Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
Saturday, April 21, 2018
April Meeting Minutes
Attending: Webb Boyles, Dave Henson, Linda Henson, Debbie Thurston, Dan Fox, Brooke Fox, Shari Semelroth, Conner Semelroth, Mitzi Walters, Chad Long, Coagi Long, Angela Dineen, Monica Baughman, Todd Baughman, Diane Caoua, Melissa Holcomb, Kim Stefanik, Niko Hagan, Sherry Deans, Vicki Orewiler,
Previous Minutes: November 2017 minutes are available on the website
Report of President (Dave Henson): Effective January 1, 2018, MCONO has new Board Members and Officers transitioning into new positions. They are:
Corresponding Secretary – Kay Stivason
Treasurer – Shannon Daniels
Board Positions – Kim Stefanik and Angela Dineen
Report of Recording Secretary (Monica Baughman):
2018 Meeting Schedule
January - no meeting
February - no meeting
March – no meeting
April - Columbus
May - Bucks
June - Lima
July – Marion
August – no meeting
September - Lancaster
October – Urbana
November - Columbus (election)
December - no meeting
Recent Board votes:
Board approved the 2018 meeting dates
Board approved a $150 donation to MMF in support of their expense for the 2018 National Specialty.
Board approved ribbon and trophy budget for the November 2018 Designated Specialty and Sweepstakes
Board approved continuing to receive the New Titles List from AKC monthly during 2018
Board approved MBF expense for April 2018 Independent Specialty ($650 minimum)
Board approved insurance expense as required by MBF for April 2018 Independent Specialty ($175)
Board approved all Treasury and banking records be updated to reflect current member(s)
Board approved any Mastiff owned by the Show Chair can be shown (by someone else) in all MCONO events
Board approved donating half of sales from the April 2018 Independent Specialty raffle sales to Shannon Daniels in memory of longtime club member Ernie Daniels. $1,300 donation was sent to Shannon after the show.
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Kay Stivason):
We have three new members. Steve and Abigail Caffee from Custer, KY and Melissa Holcomb from Groveport, OH. Melissa also attended the meeting. Welcome all!
Report of Treasurer (Shannon Daniels):
Balances as of 4/11/2018
Checking: $1,186.93 Savings: $5,068.47 PayPal: $490.57
$1,331 due in outstanding sponsorship commitments.
Sponsors, please check with Treasurer Shannon to check any amount you may have due.
AKC Rep Report (Debbie Thurston):
Achiever Dog Program
The American Kennel Club is pleased to announce the launch of its new Achiever Dog certificate program. The AKC Achiever Dog certificate program is designed to recognize those exhibitors and dogs who participate in multiple sports. A dog will receive an AKC Achiever Dog certificate when they have been awarded a placement or earned a qualifying score in three different sports. Dogs can start earning AKC Achiever Dog certificates December 1, 2017.
AKC is launching the Achiever Dog as a pilot program. At the end of one year, all owners who have received a certificate will be surveyed to determine the success of the program. Opportunities for improvement will be identified and could lead to a more refined program which recognizes these versatile dogs.
Report of the Committees:
Title Recognition Committee: (Brian Ham, Debbie Thurston, Niko Hagan)
Action Item: Club approved the suggested change the new title award from drool towels to luggage tags
CH Deez Amazin Grace CA CGC
Aura Niko Hagan
Glacier's Tuscany In The Heart Of It All RI CGC TKI
Danielle Dudley/Dean Reaser
March 2018 NEW TITLES
CH Green Meadow's Daggers Of Darkness At Nottinghill
Pam Bartlett/Jane M Mitchell
CH Hickory Creek's First Dark Hunter Acheron
Monica Baughman/Todd Baughman
GCH CH Goldleaf's She's Unsinkable
Jann Lanz/Joanne Brazeau/Carrie Nolin/Maria Ruoto
CH Northernpaws Samantha
Matthew Augsburger
CH Weiler's Peacemaker BN RN CGCA CGCU TKA
Mrs. Amber Nicole Weiler
Weiler's Lovely Laydee Liberty CGCA CGCU TKN
Mrs. Amber Nicole Weiler
CH Weiler's Peacemaker BN RN CGCA CGCU TKA
Mrs. Amber Nicole Weiler
CH Weiler's Peacemaker BN RN CGCA CGCU TKA
Mrs. Amber Nicole Weiler
GCH CH Deez Guardian Of The Gate Druzilla CA CGC
Aura Niko Hagan
CH Caledonia's Simply Irresistible Rockette
Linda Henson/David Henson/Chad Long/Coagi Long
GCH CH Goldleaf's She's Unsinkable
Jann Lanz/Joanne Brazeau/Carrie Nolin/Maria Ruoto
Events Committee – (Debbie/Mitzi)
2018 Independent and Designated Specialty (Debbie Thurston) Show Chair Report
This is our weekend for an Independent Specialty, Sweepstakes, Junior Showmanship, Supported Entry, and Raffle/Auction. After this weekend is over with, I would like feedback on how this specialty weekend compares to our prior Specialties. Please send feedback to Kay.
