohio Mastiff Picnic (Kim Fish & Monica Baughman) –The picnic will be Sept 24, 2016
(October 21,22,23) Independent Specialty with Junior Showmanship, Puppy/Veteran
(October 21-23, 2016)Sweepstakes & Designated Specialty & Supported Entry (Debbie Thurston)
(November 17-20) Columbus
2016 MCONO Regional Specialty(s): Debbie Thurston (show chair) taking committee volunteers
Independent Specialty, Junior Showmanship, and Veteran/Puppy Sweepstakes on Friday, October 21, 2016
Designated Specialty on Saturday, October 22, 2016 will take place during the regular Mastiff entry for that day
Supported Entry on Sunday, October 23, 2016
Puppypalooza (yep, we are doing it again!) on Saturday after BIS: Open to any age dog. There will be 12 classes. $5/class. Three judges will include: Lisa Gynn, Paul Bass, Margo Lauritson.
Poop ‘n Panty games Friday evening: Team sof person and dog. Person will have to wear bitch britches, cool coat and chewing collar while go pick up hot dogs with a two-piece pooper scooper with their dog and put the pieces in a bucket. The winner is the one who collects the most hot dogs with the pooper scooper.
Raffle (Friday) – please donate any empty baskets that can be used to put together raffle items
Monica Baughman will likely have empty raffle baskets available after the Sept. Mastiff picnic.
Kissing Booth (donation for mastiff kisses) – Niko is organizing and will need young puppies to assist. If you will have a young puppy in October, please contact Niko to participate.
The CCKC all breed shows (Saturday and Sunday) will be offering a Veteran class. It will be 7+ only and all entries must be intact. Class winner for dog and bitch Veteran will be eligible to compete in BOB.
A reproduction seminar will also be offered on Saturday, October 22nd. Remember to sign up.
Debbie Thurston is working with Niko on t-shirts for the specialty. They are obtaining quotes from two different sources for printing.
Debbie Thurston needs help Friday morning with set up and a backup person to assist with raffle wrapping, if necessary.
During the Lima meeting MCONO members voted to help the Neo’s with costs associated with their specialty judge Rafael Alcrudo.
Specialty Raffle Friday (Only) Raffle Mary Ham I am asking for any raffle donations, ideas, etc. to be forwarded to me. If anyone has any items they would like to donate for our raffle, they can give them to myself or Brian. Gift cards are great, and any item can be made into a basket so please give! Big items, medium, or small! We want our raffle to be successful! Matt Hess and Tammy Kinkade will also be collecting items. Kim Stefanik will be donating raffle baskets with random dog related items.
Trophy Committee (Niko Hagan) - Sponsorships are available to sign up for. Payment is not due until October but we need your correct sponsorship information so that it can go in the Premium List. This weekend is the deadline to have the sponsorship information. Sponsorship sign up deadline is tomorrow in order to be included in the premium list. Additional sponsorships will be accepted after that date, but will not be recognized in the premium list.
Public Education (Mary Ham)
New/Unfinished Business:
Chad Long would like to see our regional specialty win photos featured in the MCOA journal. Mitzi will inquire with the MCOA board.
Open Discussion
David Henson motioned to adjourn.
Coagi Long seconded.
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
Saturday, July 2, 2016
Meeting Minutes
Attending: Web Boyles, Callie Caoua, Diane Caoua, Sherry Deans,
Niko Hagan, Deb Hatch, Dave Henson, Linda Henson, Christina Jones,
Chad Long, Coagi Long, Marge Lutz, Kim Stefanik, Tim Talbot,
Olivia Truman, Shannon Truman, Mitzi Walters, Sandy Holzwarth,
Payge Bailey, Monica Baughman, Dan Fox, Brooke Fox, Debbie Thurston,
Previous Minutes: April minutes are available on the website.
Report of President (Chad Long):
Congratulations to Shane and Bug Hamilton and Carrie Klaiber for
their Bacon winning the 2016 National Specialty!
Thank you to Brian Ham for the idea for the awards program and for
seeing it through. It’s going well. Congrats to the recent new champions!
