2009 Meeting Minutes
09-02 February 2009 Board Meeting Minutes
February meeting minutes - Feb. 8, 2009 10:00 pm - electronic
Present -
Mike Stivason,
Sherry Deans,
Teresa Emerson,
Tara Smith,
Martha Hartley,
Mitzi Walters present.
Mike McBee is having technical difficulties and will join as soon as is possible.
President Mike Stivason called the meeting to order.Mike S. welcomed everyone to our first online meeting,
Teresa Emerson gave Treasurer's report - $259.56 in checking & $25.00 in savings
Teresa also gave Membership report - 5 new members
Mike Stivason also has 2 members who would like to join.
New Business -
1) Tara is working on getting a response from MCOA for their requirements to be recognized as a club. Martha Hartley has offered to assist her.
Tara has contacted AKC to find out how we get recognized and accredited and has found the following:
-we need to focus on establishing upcoming events for the next calendar year
-we need to schedule at least 1 fun match
-after we have one we can submit our request for accreditation
-then we can move on to becoming sanctioned and licensed and we can hold "B" type matches
-so I believe our next step should be to establish a committee for Fun Match
b09-02-01 Motion was made by Mitzi to form an AKC Committee...Motion was seconded by Mike Stivason. Motion passed.
b09-02-02 Motion was made by Mitzi that Tara Smith head this committee. Motion was seconded by Sherry Deans. Motion passed.
b09-02-03 2) Motion was made by Mitzi that we form a Heath Committee. Tara Smith seconded. Motion passed.
b09-02-04 Motion was made by Teresa Emerson that Martha Hartley head the Health Committee. Motion seconded by Mitzi. Motion passed.
b09-02-05 3) Motion was made by Sherry Deans that we form a Social Committee with Marti Linfert as head. Motion seconded by Tara Smith. Motion passed.
4) Motion was made by Sherry Deans to set a time for all future meetings. This being the first Sunday night of each month at 10 pm. Motion was tabled until Mike McBee can vote. Mike McBee is to be notified by email.
Unfinished Business
1) Mitzi requested that we change Article II Section 3 in the ByLaws which says that we are supposed to vote on all new members which we are not doing. Mitzi proposed that we remove this sentence from the ByLaws. It was decided that we will vote on this at the next general meeting
Sherry Deans seconded. We agreed that we will vote on this.
2) Tara clarified about the cystinuria testing that she was collecting at the Indianapolis show.
b09-02-06 3) Mike Stivason motioned and It was decided that the AKC Committee would be combined with the Fun Match Committee and Mike Stivason volunteered Kay Stivason to co-chair with Tara Smith. Martha Hartley seconded. Motion passed.
b09-02-07 4) Mitzi motioned that Activities Committee and Social Committee be combined with Marti Linfert as head.Mike Stivason seconded. Motion passed.
b09-02-08 5) Sherry Deans motioned that Mitzi Walters be in charge of the website. Tara Smith seconded. Motion passed.
6) Tara Smith offered to do the newsletter.
7) Sherry Deans motioned that we do a basket for the Specialty. Tara Smith is going to check on this. Motion was tabled.
8) Teresa noted that the website is on her personal Homestead account and it was a one time $5.00 fee to add it and the domain name is $2.00 a month. Until we have more members, she's going to donate the fee.
b09-02-09 9) Motion was made by Mitzi that all new members up to this date be approved. Motion was seconded by Tara Smith.
Motion was passed.
b09-02-10 10) Sherry Deans made a motion to have the health committe put together a proposal to add health testing to the code of ethics. Martha requested Mitzi Walters and Sherry Deans and Teresa Emerson be on this committee.Mike said that his wife, Kay, and Tara also offered to help. Tara Smith seconded. Martha will put together a proposal for the next meeting.
Sherry Deans moved that the meeting was adjourned. Teresa Emerson seconded. Mike McBee was not able to attend, but was sent a word-for-word copy of the minutes.
The next OVMC Board meeting will be Sunday, March 1st.
09-03 March 2009 Board Meeting Minutes
Board meeting minutes- March 1, 2009 10:00 pm. - electronic
President Mike Stivason called the meeting to order.
Board members present-
Mike Stivason,
Sherry Deans,
Tara Smith,
Teresa Emerson,
Martha Hartley,
Mitzi Walters
Mike McBee.
Mike Stivason welcomed everyone to the meeting. No reports from the President or Vice President.
b09-03-01 Mike moved to have the minutes for the Feb. Meeting 2009, which was posted on the website in the second edition news letter, to be correct. All members present were in agreeance.
Secretary’s report:
Tara Smith discussed MCOA acknowledgement that was received and will be addressed to the specifics later in the meeting.
Treasures Report:
Teresa Emerson reported that there is $329.56 in checking $25.00 in savings
No expenses at this time. There were 3 new members in February.
AKC committee report- Tara Smith
Tara reports that she is in contact AKC in regards accreditation with AKC. We are waiting to see if the AKC has any other regional mastiff clubs in our geographic region listed with them for accreditation.
News from the health committee- Martha Hartley
The health committee consisting of Martha Hartley, Teresa Emerson, Sherry Deans and Mitzi Walters.
Martha reports that their first committee was held on Tuesday, Feb 24th, 2009 to discuss our proposal of adding health testing to our COE. They also discussed litter announcement requirements for the OVMC website. They decided that these are two separate issues and should be treated as such in separate proposals:
Proposal I:
The health committee would like to propose to change code of ethics item #6 which currently states: if I breed my dogs, I will consider only the betterment of the breed when breeding a bitch or allowing a breeding with my stud dog, being conscientious of controlling and eliminating inherited problems. A breeder and stud dog owner shall plan each breeding with the paramount intention of protecting the breed, and only when the parties involved agree the breeder is in a position and has the knowledge to give proper care to both the bitch and offspring.
Change to read: if I breed my dogs, I will consider only the betterment of the breed when breeding a bitch or allowing a breeding with my stud dog, using available health testing as a tool to help control and eliminate inherited problems. A breeder and stud dog owner shall plan each breeding with the paramount intention of protecting the breed, and only when the parties involved agree the breeder is in a position and has the knowledge to give proper care to both the bitch and offspring.
b09-03-02 Motion for approval of Proposal I was made by Mitzi Walters. Sherry Deans seconds the motion. Motion passed. Change for the COE will be addressed in the next general meeting on April 19th 2009.
Proposal II:
The health committee would like to propose that only litters of health tested parents will be listed on the clubs website litter announcement page (whelping box). Health testing needs to include, but is not limited to:
Hips (ofa or pennhip accepted)
OFA Heart (Cardiologist or Practitioner)
PRA (certified or parentage accepted)
CERF (certified every two years)
Cystinuria (tested yearly)
b09-03-03 This proposal did not pass and was motioned to be tabled and discussed in more detail at next meeting. All members agreed.
Old Business:
Cystinuria testing clinic organized by Tara Smith
On Feb. 16, 2009 we collected 11 samples sent them in to UPenn; all 11 of our mastiffs passed the cystinuria screening test
Unfinished business :
b09-03-04 1) Tara Smith motioned to have monthly board of director meeting scheduled for the 1st Sunday of every month at 10 pm. Mike Stivason second. All members agree.
