Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
Saturday November 14, 2015
Meeting Minutes
Attending: Dave Henson, Linda Henson,
Mary Ham, Brian Ham, Lisa Gynn, Dana Vingin,
Shari Semelroth, Brian Semelroth, Conner
Semelroth, Webb Boyles, Ron Banks Jr, Ron
Banks Sr, Kelly Banks, Shane Hamilton, Peggy
Coffman, Kelly Verbridge, Teresa Gauspohl,
Ernie Daniels, Mitzi Walters, Monica Baughman,
Todd Baughman, Kim Fish, Marge Lutz,
Matt Hess
, Brooke Fox, Dan Fox, Tim Talbott, Robin Talbott
Previous Minutes Oct 24 minutes will also be
available on the website . Mitzi motioned to
approve, Monica seconded, approved
Report of President (Dave Henson for
Chad Long): MCOA Board Member Ethics -
Chad & David Henson sent a letter to MCOA
outlining the club's concerns about the national
club’s negative behavior and poor
sportsmanship. It is attached.
Report of Recording Secretary (Coagi Long):
2016 Meeting Schedule needs to be finalized. We are looking at………..
January - no meeting
February - Indy show
March - Louisville show
April - Columbus
May - Bucks
June - Troy or Lima
July - Marion
August - Canfield?
September - Lancaster
October - Urbana
November - Columbus
December - no
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters) : We have three new members: the Semelroth family! Welcome Brian, Shari and Conner
Report of Treasurer (Niko Hagan)
Please check with Mitzi and verify that your sponsorships have been paid in full. You can pay on the website.
A final 2015 Treasurer’s Report will be provided after the end of the year.
Report of the Commitees:
Ways and Means (Mary Ham)- The raffle at the Columbus November Sunday show tomorrow is our club’s only fundraiser…let’s make it a big success!
Health- (Tammy Kinkade) – no report
Nominating Committee (Coagi Long) - 2015 Nominating Committee has nominated for the November election:
Vice President: Debbie Thurston for first term (opening up a Board position)
Treasurer: Niko Goins for second term
Corresponding Secretary: Mitzi Walters for second term
Board: Ernie Daniels for first term
Board: Tim Talbott for first term
Board: Monica Baughman for first term
Nominations stand and will take office January 1, 2016.
We would like to thank Dave Henson and Lucy Parschauer and Webb Boyles for all of their time and energy. Our club would not be the same without them.
Events Committee
- 2015-2016
• (Sept) Northeast Ohio Mastiff picnic (Kim Fish) –The picnic brought in over $32,000 this year and has brought in over $100,000!!! Because the picnic has grown so much it will be looking into a 5013c. Thank you to everyone who has helped make it grow! The next picnic will be Sept 24, 2016
• (Nov 2015) Columbus, OH Supported entry – (Tim) Thank you to all of you who donated raffle items
2016 MCONO Regional Specialty: Debbie Thurston (show chair
Independent Specialty has been rescheduled to Friday, October 21, 2016. We are still doing our specialty in conjunction with Clermont County Kennel Club.
CCKC will be offering Veteran's on Saturday and Sunday of the all-breed show.
Judges for the CCKC all-breed shows have not been made yet.
We will not be offering juniors at our will be in school.
Debbie is communicating with AKC to obtain titles earned in the MCONO club and will pass the information on to Brian once she obtains it.Clermont County Kennel Club will be offering veteran classes at their all breed show (October 22-23, 016).
A lot of interest was expressed at the last meeting to make our specialty better than other independent specialties, as well as to offer more of a variety of classes and events. At our specialty we can offer classes just like at the nationals...
Stud dog/Brood bitch
4-6 month puppy
Sweepstakes - puppy and veteran...which can be made open to non-members, the premium list must state so
Award of Merit
Best Puppy in Show
Best Veteran in Show (can be neutered/spayed) the premium list must state so
Best Bred By in Show
B Match
We also can offer events that other Mastiff clubs have not offered, i.e.
CAT Testing (Coursing Ability Test) this is similar to lure coursing
Weight Pull
Debbie is communicating with a CAT group and a weight pull group, trying to coordinate offering these at our 2016 specialty
Public Education(Mary Ham)
We will be working in the schools again next year.
Sherry Deans, who is the show chair for the 2016 Neo specialty at the Roberts Center the same day as ours would like to hold a health or breeding seminar at their specialty. She wanted to know if MCONO would be interested in joining the Neo’s with the seminar(s) Response was favorable.