Report of Recording Secretary (Coagi Long):
2016 Meeting Schedule
July - Marion
August - Lexington cook out at Niko Hagan’s Saturday
September - Lancaster
October - Urbana
November - Columbus - election & get-together
December - no meeting
Board Voting results as of April 23, 2016:
Approved Directors & Officers insurance for club
Approved Specialty proposal by show chair Deb Thurston
Approved advertising 2016 Specialty
Approved AKC Club Outreach
Approved AKC Title awards update expense
Agreed that the club is not prepared to do a summer 2016 Supported Entry
Approved sponsoring trophies for the Neapolitan National Specialty as thank you for bringing in judge and holding health seminar
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters) :
We filed our Regional Club Report with MCOA.
We have many many new members to welcome!
Ben, Olivia(junior) & Shannon Truman from Ohio
Becky Walkos from Ohio
Christina Jones from Ohio
Karen & Alex Pettry from Illinois
Matt & Lisa Augsburger from Indiana
Jodi & Terry LaBombard from North Carolina
Jann and Mark Lanz from California
Carrie Klaiber from Pennsylvania
Julie Narzisi from Ohio
Skip & Donna Phillips from Kentucky
Chad & Diane Schultheis from Ohio
Brian, Norah & Natalie(junior) Southern from Kentucky
Be sure to reach out to them!
Report of Treasurer (Niko Hagan)
June 26, 2016 Report:
Checking: $1,297.26
Savings: $8,514.61
PayPal: $1,117.16
Dues are Due now! 2016-2017 dues $15/$20 or you can renew for 3 years 2016-2019 dues $40/$55
Also, please pay any sponsorships due.
AKC Rep Report (Debbie Thurston):
The test provides for a series of twelve exercises that represent situations a dog may encounter in a farm environment. The basic test requirements are designed to demonstrate a dog’s trainability, self-control, confidence and trust when working in partnership with their owner. The test is a non-competitive pass/fail evaluation designed to assess the overall conduct of a dog. The dog must demonstrate self-control when exposed to livestock and other unique sights, sounds and scents. The dog should exhibit confidence and a willingness to comply with instructions when confronted with a variety of situations within farm type surroundings.
The FDC test is open to all dogs at least 9 months of age that are individually registered with the AKC, recorded in the FSS program, dogs with PAL numbers, or dogs enrolled in the AKC Canine Partners Program.
All Clubs currently licensed for AKC Herding will be allowed to hold Farm Dog Certified tests. The FDC test can be held as a class at a Herding event or may be held as a stand-alone test. Clubs not licensed for herding may be approved by the Performance Events Department to hold FDC tests in unique situations such as county fairs and community dog events. All individuals approved to judge AKC Herding Tests/Trials are eligible to judge a FDC test.
“The FDC test provides an opportunity for dogs to apply their basic training in a unique environment. One can think of it as a Canine Good Citizen test on a farm,” said Doug Ljungren, V.P. for Sports & Events. “In addition to promoting responsible dog ownership, the basic manners needed for the FDC test will prepare them for many other AKC activities.”
Report of the Committees:
Health-– A Dr. Hutch breeding seminar is in the works for October on Saturday October 22 at the Wilmington show (our Independent Specialty weekend), The Neo group will be hosting this and it would be open to all breeds. They are going to charge a VERY reasonable price for this. Please sign up with Sherry Deans.
The sign up form is attached.
Title Recognition Committee: (Brian Ham, Debbie Thurston, Niko Hagan) Our April titles! Four more new champions were completed in May and will listed at the next meeting.
CH Millennium Gatehouse Shot In The Dark
Carrie Klaiber
CH Mountainview's I Put A Spell On You CGCA
Katherine Stivason/Michael Stivason
CH Stonehaven's Oxford's Talk Of The Town
Mr. Ernie Daniels II
CH Goldleaf's Stop And Smell The Roses
Jann Lanz/Mark Lanz
CH Glory Road's Ring Of Fire At Hugabull Mastiffs
Debra Thurston/Cheryl Crabtree
Events Committee 2016
(Sept 3) Pig Roast (Niko Hagan) - Cynthiana, KY
(Sept 24) Northeast Ohio Mastiff picnic (Kim Fish & Monica Baughman) –The picnic will be Sept 24, 2016
(October 21,22,23) Independent Specialty with Puppy/Veteran Sweepstakes & Designated Specialty & Supported Entry (Debbie Thurston) (October 21-23, 2016)
(November 17-20) Columbus
2016 MCONO Regional Specialty(s): Debbie Thurston (show chair)
Independent Specialty & Veteran/Puppy Sweepstakes on Friday, October 21, 2016
Designated Specialty on Saturday, October 22, 2016 will be in place of the regular Mastiff entry for that day
Supported Entry on Sunday
Puppypalooza (yep, we are doing it again!) on Saturday after BIS
Poop ‘n Panty games Friday evening
Raffle (Friday)
Kissing Booth (donation for mastiff kisses) – Niko is organizing and will need young puppies to assist. If you will have a young puppy in October, please contact Niko to participate.