2) Tara Smith motioned to have a committee formed to design the raffle basket for the MCOA National Mastiff Specialty for 2009 raffle. No vote was taken.
New business:
1) MCOA affiliation requirements were reported by Tara Smith.
*Current membership roster
*Current COE
*By-Laws and Constitution
*All Meeting Minutes
*Club Biography
*Board of Directors list along with contact information.
Required information will be submitted to MCOA by Tara Smith upon completion.
2) We will need to apply for a Tax Exempt number. Teresa will be checking into the process and steps associated with this.
General Club Meeting will be scheduled for April 19th, 2009 after the show in Columbus, OH. We also discussed holding an online general meeting for voting purposes. It will be discussed at the next BOD meeting with a process and procedure proposal.
b09-03-05 3) Mike McBee motioned to have the Yahoo email list dropped. Mitzi seconds motion. It is passed that Yahoo email list will be dropped.
4) Teresa Emerson reported on her recent involvement with GLMR (Great Lakes Mastiff Rescue). She became the Ohio Family Profile Coordinator for the GLMR a couple of weeks ago and did her first evaluation and pull and transport this past weekend.
There were no comments by other members at this time.
Mike Stivason adjourned the meeting.
09-04 April Minutes
Location: State Fairgrounds, Columbus, Ohio
Roll Call
Mike Stevenson - President - present
Mike McBee - absent
Teresa Emerson - Treasurer (Acting Secretary) - present
Mitzi Walters - Board Member - present
Martha Hartley - Board Member - present
Tara Smith - absent
In attendance:
Gary Anderson - Member
Laura Anderson - Member
Karen McBee - Member
Don Linfert - Member
Marti Linfert - Member
Lois Franchino - Member
Erinn Hadley - Member
Meeting was opened by President Stivason welcoming everyone and saying it was great to meet the people who he didn’t know.
Secretary Report - absent (Mitzi) Minutes were received by everyone with the exception of Mike McBee. Mitzi Walters asked Karen McBee to have Mike call her so they could try to determine why he didn’t receive them.
Secretary Tara Smith was unable to attend but is still working with AKC regarding getting the Club sanctioned. The Club must first be approved through MCOA. Tara will be asked on AKC findings.There will be no raffle basket for the Specialty due to the Club not being recognized at this time.
Treasurer Teresa Emerson reported a balance of $329.56 in the checking account and $25.00 in the savings account.
Erinn Hadley is our newest member.
New Business
1) Teresa also had the Tax Exempt Form with her. Mike Stivason will get with Kay (his wife) as she has had experience with this. It was also brought to our attention that we may want to wait on completing the Form until the Club becomes sanctioned.
g09-04-01 2) A vote was taken on the change to the By-Laws regarding new members being voted on by Club members. The wording will be as follows:
It shall be voted upon and affirmative votes by 75 per cent
of the Board Members present and voting shall be required to
elect the applicant (to membership).
All those in attendance voted “affirmative” to the above proposed change.
g09-04-02 3) A vote was taken on the change to the Whelping Page health testing requirements. The wording will be as follows:
Health testing needs to include, but is not limited to:

Hips (OFA or PennHip or prelim)

Elbows (OFA)

PRA (DNA or parentage accepted)


CMR if Cerf indicates that it is needed
There were 9 “affirmative” votes and 2 “nay” votes. (The nay votes wanted the results posted on the website for these tests and were affirmative votes for the testing required.)
g09-04-03 4) A change to the wording of Item #6 in the Code of Ethics was proposed. It will read “if I breed my dogs, I will consider only the betterment of the breed when breeding a bitch or allowing a breeding of my stud dog, ‘using available health testing as a tool.’ This will replace ‘being conscientious of controlling and eliminating inherited problems.’
This was passed and the final Code of Ethics was approved with an affirmative vote by all present.
5) The Club would like to participate in a “Meet the Breed” soon to satisfy AKC’s Public Education requirements. There is one in New Castle, PA on May 25th but we have only a few members planning on attending that show. Mike is going to have Kay investigate this further.
The attending members discussed charging members for placing their available litters on the Club’s Whelping Page. We talked about a placement fee and then a monthly fee.
We also discussed those who are breeders providing membership to the Club to their puppy buyers for the 1st year and getting a discount on those memberships.
All in attendance thought this sounded like a good idea and it will be discussed at the next Board Meeting.
Meeting was adjourned by President Stivason.
Mike Stivason adjourned the meeting.
09-05 May Board Meeting Minutes
OMVC Board Meeting May 3, 2009 - electronic
Roll Call (or sign-in)
Mike Stivason – president - absent
Sherry Colby – vice president - absent
Teresa Emerson – treasurer
Tara Smith – secretary
Mike McBee – board member
Martha – board member
Mitzi Walters – board member
Minutes of Last Meeting ( April 2009) were emailed to all board members for approval by Tara Smith and posted on the website
Report of the president (Mike Stivason) or vice president (Sherry Colby) Mike Stivason was absent and Sherry Deans is at Bucks
Teresa Emerson (Treasurer) called the meeting to order.
Treasurer’s Report(Teresa):
$59.56 in checking, $25.00 in savings. $50.00 check out for ad in Mastiff Cookbook for Northeast Ohio Mastiff Picnic, $220 out to UPenn which Tara mailed a check back to the Club to cover.
Mike had a Question on treasure's report - what was the $220 to UPenn for? It was to pay UPenn for the Cystinuria testing. Tara is sending a check immediately to cover this.
Membership: Heidi Bogue of Creekside Mastiffs mailed in $25.00 for May & June dues and 2010 dues. Renewal dues received from Marti & Don Linfert and Mary Adelle & Douglas Horner
Secretary’s Report(Tara):
The agenda was sent out with the email rec'd. from the MCOA in regards to affiliation
Since the Specialty is soon approaching I have all information that I need for the MCOA board I will submit it soon then it can be addressed in their next board meeting after Spec.
AKC Committee (Tara) Report:
these are on hold due to the request of MCOA for their help during this lengthy process
Health Committee (Martha) Report:
1) Lois Francino, Kevin Eedy, and Teresa Emerson have volunteered to help the MCOA Health Committee with the testing on Friday at the National Specialty.
b09-05-01 2) The health committee would like to propose sponsoring some testing and services this year at the Northeast Ohio Mastiff Picnic. These could include:
Cystinuria clinic through UPenn
PRA/CMR 20/20 clinic through Optigen
CGC and TDI testing
Mitzi asked about covering all our costs such as shipping.
Teresa commented that we must have confirmation on the people doing the CGC/TDI and blood draw work.
Mike asked about the costs to us
There will be no cost to our club. We will charge enough to cover everything done
and IF there is any residual, or should be donated to the mastiff picnics cause IMO
The picnic is from 1-5 pm and these events can go on at the same time. We will need to get volunteers from the Club.
The Board agreed on proceeding with plans for the clinics at the picnic at this time and will address further details at the next meeting.