New/Unfinished Business:
We will not be doing a 2016 fall Columbus supported entry since we will have a regional specialty in October 2016. Marion was suggested as an option or Columbus April show.
(Brian Ham) Debbie is talking to AKC about getting a list of titles so Brian can start our new Title Recognition Program. He is looking for ideas
Open Discussion:
Mary Ham commended our members for taking the high road and not reacting to the negative behavior of some of the members of MCOA.
Peggy Coffman asked about doing Jr Handling at our Regional Specialty but only offering Novice, Open and Master.
Adjournment: Mitzi motioned we adjourn and Marge and Brian seconded.
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
Saturday October 24, 2015
Meeting Minutes
Attending: Linda & David Henson, Brian Ham, Ernie & Shannon Daniels, Mitzi Walters, Robin & Tim Talbott, Debbie Thurston, Sherry Deans, Brooke and Dan Fox, Vicki Orewiler, Chad & Coagi Long, Ken & Lucy Parschauer
Previous Minutes: Sept 15 minutes are available on the website .
Report of President (Chad Long): MCOA Board Member Ethics - Board and membership is debating whether MCONO should get involved. Mitzi motioned that Chad & David Henson draft a letter next week to MCOA outlining the club's concerns. Will present supporting data. There will be an email Board vote and if passed, the letter will be submitted to MCOA. Debbie Thurston seconded. Motion passed.
Report of Recording Secretary (Coagi Long):
Board: 2015 Meeting Schedule is:
November 14 – Election and General Membership Meeting
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters) : We have three new members: Don Davis and Chip & Shelly Chesbro ….welcome! Dan & Brooke Fox and Sherry Deans and Vicki Orewiler were introduced as our newest members
Report of Treasurer (Niko Hagan)
Checking: $3,006.19
Savings: $7,853.31
Paypal: $722.01
Please check with Mitzi and verify that your sponsorships have been paid in full. You can pay on the website.
Report of the Commitees:
Ways and Means (Marti Linfert)- The raffle at the Columbus November show is our club’s only fundraiser…let’s make it a big success!
Health- (Tammy Kinkade) –
Nominating Committee (Coagi Long) - 2015 Nominating Committee has nominated for the November election:
Vice President: Debbie Thurston for first term (opening up a Board position)
Treasurer: Niko Goins for second term
Corresponding Secretary: Mitzi Walters for second term
Board: Ernie Daniels for first term
Board: Tim Talbott for first term
Board: Monica Baughman for first term
There have been no other nominations from the general membership and the nomination deadline has passed.
All nominees are confirmed to be in good standing with the club.
Events Committee
- 2015-2016
• (Sept) Northeast Ohio Mastiff picnic (Monica Baughman) –The picnic brought in over $32,000 this year!!!
We are discussing trying mastiff agility walk-throughs in 2016. We will need to put together the equipment.
• (Nov 2015) Columbus, OH Supported entry – (Tim) We are doing Veteran/Puppy sweepstakes with judge Cindy Wegner so don’t forget to enter your old ones! Entries close 10/28.
Danielle Dudley is heading the raffle.
The raffle drawing will be at noon if we are first in the ring. We are still recruiting raffle items. This is what we have to far:
Giant Stuffed Dog – Mary Ham
Silver Spoon Bracelet – Deanna Kneeland
Custom Raised Wood Feeder – Todd Baughman
Eukanuba Deluxe picnic time folding chair – Mitzi
Concrete Mastiff Statue – Niko Hagan
Keurig Basket – Mary Ham
Debbie Thurston - collars
XXL Soft Crate – Bev Ward
Diane Caoua ....what did you tell me?
Ohio State Crock Pot Basket – Mary Ham
“Sleeps with Dogs” Bedding basket – Mary Ham
Wreath – Robin Talbott
Dog Treat Basket – Brooke Fox
Sandy Burns artwork – the Fox family
3 Mastiff Prints (one is a vintage print) - Chuck & Gloria Cuthbert
48” Xpen – The Berube Family
XXL Mastiff crate with crate pad, dishes, toys, treats, towels & wipes – Kim Stefanik
Table Top S’mores machine with all the fixin’s – Kim Stefanik
Toy Breed soft crate with bed, dishes & toys – Kim Stefanik
Kid’s Basket – Kim Stefanik
Dog toys & treats basket – Kim Stefanik
Hamilton Beach Coffee Maker, coffee, etc Basket – Mary Ham
Kid’s Basket – Vickie Orewiler
Antler Basket – the Banks Family
OSU lawn statue – the Hensons
Christmas!!!!! - the Parschauers & Chesbros
Pampered Chef basket - Dana Vingin
there are still more items coming in!