The CCKC all breed shows (Saturday and Sunday) will be offering a Veteran class. It will be 7+ only and all entries must be intact. Class winner for dog and bitch Veteran will be eligible to compete in BOB.
Niko motioned to support splitting the cost of the judge for designated specialty on Saturday in the amount of $1000.00. Web Boyles seconded. All in favor.
A reproduction seminar will also be offered on Saturday, October 22nd. Remember to sign up.
Debbie Thurston is working with Niko in t-shirts for the specialty. They are obtaining quotes for printing.
Niko motioned to provide a drool rag to each entrant in the designated specialty, approximately a $3 value per rag. Rags to be printed once show has closed and the exact number of entrants is confirmed. Drool rag would be wash cloth size and have the logo and show date/location on it. Chad seconded. All in favor. Motion passed.
Specialty Raffle Friday (Only) Raffle Mary Ham I am asking for any raffle donations, ideas, etc. to be forwarded to me. If anyone has any items they would like to donate for our raffle, they can give them to myself or Brian. Gift cards are great, and any item can be made into a basket so please give! Big items, medium, or small! We want our raffle to be successful! Matt Hess and Tammy Kinkade will also be collecting items.
Trophy Committee (Niko Hagan) - Trophy samples for October. Sponsorship is available to sign up. Payment is not due until October but we need your correct sponsorship information
Public Education (Mary Ham)
I have been reading the book, “If I Ran the Dog Show”, a Cat in the Hat Library Learning book, to kids at Safety Town in New Albany. Our dog Bacon went with me one of the days and I was answering questions about how much he weighs, how much he eats, etc. I explained a few safety things about how to approach a dog that you don’t know, and what to do if one approaches you.
We also watched the AKC video, “The Dog Listener”.
I have two more sessions to do at Safety Town.
New/Unfinished Business:
The Dax Story- Update!!!! The puppy that our club approved money for, to help with service dog training, is now with the family and their son, who has autism. Redbarn Mastiffs is proud that our puppy was chosen from three puppies, to begin the extensive training to be a service dog for Dax. Training has begun, and the puppy, a female named Bella, has been fitted for harnesses, is being socialized in her hometown with the family. Bella will be coming back to Ohio in mid-July to begin her basic yet rigorous, obedience training. We were able to get the basic obedience donated. Bella will return home to Indiana after basic training, and will begin her training with an organization that trains dogs for The Wounded Warrior Project. That is when the Club’s generous donation of $500 that was approved will help Bella take the next step toward helping this young man that has autism. I have been in constant contact with the family and will keep you all updated you on this amazing journey. Sarah and Dan Hull and their son Dax, told me to thank you from the bottom of their hearts for the donation to help with training. If anyone has any questions, I would be happy to answer them!
Motion: Webb made motion to pay up to $1,000 to help the National Neapolitan Club pay to bring in judge for October specialty. Niko seconded. Voted to approve.
Motion: Niko presented “Welcome towels” as a gift for everyone entered in Friday’s Specialty in October. They will cost the club $3 each. Niko made motion that we do this. Chad seconded. Voted to approve.
Open Discussion
Adjournment: Mitzi motioned to adjourn. Linda Henson seconded.
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
Saturday April 23, 2016
Meeting Agenda
Attending: Monica Baughman, Todd Baughman, Diane Caoua, Jackie Dugan,
Brooke Fox, Dan Fox, Niko Hagan, Brian Ham, Mary Ham, Dave Henson,
Linda Henson, Matt Hess, Cindy Hollar, Marge Lutz, Chad Long, Coagi Long,
Gail Marshak, Tim Talbott, Robin Talbott, Debbie Thurston, Shannon Truman,
Becky Walkos, Mitzi Walters, Ron Banks Sr, Ron Banks Jr, Webb Boyles,
Sharri Semelroth, Conner Semelroth, Brian Semelroth
Previous Minutes March minutes are available on the website
.Minutes were approved
Report of President(Chad Long): Welcome
Report of Recording Secretary (Coagi Long):
2016 Meeting Schedule
May - Bucks Friday night get together (usual place)
June - Lima
July - Marion
August - Tentatively Lexington
September - Lancaster
October - Urbana
November - Columbus - election and get-together
December - no meeting
Board Voting results as of April 23, 2016:
Approved Directors & Officers insurance for club (In the past insurance was purchased per event hosted. Now that the club hosts multiple events within each year the club now has an annual policy.)