Old Business:
1) MCOA: Tara has already covered regarding MCOA
2) Federal ID: Because Mike Stivason Is not in attendance this is tabled and we may wait untill AKC accreditation is complete
Unfinished business:
1) Mike Stivason is finding out about Meet the Breed requirement which he can fill us in on next month
New business:
1) Membership discount is the suggestion that breeders get a group discount when they purchase club memberships for all of their puppy buyers in a group package.
Such as $10.00 per year for the 1st year since the breeder will be paying for the membership for the new puppy buyer(s). So if a person has 6 pups sold, they will pay $60 to the club and we will have 6 new 1 year members
Tara asked if it was for a family or single membership
After some suggestions Mike recommended that we table this until Mike s and Sherry can be part of the discussion.
It was agreed.
2) Topic: Basket donation for the Northeast Ohio Mastiff Picnic
Tara proposed a donation from our club of an OVMC Raffle Basket. This basket will be filled with goodies and then donated to the Northeast Ohio Mastiff Picnic for them to raffle. The Club will be given a sponsorship ad for this donation.
The sponsorship ad willl be posted on the picnic website
The income from this basket would go to the picnic
Members will be asked to donate stuff to put in the basket . A theme needs to be developed.
Tara will check with Kim Fish as to the deadline?
Martha said that we can either ship to Kim, or one of us members that will be there, and they can take it with them
Mitzi recommended that we put one of our other members in charge of it? Try to spread some of the involvement out. This was agreed upon.
Mike recommended that we Send an email to the membership telling them what we want to do, ask for donations and a volunteer to put it together. This was agreed upon.
b09-05-02 It was voted that we go ahead with the basket.
3) Whelping Box - It has been proposed that we charge breeders for litter announcements on the website.
The thought was a set fee for placement and then a small monthly maintenance fee for as long as it is on the website…..possibly $25 to place the announcement and then $5 a month as long as it's on.
Mitzi stated that the website at this time is just in the initial set up
Mike states that he has concerns about the trouble in collecting the monthly fees.
Tara proposes tabling this until the next meeting with P and VP present for further discussion
all agreed to table
4) Mike requested that we go back to using our old Yahoo Mailing List. With a mailing list everybody gets to see everything, so we all know each other's thoughts on something being discussed. The way we're doing it now, we're all isolated
Mitzi said she will experiment with setting up a private message board on the website for posting messages
We could also try doing a new Yahoo
b09-05-03 Mike says:If we're going to do business with email, then we need to make sure everyone gets a copy of every email sent by everyone on the subject and there would be an archive
All are in agreement.
Teresa asked if we can do something on the website where messages could be posted if need be and Board members could access it with a password??? It would be the member’s responsibility to check it
Mitzi requested that everyone brainstorm and bring ideas to the next meeting
Teresa motioned we adjourn and it was approved
09-06 June Minutes
OVMC Board Meeting June 14, 2009 - electronic
Mike Stivason – president - absent
Sherry Colby – vice president - present
Teresa Emerson – treasurer - present
Tara Smith – secretary - absent
Mike McBee – board member - present
Martha – board member - present
Mitzi Walters – board member - absent
Minutes of Last Meeting ( May 2009) were emailed to all board members for approval by Mitzi Walters and posted on the website
Report of the president (Mike Stivason) or vice president (Sherry Colby) Mike Stivason was absent and Sherry Deans had no report.....Sherry Deans called the meeting to order.
Treasurer’s Report(Teresa):
$554.45 in checking (of which $90 is donations for the Mastiff Picnic basket(s), $25.00 in savings.
Membership: Heidi Bogue of Creekside Mastiffs is our newest member. Renewal dues have been received this month from Martha, Mitzi, Marti and Don, Michelle, the Horners, and Sherrie Hart
Secretary’s Report(Tara):Due to computer issues there is no report
AKC Committee (Tara) Report:An email has been sent to Tara requesting an update on this
Health Committee (Martha) Report:
The Health Committee held a meeting on June 11th and decided on the following services to be offered at the Northeast Ohio Mastiff Picnic:
Cystinuria Clinic – Charge for this is $35, this will cover the UPENN charge and the shipping costs and any residual will be donated to the picnic on behalf of the Club.
Microchipping – Charge for this is $30 which includes $14.99 for registering the chip. The remaining $15.01 will be donated to the picnic on behalf of the Club.
CGC/TDI – Charge for this is $10 per test. Sherry Hart will be doing the testing and she has offered to donate $5 back to the picnic (on behalf of the Club.)
As far as the First Aid Seminar, the lady I was trying to get is unavailable that day; however, Kim Fish (Picnic Director) may have someone who can do it.
Mitzi will be asked to put all this on the website and the Picnic will link to our website.
Old Business:
1) MCOA: We are waiting for a report / Tabled
2) Federal ID: We may wait untill AKC accreditation is complete / Tabled
Unfinished business:
1) Mike Stivason is finding out about Meet the Breed requirement which he can fill us in on next month / Tabled
2) Membership discount is the suggestion that breeders get a group discount when they purchase club memberships for all of their puppy buyers in a group package. / tabled until Mike s can be part of the discussion.
b09-06-01 3) After discussion Motion was made by Sherry Deans to charge breeders $20 to advertise their litter on the Whelping Box Page of the Website until the litter is 6 months of age: if it is to be renewed, it will be an additional charge of $10 for another 6 months
Motion was passed by all present
New business:
1) Mike requested that we discuss changes in the terms of our Board members so that they are switched to alternate years with half the positions voted on each year. There will be no continuity if everyone comes in and goes out at the same time. Board members hold office at this time for 2 years with the VP moving up to President and Secretary, Treasurer, and 3 board member positions to be voted on. It was decided that this really needs to be addressed at the next meeting.
2) It was decided that the situation involving UPENN and a Club officer would be handled by having the Club President ask for an explanation from that person then addressing it as a Board.
3) Sherry recommended that we recruit Club members at the picnic and Martha is going to check to see if we can set up a table.
Mike McBee motioned we adjourn and it was approved
09-07 July Board Meeting Minutes
OVMC Board Meeting July 12, 2009 - electronic
Roll Call (or sign-in)
Mike Stivason – president - present
Sherry Colby – vice president - present
Teresa Emerson – treasurer - present
Tara Smith – secretary - absent
Mike McBee – board member - present
Martha – board member - present
Mitzi Walters – board member - present
b09-07-01 Report of the president (Mike Stivason) Mike requested that the Aug meeting be moved to Sunday August 16
Everyone agreed
Treasurer’s Report(Teresa):
$665.56 in checking, $25.00 in savings. $90.00 is included in this for baskets at the picnic. Members with outstanding dues are Nancy Serdich, Tara Smith, the Bottorfs, and the Stivasons. The Linferts have generously donated $100.00 for the Club’s use, so the total balance will be $765.56.
Membership: Dan and Debi Kimbrell are the Club’s newest members
Secretary’s Report(Tara): not in attendance (Mitzi) Minutes of Last Meeting ( June 2009) were emailed to all board members present for approval by Mitzi and posted on the website
AKC (Tara) Report: not in attendance
Health Committee (Martha) Report:
All the clinic health info is on the website with links to the picnic
Old Business:
1) MCOA: Tara has already covered regarding MCOA
2) Federal ID: Because Mike Stivason is not in attendance this is tabled and we may wait until AKC accreditation is complete
Unfinished business:
1) Martha reported that we will have an OVMC table at the picnic
b09-07-02 2) Mitzi proposed that a Breeder (in good standing with the Club) may register their puppy buyers with the Club as a member for a year for a fee of $5 per puppy. Renewals will be at the normal membership rate.