2016 MCONO Regional Specialty: Debbie Thurston (show chair
Independent Specialty has been rescheduled to Friday, October 21, 2016. We are still doing our specialty in conjunction with Clermont County Kennel Club.
Cancellation letters were sent to previously contacted judges for the original specialty date. (Bivin, Biddle, Hempel, Carol Brown)
CCKC will be offering Veteran's on Saturday and Sunday of the all-breed show.
Judges for the CCKC all-breed shows have not been made yet.
New letters to judges for our specialty will be sent out after CCKC decides on judges for their Saturday and Sunday shows.
We will not be offering juniors at our will be in school.
Sherry to talk about the Neo and Mastiff clubs offering a seminar during the Friday specialties
Public Education
Todd, Monica Baughman, Callie Caoua, Diane Caoua and Teresa Emerson on July 20 and July 27, 2015 held 2 hour sessions of Operation Read to the dog to a total of 63 kids at the Northwest Library, Dublin, OH.
Sherry Deans, who is the show chair for the 2016 Neo specialty at the Roberts Center the same day as ours would like to hold a health or breeding seminar at their specialty. She wanted to know if MCONO would be interested in joining the Neo’s with the seminar(s) Response was favorable.
New/Unfinished Business:
Mitzi proposed recognizing dog accomplishments for members of MCONO, similar(but not the same as) to MCOA certificates. Would need access to AKC records in order to track. Mitzi motioned that Brian Ham leads this project. Sherry seconded.
We will not be doing a 2016 fall Columbus supported entry since we will have a regional specialty in October 2016. Mitzi & Debbie will assemble list of show options for a spring or summer 2017 supported entry. Marion was suggested as an option.
Open Discussion:
Adjournment: Mitzi motioned to adjourn. Debbie seconded.
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
Saturday September 13, 2015
Meeting Minutes
Attending: Debbie Thurston, Brian Ham, Monica and Todd Baughman, and Cindy Hollar
Previous Minutes: Sept 5 minutes are available online . Brian motioned to approve and Cindy seconded. Approved
Report of President(Chad Long): n/a
Report of Recording Secretary(Coagi Long): n/a
Board: 2015 Meeting Schedule is:
October –Delaware
November 14 – Election and General Membership Meeting
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters) : We have six new members. Brook and Dan Fox and Sherry Deans and Kaitlyn and Vicki and Bruce Orewiler
Report of Treasurer (Niko Hagan)
Checking: $2,976.29
Savings: $7,688.25
Paypal: $475.31
MCOA Specialty Report: We have received a check that MCOA says is a reissue of a check that did not clear written by Shannon Van Duren (MCOA Treasurer) to MCONO for $292.12. Niko contacted Shannon for clarification and was told it is our percentage of the win from the 2014 National Specialty Regional Basket competition.This check was mailed to an old member’s address. This is the second time she has mailed to the incorrect location. Niko has contacted Shannon and clarified the Treasurer address. We have also had to correct a situation with a Specialty trophy supplier that Shannon Van Duren paid twice.
MCONO Specialty Report: Please check with Mitzi and verify that your sponsorships have been paid in full. You can pay on the website.
Report of the Commitees:
Ways and Means (Marti Linfert)- n/a
Health- (Tammy Kinkade) –Monica Baughman -there will be discounted health testing at the picnic – PRA, microchip, CMR, DNA, Cystinuria DNA & urine
Nominating Committee(Coagi Long) - 2015 Nominating Committee has nominated for the November election:
Vice President: Debbie Thurston for first term (opening up a Board position if she is elected)
Treasurer: Niko Goins for second term
Corresponding Secretary: Mitzi Walters for second term
Board: Ernie Daniels for first term
Board: Tim Talbot for first term
Board: Monica Baughman for first term
We will be taking nominations from the general membership until September 13. Today is the deadline for nominations. Any nominations will need to contact Coagi.
Events Committee
- 2015-2016
• (Sept) Northeast Ohio Mastiff picnic (Monica Baughman) –The picnic has over 85 baskets donated at this time. Goal is $25K this year. Callie Caoua will lead the rally walk through and bring a rally set. We will provide prizes for Rally.
• The picnic will be doing CGC testing. The picnic will be supplying their own trophies for the costume contest. Our club is donating a large primitive bench (found by the Hams) to the live auction.