On November 18, 2018, in Columbus, we will be working again with COKC to hold a Designated Specialty with Sweepstakes and a Raffle/Action. Action item: Unanimously approved the November 2018 Designated Specialty be held in honor of Ernie Daniels.
There is a Puppy Match that will be held later today, offered by Central Ohio Kennel Club.
Future Show Chair – need volunteers to be Show Chair for future MCONO events. Send an e-mail to Kay advising of your interest.
Public Education (Mary Ham):
On January 22, 2018, 10 dogs (mostly mastiffs) and their humans visited Worthington Libraries’ Northwest location for Paws to Read. 62 people attended, many reading a story or two to the dogs. We received a “thank you” note from the library, recognizing the wonderful experience our crew provided the young readers. Thanks to Angela Dineen, Steve Wisnieski, Diane Caoua, Monica & Todd Baughman and several other central Ohio mastiff friends who brought the furry crew. The club was also recognized in This Week Community News:
Adjournment: (Dan/Webb)
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
Saturday, September 15, 2018
September Meeting Minutes
Attending: Dave Henson, Dan Fox, Brooke Fox, Diane Caoua, Debbie Thurston, Vicki Orewiler, Brian Ham, Sherry Deans, Cindy Hollar, Angela Dineen, Matt Hess, Mitzi Walters, Tim Talbott, Danielle Dudley, Melissa Holcomb
Previous Minutes: Debbie Thurston motioned to approve, Dan Fox seconded, July 2018 minutes were approved
Report of President (Dave Henson): Encouraged us to continue the positive energy of the club
Report of Recording Secretary (Monica Baughman):
2018 Meeting Schedule
January - no meeting
February - no meeting
March – no meeting
April - Columbus
May – Bucks-no meeting held
June - Lima
July – Marion
August – no meeting
September - Lancaster
October – Urbana(to be confirmed)
November - Columbus (election)
December - no meeting
Recent Board votes:
Board approved ribbon and trophy budget for the November 2018 Designated Specialty and Sweepstakes
Board approved continuing to receive the New Titles List from AKC monthly during 2018
Board approved all Treasury and banking records be updated to reflect current member(s)
Board approved any Mastiff owned by the Show Chair can be shown (by someone else) in all MCONO events
Board approved donating half of sales from the April 2018 Independent Specialty raffle sales to Shannon Daniels in memory of longtime club member Ernie Daniels. $1,300 donation was sent to Shannon after the show.
Board approved the November 2018 Designated Specialty to be held in memory of Ernie Daniels.
Board approved $200 expense for the MBF required event insurance for the April 2019 Independent Specialty and Sweepstakes.
Board approved MBF expense as the superintendent for the April 2019 Independent Specialty
The Board approved $700 in ribbon expenses for the April 2019 Independent Specialty ribbons and $300 for the Sweepstakes ribbons.
Board approved $700 in ribbon expenses for November 2019 Designated Specialty ribbons and $300 for November Sweepstakes ribbons.
The Board approved $125 in judging expenses for the April 2019 Independent Specialty
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Kay Stivason):
No new member information to report.
Nominating Committee (Kay Stivason):
The 2018 MCONO nomination committee has nominated the following candidates for open positions during the 2019-2020 term:
President: Matt Hess
Recording Secretary: Mitzi Walters
Board Member: Shari Semelroth
Board Member: Dan Fox
Additional nominations may be made in writing before October 13th, 2018. Written nominations may be sent via email to the Corresponding Secretary at, or mailed to: Kay Stivason, 195 Dill Road, Kittanning, PA 16201.