Approved Specialty proposal by show chair Deb Thurston
Approved advertising 2016 Specialty
Approved AKC Club Outreach
Approved AKC Title awards update expense
Agreed that the club is not prepared to do a summer 2016 Supported Entry
Approved sponsoring trophies for the Neapolitan National Specialty as thank you for bringing in judge and holding health seminar
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters) : We have two new members to welcome!
Sandy Holzwarth from Georgetown, KY
Holly Scott from Loveland, CO
Be sure to reach out to them!
Report of Treasurer (Niko Hagan)
April 18, 2016 Report:
Checking: $ 896.04
Savings: $ 11,514.18
PayPal: $ 907.61
We can start collecting 2016-2017 dues $15/$20 or you can renew for 3 years 2016-2019 dues $40/$55. Paypal payments are accepted via the members only page of the MCONO web site.
AKC Rep Report(Debbie Thurston): none
Report of the Commitees:
Health-– A Dr Hutch breeding seminar is in the works for October on Saturday October 22 at the Wilmington show (our Independent Specialty weekend), The Neo group will be hosting this and it would be open to all breeds. They are going to charge a VERY reasonable price for this. Please sign up with Sherry Deans.
Title Recognition Committee: (Brian Ham, Debbie Thurston, Niko Hagan) Congratulations to Deanna Kneeland for Clover Valley's Part The Seas Moses AKC Champion title
It was pointed out (by Debbie Thurston) that at this time our Title Recognition Program recognizes AKC titles only .
Events Committee 2016
Niko invited everyone to a Pig Roast at her house on Saturday September 3 (during Lexington, KY show) It is 20 minutes from the show site.
(Sept) Northeast Ohio Mastiff picnic (Kim Fish) –The picnic will be Sept 24, 2016. Please direct any questions or inquiries to Kim Fish or Monica Baughman.
(October) Independent Specialty with Puppy/Veteran Sweepstakes on Friday 10/21 & Designated Specialty on Saturday 10/22 & Supported Entry on Sunday 10/23 (October 21-23, 2016)
2016 MCONO Regional Specialty(s): Debbie Thurston (show chair)
Independent Specialty & Veteran/Puppy Sweepstakes on Friday, October 21, 2016
Designated Specialty on Saturday, October 22, 2016 will be in place of the regular Mastiff entry for that day
Supported Entry on Sunday
Puppypalooza (yep, we are doing it again!) on Saturday after BIS
Poop ‘n Panty games Friday evening
Raffle (Friday)
Kissing Booth (donation for mastiff kisses)
The CCKC all breed shows(Saturday and Sunday) will be offering a Veteran class. It will be 7+ only and all entries must be intact. Class winner for dog and bitch Veteran will be eligible to compete in BOB.
Trophy Committee(Niko Hagan) - Trophy samples for October. Sponsorship is available to sign up. Payment is not due until October but we need your correct sponsorship information
The lighter key chain color was preferred by the majority of members present over the darker color as the mastiff head was more visible.
The natural door hanger stain was preferred by the majority present.
Sponsorship sign-up sheets were routed among members.
Public Education(Mary Ham)
We attended a CGC event in Centerburg. Due to the weather that weekend, we only had 4 dogs show up. Three were able to pass their CGC tests. One did not, but only because he needs to learn to stay a little better.
Brian and Bacon have also done three nursing home visits, one with pictures available to our club, but not for public posting due to privacy from the facility. He visited twice in March and once in April. Two difference facilities.
Will be doing CGC testing for a couple of dogs today, too.
Monica Baughman has also made library visits with her mastiff.
There is a possibility that we will be offering CGC and CGCA testing at the Wilmington show
New/Unfinished Business:
Mary and Brian Ham are working with a family with an autistic boy. Mary asked whether the club would be willing to help support the autistic training fees for the mastiff they are training and hoping to donate to the family. Chad Long motioned to have the club make a $500 donation toward the mastiff’s autistic training. Niko Hagan seconded. All in favor.
Open Discussion
Adjournment: Mitzi motioned to adjourn. Coagi seconded.