• (Nov 2015) Columbus, OH Supported entry – (Todd reported for Tim) We are doing Veteran/Puppy sweepstakes with judge Cindy Wegner. Danielle Dudley is heading the raffle. We need raffle items donated! The raffle drawing will be at noon if we are first in the ring. We are waiting for Premium List to come out. We have raffle donations from Deanna Kneeland, Todd Baughman, Mary Ham, Mitzi Walters, Kim Stefanik and Diane Cauoa so far.
2016 MCONO Regional Specialty: Debbie Thurston (show chair) We are moving forward with holding our second Regional Specialty Friday September 9, 2016 at the Clermont County show at the Roberts Center in Wilmington, OH. We can hold a raffle Friday. We are thinking about a corn hole tournament and cook-out Friday night and something like Mastiff Olympics. We are thinking about Puppypalooza Saturday night. We will be doing a Supported Entry 9/10/16 and 9/11/16. We will be doing Puppy and Veteran Sweepstakes and possibly Junior handling. The hotel has changed their policy to allow crating dogs overnight at the show site in the building and they have raised their charge for having dogs in the room. The ring size will be 40’x60’. They already have 15 potential specialties lined up for Friday
Public Education–Todd, Monica Baughman, Callie Caoua, Diane Caoua and Teresa Emerson on July 20 and July 27, 2015 held 2 hour sessions of Operation Read to the dog to a total of 63 kids at the Northwest Library, Dublin, OH.
Sherry Deans, who is the show chair for the 2016 Neo specialty would like to hold a health or breeding seminar at their specialty. She wanted to know if MCONO would be interested in joining the Neo’s with the seminar(s) on Friday, September 9, 2016. Sherry will be at our next meeting in Delaware and will discuss this further.
New/Unfinished Business: None
Open Discussion: None
Adjournment: Brian Ham moved to adjourn, Cindy and Monica simultaneously seconded.
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
Saturday September 5, 2015
Meeting Minutes
Attending: Dave Henson, Mitzi Walters, Debbie Thurston, Niko Hagan, Brian Ham, Mary Ham,Tim Talbott, Robin Talbott, Matt Hess, Vicki Orewiler, Sherry Deans, Brooke Fox, Daniel Fox, Monica Baughman, Callie Caoua, Diane Caoua
Previous Minutes: July minutes are available online. Niko motioned to approve. Deb Thurston seconded. approved
Report of Vice President(Dave Henson): Welcome
Report of Recording Secretary(Coagi Long): n/a
Board: 2015 Meeting Schedule is:
September 13(Sunday) – Lancaster
October –Delaware
November 14 – Election and General Membership Meeting
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters) : We have two new members. Michelle and Robert Bolger!
They are new to mastiffs. Please watch for them at the picnic and introduce yourself.
Report of Treasurer (Niko Hagan)
Checking: $2,976.29
Savings: $7,688.25
Paypal: $475.31
MCOA Specialty Report: We have received a check that MCOA says is a reissue of a check that did not clear written by Shannon Van Duren (MCOA Treasurer) to MCONO for $292.12. Niko contacted Shannon for clarification and was told it is our percentage of the win from the 2014 National Specialty Regional Basket competition.This check was mailed to an old member’s address. This is the second time she has mailed to the incorrect location. Niko has contacted Shannon and clarified the Treasurer address. We have also had to correct a situation with a Specialty trophy supplier that Shannon Van Duren paid twice.
MCONO Specialty Report: Please check with Mitzi and verify that your sponsorships have been paid in full. You can pay on the website.
Deb Thurston moved to approve Treasurer report, Tim Talbott seconded, approved
Report of the Commitees:
Ways and Means (Marti Linfert)- n/a
Health- (Tammy Kinkade) –Monica Baughman reported that there will be discounted health testing at the picnic – PRA, microchip, CMR, DNA, Cystinuria DNA & urine
AKC Committee-(Debbie reporting) none
Nominating Committee(Coagi Long) - 2015 Nominating Committee has nominated for the November election:
Vice President: Debbie Thurston for first term (opening up a Board position if she is elected)
Treasurer: Niko Goins for second term
Corresponding Secretary: Mitzi Walters for second term
Board: Ernie Daniels for first term
Board: Tim Talbot for first term
Board: Monica Baughman for first term
We will be taking nominations from the general membership until September 13. Please contact Coagi Long with your nomination.
Events Committee
- 2015-2016
(Sept) Northeast Ohio Mastiff picnic (Monica Baughman) –The picnic has over 85 baskets donated at this time. Goal is $25,00 this year. Majority of membership interested in Rally walk-through rather than a puppy match. Callie Caoua will lead the rally walk through and bring a rally set. We need to provide prizes for Rally.