This was voted on and approved unanimously.
New business:
1) Mitzi and Martha asked everyone to think about setting up a Good Will fund and it was decided to wait till after the picnic
b09-07-03 2) It was decided that we need to set up a committee to Over-Haul our By Laws, because the election of officers will not allow the club any continuity and the committee needs to look at ways to safeguard the Treasurer position.
b09-07-04 Mike Mcbee was nominated to head this committee and approved unanimously. Mike was very excited and is to start looking for committee members. Mike Stivason will be on this committee.
This committee will need to decide who is Board Member #1, #2, and #3
b09-07-05 3) It was agreed that we need to assign a committee to work on our AKC accreditation and someone to expedite our MCOA relationship and this must be done quickly and will be discussed in depth
The Board decided that we need to have another meeting July 19th at 10 to discuss unfinished business.
Mike S motioned we adjourn and it was approved
09-07 OVMC Special Board Meeting Minutes July 19, 2009 - electronic
Mike Stivason – president - present,
Sherry Colby – vice president - absent,
Teresa Emerson – treasurer - present,
Tara Smith – secretary - present,
Mike McBee – board member - present,
Martha – board member - present,
Mitzi Walters – board member - present
Treasurer Report(Teresa) Nothing to report
Secretary Report (Tara). Sent the meeting information and by laws to MCOA for affiliation approval but have not heard back / sent 2 weeks ago / sent to Diane Collins
Bylaw Overhaul Report (Mike M) the Code of ethics and By Laws are available on the website and that he will look into a clause concerning a policy on board approval of expenditures
Website Report (Mitzi) asked members to think about starting a Good Will fund to assist hardship cases using funds generated by selling items in a 'store' set up on the website. It was agreed that all board members would come up with suggestion on how this would be set up...possible dividing funds for multiple uses (Rescue) and how we would distribute the funds...it will be discussed more at the next meeting
Unfinished Business:
sb09-07-01 1)Teresa proposed an expenditure of $62 for business cards, magnets, and gift bags for the Ohio picnic
Approved unanimously
2) Martha asked what the report was from AKC regarding if there were any other Regional mastiff clubs that are accredited in our area. Tara that she had found who is MCOA affiliated and she was unable to find who was AKC accredited and that she didn't want to push it.
sb09-07-02 3) Mitzi proposed: a)that we establish an AKC Committee with Kay Stivason as head because she has had experience doing this for another club. Approved.The committee would report their progress to the Club Secretary and she will keep the board updated.
The AKC was Voted on and passed with Tara clarifying that they will report their findings to the secretary who will communicate this to the Club and that we
sb09-07-03 b) find a person to be an MCOA Liaison among our members who belong to MCOA. This person would work with the AKC committee to coordinate our recognition process. Mike M pointed out that we just need to be recognized by MCOA.
Kevin Eedy was recommended and will be asked.
The MCOA Liaison position was voted on and approved.
4) Tara asked for an update on baskets for picnic. Martha will get an update from Courtney and Martha will report next meeting
New Business:
1) Mike Stivason proposed doing a Fun Match and that he and Kay will sponsor and offered his place....this was very much appreciated. Teresa suggested trying to do it at the picnic. There were concerns about the timing on this but Mike is going to contact Kim Fish. This will have to move fast once it is decided upon.
Mike adjourned the meeting and it was approved
09-08 August Board Meeting Minutes
OVMC Board Meeting August 16, 2009 - electronic
Mike Stivason – president
Sherry Colby – vice president - absent
Teresa Emerson – treasurer - absent
Tara Smith – secretary
Mike McBee – board member
Martha – board member
Mitzi Walters – board member
Report of the president (Mike Stivason) or vice president (Sherry Colby) No report
Treasurer’s Report(Teresa):
$270.00 deposited between 7/27-8/4/2009 of which $160.00 was for t-shirts, $50.00 from M.A. Horner for basket donation, $55.00 for dues (Tara Smith) $15.00, $20.00 Kay & Mike Stivason & $20.00 Dusty Courtney & Liza Neville), and $5.00 for the Fun Match. I sent Courtney Thompson a check for $49.11 to reimburse her for the business cards and magnets. She received the gift bags yesterday and I'm waiting for a copy of that paid receipt to reimburse her for that.
as of right now (8/16/2009) our checking account balance is $1,026.45 and $25.00 in the savings.
Membership: Tammy Kinkade has joined and is contributing to the Fun Match
Secretary’s Report(Tara): Minutes of Last Meetings ( July 2009) were emailed to all board members for approval and posted on the website by Mitzi
AKC Committee (Mike for Kay) Report:
The ribbons and rosettes are ordered. Job assignments are posted on the Members page of the web site. We will ask Mart Linfert to be the photographer.
Fun Match
Director - Kay Stivason
Judge - Sherry Deans
Ring Steward - Mike McBee
Entries - Mitzi Walters
Ribbons - Kay Stivason
Prizes - Sherry Deans (Tara Smith, Tammy Kinkade)
Set up crew - Mike Stivason, Erinn Hadley, Frank Hartley, Mike McBee
Tear down crew - everyone!
Health Testing
Director - Martha Hartley
Microchipping - Sherry Deans, Tara Smith
Cystinuria - Martha Hartley
Director - Sherry Hart
Assistants - Kevin Eedy, Teresa Emerson
Entries - Mitzi Walters
Director - Courtney Thompson
Assembly - Teresa Emerson, Laura Anderson
OVMC Club Membership Drive Table
Director - Courtney Thompson
Mike Stivason, Laura Anderson
MCOA Report(Mitzi)- Kevin Eedy was asked about being our MCOA Liason, he has too much going on.
David Henson (MCOA ) responded to our email and we are communicating.
Health Committee (Martha) Report: Picnic Tshirts are not mandatory and need to be ordered by September 1st (see website) A meeting will be called this week to go over the picnic. All basket item donations need to be brought to the picnic EARLY for basket assembly
OverHaul Committee (Mike McBee):
I've found several areas that are going to need work
Here's a few examples:
1. Constitution & By-Laws are numbered as if one document, they are actually two separate documents.
2. Article II - Membership - Section 3 is confusing as written with 3-4 areas that need addressed
3. Constitution: Section 4 conflicts with By-Laws Article VIII - Amendments
Two questions
1. Is it ok with everybody if I a send an email to the general membership asking for input?
2. Does anyone have a copy of the AKC model Constitution / By-Laws that I can get ahold of?
Mike S said that Kay can ask her friend Jane who probably has a copy
b09-08-01 It was agreed that it is ok for Mike about getting input from members by email or otherwise
Martha and Mike M both mentioned developing a set membership approval procedure ( under #2 above)
which would be a Board procedural change and wouldn't require any changes to the by-laws
New business:
b09-08-02 1) Martha brought up for discussion offering a Membership discount at the picnic to those who sign up right there. It was agreed that we would offer a $5 discount and that these members would have full voting rights. Approved
b09-08-03 2) The Board discussed what an associate member would be and if we need to have this. Mike S is going to ask Kay to look into this. Mitzi commented that members who are brought in and paid for by breedersat the discounted $5 rate should be associate members (non-voting) until they themselves renew…..all members who purchase their own membership, even if it is discounted, can vote…..puppy buyers who are members because their breeder brought them in will be associate (non-voting) until they purchase their own membership
It was agreed that this will be tabled for further discussion
Mike S motioned we adjourn and it was approved
Picnic Meeting: Martha Hartley presiding
First I'd like to thank the following people for stopping in and helping out:
Courtney Thompson,Tara Smith,Teresa Emerson,Kay Stivason,Mitzi Walters,Laura Anderson,Sherrie Hart
Sherry Dean (via telephone)
and myself..hehe
First off, we will be meeting at the park at 10am to set up. Please feel free to join us!!!