Additional nominations may also be made in person at the October 13th Urbana meeting by any member in attendance, provided that the person so nominated does not decline when their name is proposed, and provided further that if the proposed candidate is not in attendance at this meeting, the proposer shall present to the Secretary a written statement from the proposed candidate signifying willingness to be a candidate. No person may be a candidate for more than one position. Candidates must be in good standing, with all trophy and dues payments current.
Report of Treasurer (Shannon Daniels):
Balances as of 9/8/2018
Checking: $ 3165.97 Savings: $5068.67 PayPal: $1892.69
AKC Rep Report (Debbie Thurston): None to report.
Report of the Committees:
Health: no report
Title Recognition Committee: no report
Events Committee:
Nov 2018
November 2018 Designated Specialty (Debbie Thurston) Show Chair Report
On November 18, 2018, we will be working again with COKC to hold a Designated Specialty with Sweepstakes, and a Raffle/Auction. This is in Columbus on a Sunday. AKC paperwork has been submitted and approved.
Peter Gaeta will be judging our Designated Specialty. Tim Talbott will be judging Sweepstakes (Junior/Veteran).
Please bring raffle items to Mitzi for November if you are unable to attend
There are some trophy sponsorship opportunities available. Please contact Mitzi if you would like to help sponsor a trophy.
COKC declined our request to allow a scent work demo during our November Designated Specialty.
April 2019
During the June meeting feedback was obtained on Columbus versus Wilmington Specialty locations.
Board Members and Officers have chosen the Columbus, Ohio location for our 2019 Independent Specialty, Designated Specialty, Sweepstakes, and Supported Entry.
There are plans to hold a scent work demo at our April 2019 Independent Specialty.
Trophies for the April Specialty and Sweepstakes will be items suggested by Carrie Klaiber.
Public Education (Mary Ham):
The Dan Emmett Kennel Club is hosting a seminar in October, given by Myra Harris Savant. It is a Reproduction & Puppy Intensive Care Seminar, which will be held in Columbus, OH. Mary will have flyers to pass out to people with that information.
Worthington Libraries would like to host another Paws to Read to event in this winter. Would MCONO be interested in cosponsoring again? If so, would the participating members prefer week nights (6:30 or 7 p.m.) to a daytime on a weekend?
Members expressed strong interest in doing this again and every year. They preferred the early evening time (6:30pm)
New Business:
Reminder that the Mastiff picnic is September 22nd
Paperwork has been submitted to AKC so MCONO can be approved to hold AKC Scent Work Trials.
Adjournment: Dan Fox motioned to adjourn and Angela Dineen seconded
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
Saturday, October 13, 2018
October Meeting Minutes
Attending: Brooke Fox, Dan Fox, Kim Stefanik, Debbie Thurston, Kay Stivason, Mike Stivason, Coagi Long, Chad Long, Monica Baughman
Previous Minutes: August 2018 minutes are available on the website. September 2018 minutes approved (Dan/Chad).
Report of President (Dave Henson): No report
Report of Recording Secretary (Monica Baughman):
2018 Meeting Schedule
January - no meeting
February - no meeting
March – no meeting
April - Columbus
May – Bucks-no meeting held
June - Lima
July – Marion
August – no meeting
September - Lancaster
October – Urbana
November - Columbus (election)
December - no meeting
Recent Board votes:
Board approved ribbon and trophy budget for the November 2018 Designated Specialty and Sweepstakes
Board approved continuing to receive the New Titles List from AKC monthly during 2018
Board approved all Treasury and banking records be updated to reflect current member(s)
Board approved any Mastiff owned by the Show Chair can be shown (by someone else) in all MCONO events
Board approved donating half of sales from the April 2018 Independent Specialty raffle sales to Shannon Daniels in memory of longtime club member Ernie Daniels. $1,300 donation was sent to Shannon after the show.
Board approved the November 2018 Designated Specialty to be held in memory of Ernie Daniels.
Board approved silent member for the purpose of scent work members (Marion meeting)
Board approved $200 expense for the MBF required event insurance for the April 2019 Independent Specialty and Sweepstakes.
Board approved MBF expense as the superintendent for the April 2019 Independent Specialty
The Board approved $700 in ribbon expenses for the April 2019 Independent Specialty ribbons and $300 for the Sweepstakes ribbons.
Board approved $700 in ribbon expenses for November 2019 Designated Specialty ribbons and $300 for November Sweepstakes ribbons.