The picnic will be doing CGC testing (but not CGC "A" or "Urban" testing). The picnic will be supplying their own trophies for the costume contest. Our club is donating a large primitive bench (found by the Hams) to the live auction.
(Nov 2015) Columbus, OH Supported entry – (Tim Talbott) We are doing Veteran/Puppy sweepstakes with judge Cindy Wegner. Danielle Dudley is heading the raffle. We need raffle items donated! The raffle drawing will be at noon if we are first in the ring. We are for Premium List to come out.
2016 MCONO Regional Specialty: Debbie Thurston (show chair) We are moving forward with holding our second Regional Specialty Friday September 9, 2016 at the Clermont County show at the Roberts Center in Wilmington, OH. We can hold a raffle Friday. We are thinking about a corn hole tournament and cook-out Friday night and something like Mastiff Olympics. We are thinking about Puppypalooza Saturday night. We will be doing a
Supported Entry 9/10/16 and 9/11/16. We will be doing Puppy and Veteran Sweepstakes and possibly Junior handling. The hotel has changed their policy to allow crating dogs overnight at the show site in the building and they have raised their charge for having dogs in the room. The ring size will be 40’x60’. They already have 15 potential specialties lined up for Friday. Debbie Thurston will be deciding on the judges soon. Dave Henson encouraged her to move fast on the judges. It was the general request that trophies be items that can be used. Niko asked for suggestions on trophies.
Public Education–Todd, Monica Baughman, Callie Caoua, Diane Caoua and Teresa Emerson on July 20 and July 27, 2015 held 2 hour sessions of Operation Read to the dog to a total of 63 kids at the Northwest Library, Dublin, OH.
New/Unfinished Business: none
Open Discussion: trophies were discussed
Adjournment: Mitzi Walters moved to adjourn, Deb Thurston seconded
Mastiff Club of Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
Saturday July 25 , 2015
Meeting Minutes
Attending: Mary & Brian Ham, Ernie & Shannon Daniels, Matt Hess, Debbie Thurston, Niko, Chad & Coagi
Long, Mitzi Walters, Dave & Linda Henson, Callie & Diane Caoua, Tim Talbott
Previous Minutes: June minutes are available online
Report of President (Chad Long):
Report of Recording Secretary(Coagi Long):
Board: 2015 tentative Meeting Schedule is:
August - Lexington
September 12 – Lancaster
October –Delaware
November 14 – Election and General Membership Meeting
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters) :
We are collecting dues for 2015-16. If you did not get an email you do not owe. If your dues are not paid by August 1 you will have to re-apply. Members with unpaid dues may not be on the nominating committee or run for office. Only a couple of people still owe dues.
Report of Treasurer (Niko Goins)
Checking: $2,476.29
Savings: $6,728.14
Paypal: $1,056.19
Petty cash: $65.00
Specialty Report: We have $ in outstanding sponsorships that have not been paid as of the end of week of the specialty. Please check and verify that your sponsorships have been paid in full.
We have just received from MCOA $960 reimbursement for Puppy Palooza and Tailgate Entries (not included).
Report of the Commitees:
Ways and Means (Marti Linfert)-
Health- (Tammy Kinkade) –
AKC Committee-(Debbie reporting) Specialty entry numbers are not included in AKC counts when they are figuring points
Nominating Committee(Coagi Long) - 2015 Nominating Committee is in progress.
Events Committee
- 2015-2016
(Sept) Northern Ohio Mastiff picnic –Majority of membership interested in Rally walk-through rather than a puppy match. Callie Caoua will lead the rally walk through and bring a rally set. The picnic will be doing CGC testing (but not CGC "A" or "Urban" testing). The picnic will be supplying their own trophies for the costume contest. Leaning toward doing an auction item, such as a bench, instead of a club basket for the 2015 picnic. Mitzi offered to paint the bench if MCONO supplies it. Mitzi motioned the max budget to be $150. C. Long seconded.
(Nov 2015) Columbus, OH Supported entry – (Tim Talbott) We are doing Veteran/Puppy sweepstakes with judge Cindy Wegner. Kim Stefanik is heading the raffle. We are waiting on approval for the sweeps percentage disbursement, but otherwise plans are moving forward. Ribbons are confirmed.
Future Regional Specialty: Debbie Thurston – No estimates yet. Working with Clermont County to maybe do a specialty in conjunction with their show at the Roberts Center in September 2016. We do not need approval from AKC to go to the Roberts Center because they previously gave us approval for our regional in 2015.