Raffle Baskets are priority!!! These must be done first and turned over to Kim Fish ASAP. We have Courtney, Teresa and Laura to assemble, if any of you have anything that is being put into the baskets, please make sure you get the items to these ladies EARLY!!
Also, anyone that is bringing prizes that are being donated to the fun match, please turn them in to Mitzi or Mike Stivason upon arrival.
Below is a breakdown of who is bringing what, if I made an error, please let me know...
Courtney Thompson Will finish raffle baskets with shopping trip, she will update when complete.
OVMC Gift Bags stuffed with magnets, business cards, treats, OVMC Flyer, OVMC Application, OVMC Code of Ethics
Copy of OVMC By-Laws for display
5 foot table
card table
Tara Smith Ink pens
CGC/TDI signs
Kay & Mike Stivason OVMC Logo Board
5 foot table
Easy up
posts & rope for fun match
Laura Anderson Cystinuria signs
Martha Hartley Cystinuria supplies
5 foot table
Easy up
Dry erase board
Ink pens
Marti Linfert All photography supplies
Sherry Deans All microchipping supplies
Easy up
Vicki Orewiler Wheelchair
Sherrie Hart All CGC/TDI forms
Card table and folding chairs
Teresa Emerson Easy up
Mitzi Walters Crutches
Fun match forms
Fun match posterboard
Thanks again everyone!
Martha Hartley
Hope to see you all at the Northeast Ohio Mastiff Picnic this year!!
09-09 September Minutes
OVMC Board Meeting September 13, 2009 - electronic
Roll Call (or sign-in)
Mike Stivason – president -present
Sherry Colby – vice president - absent
Teresa Emerson – treasurer - absent
Tara Smith – secretary - absent
Mike McBee – board member - present
Martha – board member - present
Mitzi Walters – board member - present
Report of the president (Mike Stivason) welcome everyone to the September meeting. I'd like to discuss the possibility of offering mentorship to new members, especially those who are very new to the breed and are in need of guidance.I'd like to suggest that we have knowledgable volunteers in each area (by state?) be available to act as mentors to give advice through emails, phone calls, help out at shows, etc... Any thoughts?
Treasurer’s Report(Teresa): Teresa did not attend but emailed a Treasurer’s report which is attached below*
Membership(Teresa absent (Mike S) Jeremy Densmore, Aaron McGregor & Heather Fowler, Everett & Lisa Petronick, Liza Neville & Dusty Courtney, Kodey & William Young have joined.
b09-09-01 Martha asked that a Junior member be clarified. Mike M said it is a non-voting, under the age of 18 who lives with parents…dues $1 per year /Approved
Secretary’s Report(Tara absent): No report. Minutes of Last Meetings ( August 2009) were emailed to all board members for approval and posted on the website by Mitzi
AKC Committee (Mike for Kay) Report: Fun Match
The ribbons and rosettes should be here anytime. Job assignments are posted on the Members page of the web site. Kay Stivason will be asked to follow up on the Fun Match prizes. Mike S noted that Kim Fish has already requested that we do this every year as part of the picnic.
AKC Committee (Mike for Kay) Report: Accreditation
The following is an outline of the goals for the AKC Accreditation Committee.
1. Get in touch with AKC Club relations and request all pamphlets and materials related to inquiry level dog clubs. I will be doing this soon.
2. Has the club name received written approval from the AKC? If not, we must do this before incorporating or using official letterhead.
3. Come up with a list of all possible event sites in our geographic area. Any suggestions? Right now we have Buckeye Woods Park, Medina, Ohio as the only event site.
4. Appoint three positions: Public Education Coordinator, Breeder Referral Contact, and Legislative Liaison Representative.
A. Public Ed Coordinator sees that our Public Ed. Requirements are fulfilled. The AKC requires at least two events such as a public ed table/meet the breed, a classroom presentation, etc. There are pamphlets and materials that the AKC will provide, free of charge, when the Public Ed. Coordinator requests them. I would like to recommend Courtney Thompson for this position.
B. Breeder Referral Contact - encourages prospective owners to get their dogs from reputable breeders. The website will serve this purpose with the Litter page (Whelping Box), but we still need an actual person in this position. I’m recommending Mitzi Walters for this position.
C. Legislative Liaison Rep - Keeps members advised of current dog related legislation. I recommend Erin Hadley regarding this position.
5. Develop a portfolio of the club’s development and history. I will start putting this together, and am requesting copies of all past club documentation be sent to me, either in email or hard copy.
Needs to include the following:
A. A timeline including start-up date, dates of all meetings, elections, and activities. All meeting minutes included.
B. A detailed list of all fun matches held: dates, sites, and number of entries. Names of entries not required ,but it won’t hurt to include this. Lots of photos, both “official” and candids. *They require at least one fun match before coming to them for accreditation. Our first will be held on Sept 26th, 2009. I would like to recommend one more fun match, possibly early spring of 2010?
C. A list of voting members (regular and household). The majority of voting members MUST be in the club’s geographic area. Non-voting members do not count toward the membership goals.
1. This list must include member’s names and addresses, year joined, and one of the following denotations:
(B) - Breeder, having bred a litter within the last 3 years
(E) - Exhibitor, handled within the last 2 years
(DO) - Dog Owner, active in club but no showing or breeding
(J) - Licensed AKC judge.
2. The list should also indicate who has placed AKC titles on their dogs.
D. A list of club officers with addresses and phone numbers.
E. A “New Club Profile” form - found on AKC website.
F. A copy of the constitution and bylaws. They recommend following as closely to the AKC sample format as possible.*Note - Code of ethics should not be tied to disciplinary section of bylaws.
G. A full description of grounds and facilities used for events. Including photos and agreement for land use, etc.
Unfinished business
b09-09-02 1) Mike S nominated Courtney Thompson for Public Education Coordinator, Mitzi Walters for Breeder Referral Contact, and Erinn Hadley for Legislative Liaison Representative to fulfill our AKC requirements.
All were approved.
b09-09-03 2)It was proposed that the requirements for our Litter Page (Whelping Box) would be the basis/requirements for our breeder referrals. Approved
It was agreed that we will all start searching for a ‘Home Base’ event site for our club where we can host our own shows. It must be centrally located in the club….which means in Ohio.