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
Saturday February 13, 2016
Meeting Minutes
Attending: Deb Hatch, Ron Banks, Monica Baughman, Todd Baughman,
Mitzi Walters, Deb Thurston, Matt Hess, Shannon Daniels, Conner Semelroth,
Ernie Daniels, Shari Semelroth, Brian Semelroth
Previous Minutes Nov 14, 2015 minutes are available on the website .
Mitzi Walters motioned to approve, Monica Baughman seconded, Approved
Report of Vice President for President(Debbie Thurston):
We would like to thank Dave Henson and Lucy Parschauer and Webb
Boyles for all of their time and energy as contributing Board members.
Our club would not be the same without them.
Welcome to Monica Baughman, Tim Talbott and Ernie Daniels…our
newest Board members!
Report of Recording Secretary (Coagi Long):
2016 Meeting Schedule
January - no meeting
February - Indy show
March - Louisville show on Saturday
April - Columbus
May - Bucks
June - Troy or Lima?
July - Marion or Madison?
August - Canfield?
September - Lancaster
October - Urbana
November - Columbus - election and get-together
December - no meeting
Board Voting results as of Feb 13, 2016:
Approved Directors & Officers insurance for club
Approved Specialty proposal by show chair Deb Thurston
Approved advertising 2016 Specialty
Approved AKC Club Outreach
Approved AKC Title awards update expense
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters) : We have a new member: Kim Krichko. He is a puppy owner of one of Tim & Robin Talbotts’ pups
Report of Treasurer (Niko Hagan)
Please check with Mitzi and verify that your sponsorships have been paid in full. You can pay on the website.
Final 2015 Treasurer’s Report:
Checking: $1,792.27
Savings: $11,206.69
February 13, 2016 Report:
Checking: $851.04
Savings: $11,514.00
PayPal: $577.64
AKC Rep Report(Debbie Thurston): AKC is implementing a new title policy as of April 1, 2016 by recognizing the different level advancements of Grand Championships(Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum)
Report of the Commitees:
Ways and Means- our next fund raiser will be the raffle at the Regional Specialty
Health- (Tammy Kinkade) – A Dr Hutch breeding seminar is in the works for October on Friday at the Wilmington show (our Independent Specialty weekend), The Neo group will be hosting this and it would be open to all breeds.
Title Recognition Committee: (Brian Ham, Debbie Thurston, Niko Hagan) This has started!
Events Committee 2016
(Nov 2015) Columbus, OH Supported entry –Thank you Tim Talbott and to all of you who donated raffle items
(Sept) Northeast Ohio Mastiff picnic (Kim Fish) –The next picnic will be Sept 24, 2016
(Summer) Supported Entry - this may be too much to ask of the club?? The Board will discuss this
(October) Independent & Regional Specialty & Supported Entry
2016 MCONO Regional Specialty(s): Debbie Thurston (show chair)
A lot of time was put into researching having Weight Pulling and Lure Coursing at the Specialty. The Board approved the expense. The Roberts Center has a contract that is NOT in our favor and it is non-negotiable. It is not a good contract for MCONO to commit to. It gives the Roberts Center the right to bill us for things out of our control. There was a general agreement of those present that we should not go forward with the Lure Coursing and Weight Pulling. No vote was taken.
Independent Specialty on Friday, October 21, 2016
Designated Specialty on Saturday, October 22, 2016 will be in place of the regular Mastiff entry for that day
Supported Entry on Sunday
Puppypalooza (yep, we are doing it again!)
Poop ‘n Panty games
Raffle (Friday)
Kissing Booth ($5 for mastiff kisses)
Public Education(Mary Ham)
No report
New/Unfinished Business:
1) For the agenda from Mary Ham, I do have a suggestion of a supported entry at the Marion show(July 30-8/1) . Mastiffs have had the highest entry breed several years in a row, then tied last year with Golden retrievers, etc. In addition, I am Vice Pres. of the Dan Emmett Kennel Club, David Henson is Show Chair, and I am co-show chair, Brian is Treasurer, so an easy team to work with.....and MCONO would get small rebates for each mastiff entered.
We could either plan this for this year if we hustle, or next year if we are booked for this year. Could we talk about this? The numbers are there for it to be successful. Mary Ham
2) For the agenda from Peggy Coffman, What can Madison show do to bring the MCONO Mastiff Supported entry up there…..maybe plan for next year?
Open Discussion: judges for our October Specialties will be from outside the U.S.