Public Education Co-ordinator –Mary Ham –Did Safety town last week with the AKC video (no dog). Todd and Monica Baughman have also been doing library visits.
New/Unfinished Business:
Open Discussion:
Adjournment: Mitzi motioned to adjourn. Coagi seconded.
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
Saturday June 27 , 2015
Meeting Minutes
Attending: Monica Baughman, Todd Baughman, Brian Ham, Mary Ham, Deborah Hatch, David Henson, Dave Kinkade, Tammy Kinkade, Chad Long, Coagi Long, Ken Parschauer, Lucy Parschauer, Robin Talbott, Tim Talbott, Debbie Thurston, Mitzi Walters
Previous Minutes: April minutes are available online
Report of President (Chad Long):
Report of Recording Secretary(Coagi Long):
Board: 2015 tentative Meeting Schedule is:
July 25 – Marion
August 1 or 8 if needed
September 12 – Lancaster
October –Delaware
November 14 – Election and General Membership Meeting
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters) :
We have 106 members at this time. Welcome new members: Ken and Brandy Zavasnik
We are collecting dues for 2015-16. If you did not get an email you do not owe.
Report of Treasurer (Niko Goins)
Balances: Checking: $6,240.28 | Savings: $1,728.13 | Paypal: $891.02 | Outstanding to deposit: $518.47 | Petty Cash: $65 plus have $100 cash to reimburse Chad from Nationals (loan for petty cash he provided). Majority of money in checking will be transferred to savings on next trip to the bank.
Specialty Report: I am very happy to report that we have such an awesome club that 100% of our trophies were sponsored for the specialty by club members!!!!
With that said we do have $1675 in outstanding sponsorships that have not been paid as of the end of week of the specialty. Please check and verify that your sponsorships have been paid in full.
Proud to announce also that our Raffle and 50/50 brought in $1595 to the club with $225 being paid to the 50/50 winner!
We have yet to collect form MCOA $960 reimbursement for Puppy Palooza and Tailgate Entries.
We also received from Foy Trent a check for $438.47 for our clubs portion of entries at the specialty.
Report of the Commitees:
Ways and Means (Marti Linfert)-
Health- (Tammy Kinkade) –
AKC Committee-(Debbie reporting)
Nominating Committee(Coagi Long) - 2015 Nominating Committee will be assembled in the next couple of weeks.
Events Committee
- 2015-2016
(Sept) Northern Ohio Mastiff picnic –Majority of membership interested in Rally walk-through rather than a puppy match. We may not be doing CGC testing. Need to think about trophies for the costume contest. Leaning toward doing an auction item instead of a club basket for the 2015 picnic.
(Nov 2015) Columbus, OH Supported entry – (Tim Talbott) We are doing Veteran/Puppy sweepstakes w judge Cindy Wegner. Kim Stefanik is heading the raffle. We are waiting on approval for the sweeps percentage disbursement, but otherwise plans are moving forward. Trophy sponsorships are due today.
National: Dave Henson –
As a result of all of the planning, hard work and dedication of our MCONO club members the 2015 National Specialty was a big success. It was a wonderful week filled with a lot fun and excitement!
This year, it all started on Monday when our club (MCONO) kicked off the week with our 1stindependent Specialty show prior to the MCOA National Specialty show which started on Tuesday. The week was filled with many events for our members, MCOA members and guest to participate in. Please know that we had MCOA members and mastiff folks from across the United States & Canada that took the time to attend our national specialty. Please know that I had many people tell me throughout the week and after the show that the 2015 Specialty was the “BEST” Specialty they ever attended…way to go MCONO!!! I know a lot of MCOA folks have took notice to our great club and how well we worked together and performed throughout the show.
I would like to say “THANK YOU” to all who took the time to serve on any one of the committees. We are group of unique individuals --people who care deeply about our wonderful breed and are willing to work very hard for our club. I’m so proud to be part of MCONO and be part of our team of volunteers. We could not have done it without everyone’s help & dedication…you individually and we collectively made the show a big success…GREAT work everyone!
Additional conversation/future suggestions: Provide paperwork online in advance for health testing. Have a photographer do candids.
Future Regional Specialty: Debbie Thurston –
No future national planned for our club at the moment, but we would like to do a regional specialty. We can do an independent regional specialty without MCOA involvement. Debbie is working with AKC. Regional specialty would be 12-16 months away. Debbie will check on whether points and large numbers from specialties affect the regional points.
Lucy/Ken Parschauer suggested considering Sawmill Creek as a potential future venue for a regional specialty.