It was agreed that we will try to participate in a Meet the Breed as soon as possible
Mike S asked if the AKC had given approval for the club name. He will ask Kay
MCOA Report(Mitzi)- David Henson (MCOA ) responded to our email and we are communicating. The requirements for MCOA affiliation are:
1) Must have been holding regular meetings and board meetings.
2) Provide documentation of the minutes- including a newsletter copy if you have one.
3) Provide MCOA your constitution and bylaws.
4) Provide MCOA with their slate of officers and dates of election.
5) The regional club also must EITHER
A) Be in existence for five years and have a COE
B) Have ¾ of their members belong to MCOA
Mitzi was asked to see how close our COE is to the MCOA COE.
Health Committee (Martha) Report: Picnic the picnic is under control
OverHaul Committee (Mike McBee):
Reminds Mike S that he needs a copy of the AKC constitution
New business:
1) Discussed membership and how to make improvements one of which is setting up a mentor program. Everyone agreed that this was a great idea and should be zoned geographically if possible. Martha expressed an interest in being the first mentor.
A welcome packet was discussed. Mitzi volunteered to get that started. The Board agreed that we should let this Welcome Program form as individual needs become apparent.
b09-09-04 2) Mike S made a motion to start a welcome/mentor program, in which Mitzi sends an email asking for volunteers, and starts making a welcome packet for each new member
(and Mitzi if you need help with making the packet let us know)
Mike M seconded and the motion was passed
Mike S motioned we adjourn and it was approved
*Hi all!
First I'd like to say I'm terribly sorry I missed the meeting. I totally forgot!! It won't happen again.
My Treasurer's Report is as follows:
$49.11 check out to Courtney Thompson for Business Cards & Magnets. $190.00 deposited between August 28th-September 4th for a total of $1,216.45. Of the $190.00, $110.00 was for T-shirts, $65.00 for membership dues and $15.00 for Fun Match.
I have $20.00 check from Tara Smith for a T-shirt, $5.00 check from Courtney Thompson for the Fun Match, $15.00 from Mike & Kay Stivason for the Fun Match and $5.00 check from Lois Franchion for the Fun Match which has not been deposited but will be soon.
I have receipts from Courtney Thompson for the bags ($11.94) and the T-shirts ($186.50). She sent me another one today but I haven't printed it out for items for the Picnic Raffle Baskets. Courtney told me it would be fine with her to wait until I receive all the receipts for her and just write one (1) check.
Teresa Emerson
09-10 October Minutes
OVMC Board Meeting November 1, 2009 -electronic
Roll Call
Mike Stivason – president- present
Sherry Colby – vice president – present (late)
Teresa Emerson – treasurer - present
Tara Smith – secretary - present
Mike McBee – board member – present (late)
Martha Hartley – board member – present
Mitzi Walters – board member - present
Report of the president (Mike Stivason) The secretary(Tara) has stepped down from her position due to an overloaded schedule. As per our By-Laws, the Board needs to vote to approve this and select an existing Board Member to fill it.
b09-10-01 Tara nominated Mitzi as secretary and it was approved.
b09-10-02 MikeS asked for a vote to keep Tara on the Board. It was approved.
Secretary’s Report: Sept Meeting Agenda was sent, minutes were emailed to board members for approval and posted on the website by Mitzi.
Treasurer’s Report (Teresa): Paypal is up and running on our store. Sweatshirts were on sale until Nov 1 courtesy of Courtney Thompson
Check in the amount of $265.25 mailed to Courtney Thompson for the bags, T-Shirts and Raffle Basket Items on 9/14/2009.
Deposit in the amount of $.25 from Paypal to open Paypal account on 9/18/2009.
$70.00 deposited 9/4/2009 Stivason T-Shirts & memberships
$40.00 deposited 9/18/2009 Tara T-shirt, Stivason & Franchino Fun Match
$20.00 deposited 10/09/2009 Courtney Fun Match, Teresa Fun Match & t-shirt shipping, Franchino Fun Match
$20.00 deposited 10/19/2009 Franchino Whelping Box
$41.00 deposited 10/19/2009 from Mastiff Picnic Fun Match & photos
$137.78 check to Courtney Thompson 10/19/2009 Shipping for T-shirts, Raffle Basket Items
$139.00 deposited 10/23/2009 Oreweiler sweatshirts & photos
$156.00 deposited 10/31/2009 Stacy Gotti and Gary & Marissa McFarland membership dues, McFarland sweatshirts, Mitzi sweatshirt, Teresa sweatshirt
$1,230.67 in checking $25.00 in savings
We have 100 red bags and we could stuff them with the magnet, business card, Club flyer and Club application to pass out at the Columbus show. Teresa requested money for magnets, business cards and copies and it was approved.
By-Law Overhaul Committee Report (Mike M): no report
Website report: Picnic pictures and a new litter has been posted
Health Committee&Picnic (Martha): A report will be made at the November General Membership Meeting
Unfinished(Old) business:
b09-10-03 1) A proposal has been made to change board meetings to 9:30 pm instead of 10:00. It was approved. We need to research Audio meetings as per AKC requirements.
New business:
1) Mentor Program –
b09-10-04 Mitzi has sent a sample new member ‘welcome’ letter to Mike S for approval. He has made some changes and it is included for you approval. It will be updated as needed. It was approved
We have volunteerrs to be mentors: Courtney Thompson (IN) Teresa Emerson, Laura Anderson, Martha Hartley(OH), Erin Hadley would like to do show mentoring (MI), Kay & Mike Stivason (PA) It was decided that we will bring up the Mentor Program at the General membership meeting and ask what members would like it to provide. Mitzi recommended that we have a Board member get this started and then assign a general member to run it.
b09-10-05 2) Rescue Policy. It was discussed and agreed that at this time we cannot sponsor or take responsibility for rescue dogs as a club or put them on our website. We do not have the liability insurance to do so.We will promote individual assistance among the club members and we will keep GLMR on our website.
3) November meeting will be at Logan’s Roadhouse at 3969 Morse Crossing (Easton) on Saturday November 14 at 11:00am…this will be changed if we have a later mastiff show time.
We need to send any items for the meeting agenda to Mitzi.
Discussion: Get a Picnic Committee started now for 2010 with Martha Hartley(testing) and Kay Stivason(Fun Match) and Courtney Thompson(baskets) as Heads and ask for volunteers and basket item/ideas at the meeting
Meeting was adjourned by Mike Stivason
The OVMC participated in the Great Northern Ohio Mastiff Picnic with Cystinuria testing, microchipping, CGC and TDI testing, a Fun Match, and some awesome baskets for the raffle. We had so much fun! See the Activities Page for more photos.
Hello All,
I just wanted to say what a fantastic time I had at the picnic. I know the turn out could have been better, but considering the cold temp, I think it was a success and alot of fun. The BBQ basket is just great, I am so glad I won it : ) I already used the basting brush, and let me tell ya, I don't know how I lived without one of those, I made ribs on the grill today and it worked perfectly.