The Board approved $125 in judging expenses for the April 2019 Independent Specialty
Board approved budget for April 2019 trophies
Board members chose Columbus as the location for our specialties for 2019
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Kay Stivason):
New Member Information: New members: Allison Rose, Louis Decatro, Laura Langsdole and Colleen Hayner
Nominating Committee (Kay Stivason):
The 2018 MCONO nomination committee has nominated the following candidates for open positions during the 2019-2020 term:
President: Matt Hess
Recording Secretary: Mitzi Walters
Board Member: Shari Semelroth
Board Member: Dan Fox
Additional nominations may be made in writing before October 13th, 2018. Written nominations may be sent via email to the Corresponding Secretary at, or mailed to: Kay Stivason, 195 Dill Road, Kittanning, PA 16201.
Additional nominations may also be made in person at the October 13th Urbana meeting by any member in attendance, provided that the person so nominated does not decline when their name is proposed, and provided further that if the proposed candidate is not in attendance at this meeting, the proposer shall present to the Secretary a written statement from the proposed candidate signifying willingness to be a candidate. No person may be a candidate for more than one position. Candidates must be in good standing, with all trophy and dues payments current.
No additional nominations received.
Report of Treasurer (Shannon Daniels): Balances as of 10/10/2018
Checking: $ 1,130.45* Savings: $5,068.71 PayPal: $2,047.95
*Most of trophies for April 2019 Independent Specialty, Sweepstakes, and Supported Entry have been paid for.
AKC Rep Report (Debbie Thurston): None to report.
Report of the Committees:
Health: None to report
Title Recognition Committee:
August 2018 New Titles
GCHB CH Mountainview's I Put A Spell On You FDC CGCA
Katherine Stivason/Michael Stivason
CH Deez The Legend Of Judgement Lives In Zion
Aura Niko Hagan
CH Hess' Country Alway's On My Mind
Matt Hess
CH Kharismas Blondes Have More Fun
Karen Pettry/Alex Pettry
CH Lamars Morningstar
Mrs. Margo Lauritsen/Eric Lauritsen
GCHB CH Lamars You Are In My Heart Jj
Mrs. Margo Lauritsen/Eric Lauritsen
GCH CH Green Meadow's Daggers Of Darkness At Nottinghill
Pam Bartlett/Jane M Mitchell
CH Hess' Country I Saw The Light
Matt Hess
Weiler's Wisdom Of Ages CGC
Mrs. Amber Nicole Weiler
July 2018 New Titles
CH Legends While Alive Celebrate At Rebarn CGC
Mary Ham/Brian W Ham
Hess' Country Strikes Gold CGCA
Matt Hess
GCH CH Bittersweet's Pearls Are Always Appropriate CA
Angela Dinneen
GCH CH Bittersweet's Pearls Are Always Appropriate CA
Angela Dinneen
GCH CH Audley & Coopers Color My World
Becky Cooper
CH Beowulfs Blonde Bombshell At Dream Weaver
Ms. Gail Marschak
CH Leodess' Broadsided
Lisa L Gynn/Greg M Crusciel
GCH CH Green Meadow's Fangs Of Fury
Pam Bartlett/Jane M Mitchell
GCHB CH Redbarns We Can Build What We Want CGCA CGCU TKN
Mr. Brian Ham/Mrs. Mary Ham
Kada Hill's King of the Road CGCA TKI
Missy Cadwell/Kim Stefanik
Nightstalker Crimson Phyre RN CGC TKN
Ms. Danielle Dudley/Mr. Dean Reaser
CH Legends While Alive Celebrate At Rebarn CGC
Mary Ham/Brian W Ham
Events Committee:
November 2018 Designated Specialty (Debbie Thurston) Show Chair Report
On November 18, 2018, we will be working again with COKC to hold a Designated Specialty with Sweepstakes, and a Raffle/Auction. This is in Columbus on a Sunday. AKC paperwork has been submitted and approved.
Peter Gaeta will be judging our Designated Specialty. Tim Talbott will be judging Sweepstakes (Junior/Veteran). Raffle on Sunday.
There are plans to hold a scent work demo at our April 2019 Independent Specialty.
Paperwork has been submitted to AKC so MCONO can be approved to hold AKC Scent Work Trials. (mailed 8/23/2018)
There are still many trophy sponsorship opportunities available. Solicited input from handlers to create a wish list for trophy ideas. List for April 2019 trophies coming soon.