Public Education Co-ordinator –Mary Ham –will be doing Safety Town again this year, July 14-16! Also meeting with a local 4 H group to begin helping the younger members with their dogs in August.
New/Unfinished Business:
Open Discussion:
Adjournment: Mitzi motioned to adjourn. Debbie Thurston seconded. Brian Ham third.
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
April 19, 2015
Meeting Minutes
Attending: Monica Baughman, Webb Boyles, Diane Caoua, Peggy Coffman, Gloria Cuthbert, Ernie & Shannon Daniels, Mary & Brian Ham, Deborah Hatch, Linda & Dave Henson, Cindy Hollar, Chad & Coagi Long, Marge Lutz, Ken & Lucy Parschauer, Kim Stefanik, Tim Talbot, Debbie Thurston, Mitzi Walters, Danielle Dudley
Previous Minutes: February minutes will be available online
Report of President (Chad Long): An Emergency Meeting was called for the membership to vote on the By Law revisions requested by AKC. You were sent the By Laws with the revisions highlighted in green that we voted on.
The revisions were necessary for us to become an AKC Licensed Club. The revisions were approved
Report of Recording Secretary(Coagi Long):
Board:2015 tentative Meeting Schedule is:
January – none
February 7 – Indianapolis
April 18 – Columbus (Specialty items will be collected)
April 25 – Eaton (Specialty items will be collected)
May 9 & May 16 – if needed
May 31 – Wilmington - Specialty kick off meeting and Welcome Bag stuffing
June – 7 – Wilmington – Specialty Wrap up Meeting
July 25 – Marion
August 1 or 8 if needed
September 12 – Lancaster
October – Urbana or Delaware
November 14 – Election and General Membership Meeting
Revision Voting Results:
Ballots: 24
Yes: 23
No: 1
(There was also a sentence deleted from the Bylaws because it was a repetitive statement.)
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters) :
We have 104 members at this time. Welcome new members: Ron and Kelly Banks, Lisa Gynn, Ron and Gerry Banks, R.R. and Bev Ward, Casey Hatter, Dana Vingin, Tina Clement, Linda Henson
Report of Treasurer (Niko Goins)
Balances: Checking $577.36, Savings $4,631.06, Paypal $361.85, Petty Cash $35
Report of the Commitees:
Ways and Means (Marti Linfert)- the “BE THERE” tshirts were removed from the store website because we could not get dependable service from supplier
Health- (Tammy Kinkade) – Schedule for Specialty needs to be set up
AKC Committee-(Mitzi reporting) We are now a licensed AKC Specialty Mastiff club!
Nominating Committee - 2014 Nominating Committee Report
We had four really impressive candidates for Board and the voting was very close! We had 93 members in our club with 6 being ineligible to vote because they are juniors at the time of the election. We had 87 possible voting members. We had 80 ballots submitted! ……. 92% of our active membership vote! That is very impressive.
The new 2014-16 MCONO Board members are Debbie Thurston and Mary Ham
We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to Gloria Cuthbert and Tammy Kinkade for their time and energy on the Board.
Events Committee
- 2014
(Nov) Specialty A Match at Columbus, OH show Saturday night Thank you everyone who helped!
(June) Regional Basket Competition for 2015 Specialty – Niko and Matt Hess suggested the theme “Big Dog Daddy” and Debbie Thurston is in charge of collecting items and putting it together
(Sept) Northern Ohio Mastiff picnic – what do we want to do this year?
Majority of membership interested in Rally walk-through rather than a puppy match. Mary Ham offered to do CGC as well.
(Nov 2015) Columbus, OH Supported entry – We are going to try to bring Sweeps back again with veterans
2015 Specialty – Show Chairs –
National: Dave Henson and Gloria Cuthbert – May 1st is the specialty registration deadline; May 16th is the show entry deadline
Regional: Debbie Thurston – Dogs showing in the Monday regional specialty will receive AKC points.
Regional baskets: There will only be 3 regional baskets. We need items for our “Big Dog Daddy.” Please provide items to Debbie ASAP.
Mary Ham: Mary is working on welcome bags. She must have all welcome bag items by May 22nd. She will be stuffing welcome bags on Sunday, May 31st. 350 welcome bags will be prepared. She welcomes assistance with stuffing.
Chad Long: Asked the membership if there was interest in having live music after the banquet. Majority in favor.
Public Education Co-ordinator –Mary Ham –will be doing Safety Town again this year! also are meeting with a local 4 H group to begin helping the younger members with their dogs.