A HUGE THANK YOU to all the club members that showed up and helped out and braved the cold weather. The fun match had a great turn out, esp for our first year, I only expected 5 -10 entries. They even through in a French Mastiff to make it interesting : )
Hopefully next year we will get a bigger interest in the Cystinuria Testing and Microchipping. I don't know the number for CGC/TDI, but it seemed like there was a good turnout, and as far as I know all of the dogs that did it passed. How wonderful it that : )
I have had several people contact me and tell me that they are very impressed with the OVMC, and how friendly and helpful they felt we were. I think our club has a great future ahead of us, which is 100% due to the fact that we have a wonderful board and outstanding members.
Lets all make it our goal to make next years picnic an even bigger and better success : ) OH, since we didn't have a meeting at the picnic, when will the next one be held?
Also I wanted to thank Courtney for donating the Mastiff Purse/Throw that was given to me for judging the fun match. It is just beautiful : ) It was not necessary, I was happy to do it and would do it again in a heartbeat.
Sherry Deans RVT
Vice President Ohio Valley Mastiff Club
Hi all!
I just wanted to let everyone know that the OVMC made a great impression at the Mastiff Picnic yesterday.
We offered cystinuria testing, microchipping, CGC and TDI testing, and a Fun Match.
It was cold but no rain or snow!!
Everyone had a great time.
Special thanks to Martha Hartly, Sherry Deans, Sherrie Hart for the testing.
Special thanks to Marti Linfert for the pictures.
Special thanks to Mike and Kay Stivason for the Fun Match ribbons.
And lastly a HUGE special thanks to Courtney Thompson for putting the raffle baskets together. They were WONDERFUL!! Everyone wanted the BBQ basket which Sherry Deans won!!
The Fun Match was a blast. We had well over 20 participants. Sherry Deans was our Judge and Kay Stivason was the Ring Steward.
If I have forgotten to thank anyone, I'm sorry!! It was a long day and I'm still tired.
Everyone should plan on attending next year!!
I must say that as a small Club, we are the BEST!!!!
Teresa Emerson
Sample welcome letter :
Welcome to the OVMC!
We are a support group for all mastiff lovers and owners in Ohio and all surrounding areas. We get together at dog shows, health clinics, picnics, and the occasional restaurant. We network through the internet and by phone….helping each other with everything from hygromas to Halloween costumes.
Our website is updated daily, so please check it for all current information.
There is a Members page with email and web-site addresses and all the committees and positions.
We have an Upcoming Events page which is constantly updated with show/health testing/rescue/and education event dates, closing dates, judges, directions, etc.
We have a Brags page for any show, health, CGC, accomplishments……brag away!
Our Rescue page is self-explainatory. We support Great Lakes Mastiff Rescue and responsibility among breeders.
Our Activities page will include info and pictures from events that we have sponsored or had a nice Club turn-out.
Our Mastiff Health page will give you a brief idea of some of the issues these dogs have and why we, as a club, are promoting health education.
There is a private page on the website for Members Only where we post lists and schedules and messages….even a list of who is going to which dog show for those who need assistance or a better chance for a major! The password is “puppy”……please check it out. You can find the minutes from our meetings on this page also. http://www.mastiffclubofnorthernohio.com/
We will have mastiff items for sale often in the Store. There will be a general club email sent out when a new item becomes available.
If you are a breeder and would like information about our Whelping Box page please check the Members Only page for the requirements.
We are a new, fresh club with energy and dedication. Our meetings are held at dog shows in our Club area with the general membership meetings in Columbus, Ohio in April and November. Meeting attendance and involvement are not mandatory, but we really want every member to get involved. There is a meeting schedule on the Members Only page. We also strongly support the Northeast Ohio Mastiff Picnic held every year in the fall. We welcome questions, comments and even criticism! Yes, we really do. We strive to educate and improve……not judge. We are in the process of working on being recognized by the MCOA and AKC, so that we can sponsor our own events. Please! Get involved!
Mike Stivason, President OVMC
09-11 November Minutes
OVMC General Meeting Minutes November 14, 2009 held at Logan’s, Columbus, Ohio
Roll Call (or sign-in)
Mike Stivason – president
Teresa Emerson – treasurer
Mitzi Walters – secretary
Martha Hartley – board member
Laura Lautner
Courtney Thompson
Tammi Kinkade
Kay Stivason
Dave Kinkade
Report of the president (Mike Stivason) The Club is slowly taking off and we should be proud of this. We need to work on our AKC Accreditation requirements which Kay will go over. I would like to see us change our meeting schedule to actual show locations in our Club area so we can all get together. We can look at the geographic areas and times of dog shows and have our meetings at the shows. This will work well for those of us looking for majors.
Mitzi is our new secretary….taking over for Tara who does not have the available time for the job.
Report of the secretary (Mitzi) Minutes of Last Meeting can always be found on the Newsletter page of the website and the minutes from this meeting including the Member Survey will be emailed to all members by Mitzi for approval.
g09-11-01 All 2009 Minutes have been approved. They are posted on the website once they are approved.
Report of the treasurer (Teresa E)
11/07/2009 $25.37 payment from PayPal account to VistaPrint for 500 business cards
11/11/09/2009 $157.50 PayPal withdrawal for sweatshirt order.
Checking balance $1,073.17
Savings balance $25.00
Sweatshirts were shipped on 11/12 and should be here by 11/17. I will mail them out as soon as I receive them. More sweatshirts may be ordered.
We made $66.50 on the sweatshirts prior to shipping.
We made $131.17 on the t-shirt orders.
We cleared $95.00 from the Mastiff Picnic (fun match & photo orders)
Membership (Teresa Emerson)
Welcome to two of our newest members….Laura Lautner from New York and Dave Kinkade from Ohio.
g09-11-02 Motion made to approve all club member applications up to this date (Sherrie Hart, Bruce & Vicki Orewiler, Michelle Soviar, Karen Weideling, Melissa Scroggs, Gary & Laura Anderson, Marty Reither, Erinn Hadley, Heidi Bogue,Dan & Debi Kimbrell, Tammy Kinkade, Dusty Courtney, Liza Neville, Everett & Lucy Petronick, Aaron McGregor, Heather Fowler, Jeremy Densmore, Kodey & William Young, Gary & Marissa McFarland, Stacy Gotti, Laura Lautner, Marge Lutz, Chuck & Gloria Cuthbert, Dave Kinkade) / Approved
Report of Committees
1.) AKC (Kay Stivason)
The following is an outline of the goals for the AKC Accreditation Committee. This outline was presented at the OVMC Board meeting on Sept 13th. Updates since then are in bold.
1. Get in touch with AKC Club relations and request all pamphlets and materials related to inquiry level dog clubs. I will be doing this soon.
Response from AKC:
Apologies for the delay in response.
The first step is to have an organizational meeting where those first interested members would be the club's charter members. The club chooses a club name that would describe the type of events the club's focus would be in and the location of the club.
Once the club has held its organizational meeting and decided on club names, we advise you send a letter to the Club Relations department advising of your intent to form the club, the area the club is looking to serve and the list of charter members with their addresses. This will place the club on inquiry status with AKC and the club can get pre-approval for name and club location, while it continues to develop. Membership in local specialty clubs should number a minimum of 20 households (separate addresses), with at least 12 within a concentrated area (greater city area, multiple adjacent counties).