Please contact Mitzi if you would like to help sponsor a trophy.
Public Education (Mary Ham): Monica is working on date options for a spring Paws to Read event at Worthington Libraries.
New Business:
Adjournment: Monica/Chad
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
Saturday, November 17, 2018
November Meeting MInutes
Attending: Kay Stivason, Candi Thore, Matt Hess, Dan Fox, Brooke Fox, Coagi Long, Chad Long, Linda Henson, Dave Henson, Diane Caoua, Melissa Holcomb, Mitzi Walters, Alison Rose, Mark Tichenor, Shari Semelroth, Debbie Thurston, Bev Ward, PR Ward, Todd Baughman, Monica Baughman, Conner Semleroth, Gail Marschak, Marla, Niko, Carrie Klaiber, Kelly Verbridge, Phil Azzaretto, Lexi Azzaretto, Brian Semelroth, Holly Scott, Liz Simon, Webb Boyles
Previous Minutes: October 2018 minutes are available on the website and were approved.
Report of President (Dave Henson):
Report of Recording Secretary (Monica Baughman):
2018 Meeting Schedule
January - no meeting
February - no meeting
March – no meeting
April - Columbus
May – Bucks-no meeting held
June - Lima
July – Marion
August – no meeting
September - Lancaster
October – Urbana
November - Columbus (election)
December - no meeting
Recent Board votes:
Board approved silent member for the purpose of scent work members (Marion meeting)
Board approved $200 expense for the MBF required event insurance for the April 2019 Independent Specialty and Sweepstakes.
Board approved MBF expense as the superintendent for the April 2019 Independent Specialty
The Board approved $700 in ribbon expenses for the April 2019 Independent Specialty ribbons and $300 for the Sweepstakes ribbons.
Board approved $700 in ribbon expenses for November 2019 Designated Specialty ribbons and $300 for November Sweepstakes ribbons.
The Board approved $125 in judging expenses for the April 2019 Independent Specialty
Board approved budget for April 2019 trophies
Board members chose Columbus as the location for our specialties for 2019
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Kay Stivason):
New Member Information: No new members information to report.
Nominating Committee (Kay Stivason):
The 2018 MCONO nomination committee has nominated the following candidates for open positions during the 2019-2020 term:
President: Matt Hess
Recording Secretary: Mitzi Walters
Board Member: Shari Semelroth
Board Member: Dan Fox
No additional nominations were received.
Report of Treasurer (Shannon Daniels): Balances as of 10/10/2018
Checking: $ 1,555.45 Savings: $5,068.75 PayPal: $2,873.85
AKC Rep Report (Debbie Thurston): no report
Report of the Committees:
Health: Monica mentioned the Wisdom Panel DNA testing report available through Optimal Selection that can be submitted OFA. $130 for the test kit and covers CMR, PRA, DM, cystinuria, vWD, etc.
Title Recognition Committee:
August 2018 New Titles
GCHB CH Mountainview's I Put A Spell On You FDC CGCA
Katherine Stivason/Michael Stivason
CH Deez The Legend Of Judgement Lives In Zion
Aura Niko Hagan
CH Hess' Country Alway's On My Mind
Matt Hess
CH Kharismas Blondes Have More Fun
Karen Pettry/Alex Pettry
CH Lamars Morningstar
Mrs. Margo Lauritsen/Eric Lauritsen
GCHB CH Lamars You Are In My Heart Jj
Mrs. Margo Lauritsen/Eric Lauritsen
GCH CH Green Meadow's Daggers Of Darkness At Nottinghill
Pam Bartlett/Jane M Mitchell
CH Hess' Country I Saw The Light
Matt Hess
Weiler's Wisdom Of Ages CGC
Mrs. Amber Nicole Weiler
Events Committee:
There are plans to hold a scent work demo at our April 2019 Independent Specialty.
Paperwork has been submitted to AKC so MCONO can be approved to hold AKC Scent Work Trials. (mailed 8/23/2018)
There are still many trophy sponsorship opportunities available. Please contact Mitzi if you would like to help sponsor a trophy.
Public Education (Monica Baughman):
Worthington Libraries has invited MCONO to partner again on Paws to Read events at the Northwest Library and Old Worthington Library in the spring. Monica Baughman will share the dates as soon as they are proposed.
Adjournment: Moved by Debbie, Seconded by Niko