New/Unfinished Business:
Open Discussion:
Adjournment: Gloria Cuthbert motioned to adjourn. Mitzi Walters seconded. Dave Henson third.
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
Feb 19, 2015
(Emergency) Meeting Minutes
Attending: Chad Long, Lois Francino, Mike Verbridge, Kelly Verbridge, Marge Lutz, Linda Henson, Teresa Long, Carl Long, Dave Kinkade, Tammy Kinkade, Todd Baughman, Monica Baughman, Casey Hatter, Niko Goins, Matt Hess, Garil Marschak, Jeff Thurston, Debbie Thurston, Deanna Kneeland, Mitzi Walters, Coagi Long, Dave Henson, Webb Boyles, Gloria Cuthbert (quorum)
Previous Minutes: February minutes will be available online
Report of President (Chad Long): This Emergency Meeting was called for the membership to vote on the By Law revisions requested by AKC. You were sent the By Laws with the revisions highlighted in green that we are voting on.
You will either vote YES , you approve the revisions or NO you do not approve.
Report of Recording Secretary(Coagi Long):
2015 tentative Meeting Schedule is:
January – none
February 7
March 14
April 18 and/or April 25
May 9 and May 16
May 31
June 7
July 25
August 1 or 8
September 12
October 24
November 14 – Election and General Membership Meeting
Report of the Corresponding Secretary
Welcome to our newest member Linda Henson!
Adjourned by Debbie Thurston, seconded by Mitzi Walters
Voting Results:
Ballots: 24
Yes: 23
No: 1
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
Feb 7, 2015
Meeting Agenda
Previous Minutes: December minutes approved and on website
Report of President (Chad Long):
Report of Recording Secretary(Coagi Long):
Board:2015 tentative Meeting Schedule is:
January – none
February 7 – Indianapolis
March 14 – Louisville
April 18 – Columbus
April 25 – Eaton (if needed)
May 9 & May 16 – if needed
May 31 – Wilmington - Specialty kick off meeting and Welcome Bag stuffing
June – 7 – Wilmington – Specialty Wrap up Meeting
July 25 – Marion
August 1 or 8 if needed
September 12 – Lancaster
October – Urbana or Delaware
November 14 – Election and General Membership Meeting
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters) :
We have 102 members at this time. Welcome new members: Ron and Kelly Banks, Lisa Gynn, Ron and Gerry Banks, R.R. and Bev Ward, Casey Hatter, Dana Vingin
Report of Treasurer (Niko Goins) Final report for 2014
Report of the Commitees:
Ways and Means (Marti Linfert)- no report
Health- (Tammy Kinkade) – no report
AKC Committee-(Mitzi reporting) We
Nominating Committee - 2014 Nominating Committee Report
We had four really impressive candidates for Board and the voting was very close! We had 93 members in our club with 6 being ineligible to vote because they are juniors at the time of the election. We had 87 possible voting members. We had 80 ballots submitted! ……. 92% of our active membership vote! That is very impressive.
The new 2014-16 MCONO Board members are Debbie Thurston and Mary Ham
We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to Gloria Cuthbert and Tammy Kinkade for their time and energy on the Board.
Events Committee
- 2014
(Nov) Specialty A Match at Columbus, OH show Saturday night Thank you everyone who helped!
Judge – Bill Martin

Show Secretary – Debbie Thurston
Ring Stewards – Liz Simon, Dave Henson

Prize table – Niko Goins,Matt Hess
Antibacterial, judge water, paper towels – Debbie Thurston
Set up –Debbie Thurston, Dave Henson, Niko Goins, Ernie Daniels, Gloria Cuthbert,Danielle Wisneiski, Matt Hess, Mary Ham, Liz Simon
Clean Up (brooms, trash bags)- Debbie Thurston, Dave Henson,
Judge gift- gift certificate – Mitzi
Prize/Ribbons – Debbie Thurston (ribbons ordered) Debbie / Niko prizes
(June) Regional Basket Competition for 2015 Specialty – Niko and Matt Hess offered to be in charge and suggested the theme “Big Dog Daddy”
(Sept) Northern Ohio Mastiff picnic – what do we want to do this year?
(Nov 2015) Columbus, OH Supported entry – We are going to try to bring Sweeps back again with veterans
2015 Specialty – Show Chairs – National: Dave Henson and Gloria Cuthbert Regional: Debbie Thurston
Public Education Co-ordinator –Mary Ham – plans for 2015
New/Unfinished Business:
Open Discussion:
Adjournment:Motion Dave Henson, second Chad Long