For a name to be approved, please send a formal letter of intent to form your club, with the area the club is looking to serve and a copy of the membership list for the club with addresses. Club names are based on where the majority of the membership resides. A territory can also be outlined for your club to continue its growth.
Letter for name approval sent and waiting for response.
Unfortunately, all AKC local clubs must meet in person at a meeting. Club boards may meet via teleconference or video conference. Online web forums or email lists cannot be used as a substitute.
g09-11-03 We discussed holding our Club meetings at shows such as Wauseon, Hamilton, Lexington, Canfield and Columbus. Everyone thought this was a great idea and we will get a schedule together asap.
The above needs addressed.
Our Formation of a Dog Club... booklet is the best source of information on starting your new club.
Please see the following links below with additional information that can assist in forming your club.
Please also see the checklist of item that is attached that should be submitted when the club is ready to submit a full presentation for AKC accreditation.
Thank you for your interest!
2. Has the club name received written approval from the AKC? If not, we must do this before incorporating or using official letterhead.
See above (letter send and awaiting approval from AKC).
3. Come up with a list of all possible event sites in our geographic area. Any suggestions? Right now we have Buckeye Woods Park, Medina, Ohio as the only event site.
Any suggestions from membership? Events sights are show sights in which we could hold an independent specialty show in the future. The AKC requires photos of the site, terms of use, etc.
The Linferts are members of a very active dog club. We will ask them about using that site.
4. Appoint three positions: Public Education Coordinator, Breeder Referral Contact, and Legislative Liaison Representative.
A. Public Ed Coordinator sees that our Public Ed. Requirements are fulfilled. The AKC requires at least two events such as a public ed table/meet the breed, a classroom presentation, etc. There are pamphlets and materials that the AKC will provide, free of charge, when the Public Ed. Coordinator requests them.
I would like to recommend Courtney Thompson for this position.
Courtney has accepted, and we are awaiting club name approval before we can send the AKC a letter on club letterhead stating that she is the PE Coordinator. They will then send her pamphlets and information.
B. Breeder Referral Contact - encourages prospective owners to get their dogs from reputable breeders. The website will serve this purpose with the Litter page (Whelping Box), but we still need an actual person in this position.
I’m recommending Mitzi Walters for this position.
g09-11-04 It was agreed that the requirements for our Litter Page (Whelping Box) would be the basis/requirements for our breeder referrals.
C. Legislative Liaison Rep - Keeps members advised of current dog related legislation.
I recommend Erinn Hadley regarding this position.
Erinn has accepted.
5. Develop a portfolio of the club’s development and history. I will start putting this together, and am requesting copies of all past club documentation be sent to me, either in email or hard copy.
Needs to include the following:
A. A timeline including start-up date, dates of all meetings, elections, and activities. All meeting minutes included.
B. A detailed list of all fun matches held: dates, sites, and number of entries. Names of entries not required, but it won’t hurt to include this. Lots of photos, both “official” and candid’s. *They require at least one fun match before coming to them for accreditation. Our first was to be held on Sept 26th, 2009 but was rescheduled for Oct 17, 2009. I would like to recommend one more fun match, possibly early spring of 2010?
Our first fun match was a huge success - 23 entries!! We have plenty of photos and names of entries for documentation. What are everyone’s thoughts on having another fun match in the spring of 2010?
We discussed talking to Marti about having a Fun Match at the Hamilton show in 2010. This would be Memorial Weekend.
C. A list of voting members (regular and household). The majority of voting members MUST be in the club’s geographic area. Non-voting members do not count toward the membership goals.
1. This list must include member’s names and addresses, year joined, and one of the following denotations:
(B) - Breeder, having bred a litter within the last 3 years
(E) - Exhibitor, handled within the last 2 years
(DO) - Dog Owner, active in club but no showing or breeding
(J) - Licensed AKC judge.
2. The list should also indicate who has placed AKC titles on their dogs.
D. A list of club officers with addresses and phone numbers.
E. A “New Club Profile” form - found on AKC website.
F. A copy of the constitution and bylaws. They recommend following as closely to the AKC sample format as possible.*Note - Code of ethics should not be tied to disciplinary section of bylaws.
G. A full description of grounds and facilities used for events. Including photos and agreement for land use, etc.
See above: we need to find “event sites.”
.2.) Health/Picnic (Martha Hartley) We would like to form our Committee to start work on the 2010 picnic. We will send out an email asking for volunteers. We are going to find new committee heads for 2010 with the 2009 heads as advisors/ assistants (Martha and Kay and Courtney). We will continue this policy yearly.
A breakdown of the 2009 Picnic:
Microchip Clinic – 1 chip $30 / $15 donated to Picnic
CGC/TDI– 4 dogs achieved both titles, 2 dogs achieved TDI. Total $100 – AKC $30 AKC fees + $70 donated to picnic
Fun Match Collected $130 / $65 donated to picnic
Cystinuria – 7 submissions three of which were free – 4 @ $40 each which was not enough to take advantage of the discounted $20 submission fee - $20 shortage and $50 shipping was paid by OVMC
$4 donation
Grand Total of $154 donated by our club to the picnic plus basket revenue
It was proposed that we ask Kim Fish if we can start the Fun Match earlier so that people can watch while they are eating……maybe splitting it up to compliment the Picnic Raffle.
New Business:
1) Mike Stivason discussed setting up a club table at a“Meet the Breeds” to help satisfy AKC’s Public education requirements. Courtney Thompson is going to work on this but we really need to hear back from AKC on our Club name approval first. It was emphasized that participants of our Meet the Breed Table must not promote their own kennel……just the mastiff.
Unfinished Business
1.) Martha opened discussion on the Good Will Fund = the Club would like to set aside money to assist mastiffs in need. We have all agreed that we will not have our own Club rescue program but we would like to assist Rescue in some way. Discussion involved how to use the money and it was decided that Laura Lautner and Martha Hartley would put their heads together and come up with some ideas and present them to the Board.
2) We currently have a store on our website that we are not making full use of. Courtney is trying to do all of the work right now on this. Teresa proposed that Courtney would be our PayPal Princess with the Treasurer overseeing the funds. Everyone agreed with this. Tammi and Dave Kinkade offered their services in vinyl logos, magnets, etc. We will be adding many more items to the store. Not only will we offer Club logo items, we will also offer personal kennel name custom items.
g09-11-05 3) It was also proposed that the Kinkade’s be in charge of Club Signage. They agreed.
The By-Laws were discussed and it was agreed that we need revisions FAST. There are some election issues that need to be addressed. Tammi has some ideas and will get with Mitzi on this. Mike McBee is in charge of this but it was mentioned that he would probably appreciate assistance, since he was kind of steam-rolled into doing it in the first place.
Adjournment: President
Member Questionnaire:
Changes in your address__________________________________________________________________________
What would you like to change or add in our Club?
What would you like to do or get involved in as a member of the Club?
We are trying to start a program to assist new members called a Mentor Program……..we need suggestions and ideas on what you expect from a mentor.
09-12 December Newsletter everyone is just too busy!!!