Adjournment: Mitzi motioned to adjourn, Todd Baughman and Monica Baughman seconded
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
Saturday March 19, 2016
Meeting Minutes
Attending: Matt Hess, Ernie Daniels, Shannon Daniels, Debbie Thurston, Marti Linfert, Brian Semelroth, Shari Semelroth, Connor Semelroth, Dave Henson, Don Linfert, Sandy Holzwarth, Mitzi Walters, Niko Hagan, Linda Henson, Diane Caoua, Callie Caoua
Previous Minutes February minutes are available on the website. Dave Henson motioned to approve and Liz Simon and Ernie Daniels second
Report of Vice President(Debbie Thurston): Welcome
Report of Recording Secretary (Mitzi for Coagi Long):
April - Columbus
May - Bucks Friday night get together (usual place)
June - Troy or Lima?
July - Marion
August - Canfield?
September - Lancaster
October - Urbana or Delaware
November - Columbus - election and get-together
December - no meeting
Board Voting results as of March19, 2016:
Approved Directors & Officers insurance for club
Approved Specialty proposal by show chair Deb Thurston
Approved advertising 2016 Specialty
Approved AKC Club Outreach
Approved AKC Title awards update expense
Agreed that the club is not prepared to do a summer 2016 Supported Entry
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters) : no report
Report of Treasurer (Niko Hagan)
Please check with Mitzi and verify that your sponsorships have been paid in full. You can pay on the website.
March 19, 2016 Report:
Checking: $ 896.04
Savings: $ 11,514.18
PayPal: $ 907.61
AKC Rep Report(Debbie Thurston): AKC is implementing a new title policy as of April 1, 2016 by recognizing the different level advancements of Grand Championships(Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum)
There will be Reserve Junior Handler added to show results after July 1, 2016.
Report of the Commitees:
Ways and Means- (Marti Linfert) Marti is making heads for the club to sell as pins and ornaments. Marti showed examples. Marti is making chocolate mastiff head suckers also. These may be used and sold at the MCONO Specialty.
Health-– A Dr Hutch breeding seminar is in the works for October on Saturday October 22 at the Wilmington show (our Independent Specialty weekend), The Neo group will be hosting this and it would be open to all breeds. They are going to charge a VERY reasonable price for this. Please sign up with Sherry Deans.
Title Recognition Committee: (Brian Ham, Debbie Thurston, Niko Hagan) This has started. We received the January 2016 AKC list of titles. Congratulations to Red Barn – Gage. He earned his championship in January. MCONO designed and sent a drool rag for Red Barn and Breeder Jann Lantz as recognition for the championship earned.
Events Committee 2016
(Sept) Northeast Ohio Mastiff picnic (Kim Fish) –The next picnic will be Sept 24, 2016
(October) Independent Specialty with Puppy/Veteran Sweepstakes & Designated Specialty & Supported Entry (October 21-23, 2016)
small Supported Entry at November Columbus show with a raffle -it was discussed that the club should not hold this because the date is too close to our October Specialty
2016 MCONO Regional Specialty(s): Debbie Thurston (show chair)
Independent Specialty & Veteran/Puppy Sweepstakes on Friday, October 21, 2016
Designated Specialty on Saturday, October 22, 2016 will be in place of the regular Mastiff entry for that day
Supported Entry on Sunday
Puppypalooza (yep, we are doing it again!) on Saturday after BIS
Poop ‘n Panty games Friday evening
Raffle (Friday)
Kissing Booth (donation for mastiff kisses)
The CCKC all breed shows will be offering a Veteran class. It will be 7+ only and all entries must be intact. Class winner for dog and bitch Veteran will be eligible to compete in BOB.
Public Education(Mary Ham)•
No report
New/Unfinished Business:
Motion made by Niko Hagan that MCONO sponsor a trophy for the Neo Specialty at Wilmington because they are paying the costs of our Specialty judge on Saturday and the Dr Hutch seminar. Liz Simon seconded. Motion was approved.
Discussion concerning a Supported entry for 2017 was tabled. We need to research this more. Marion and Madison show were discussed.
Open Discussion: judges for our October Independent and Designated Specialties will be from outside the U.S.
Walter Pinsker will be judging Independent Specialty, Monika Pinsker will be judging Juniors and Sweepstakes Friday, Rafael El Crudo will be judging Designated Specialty Saturday, Clermont Kennel Club has not assigned a judge for Sunday at this time.
Adjournment: Liz motioned to adjourn, Mitzi and Ernie seconded