The October 17, 2009 Ohio Mastiff Picnic, CGC/TDI testing, Fun Match and Cystinuria testing!
Fun Match Results: (24 entries)
Best Male Puppy, Best Puppy, and Best in Match was Mary & Brian Ham's Cruise (no reg. name listed)
Best Female Puppy was Teresa Emerson's Sadie
Best Female Adult and Best Adult was Martha Hartley's Lucy (Devincourts Havin a Ball at Machree)
Best Male Adult was Gary and Marissa McFarland's Hagrid (Windfalls Beast of Burden)
Best Altered was Kaitlyn Orewiler's Sugar
Best Major Pointed/Ch. was Mary & Brian Ham's Maverick (no reg. name listed)
Best Veteran and Best Exhibition was Lisa Gynn's Ursa (Leodess Wishing On A Star)
Debi Kimbrell with Fergie
Brian Reese with Ike
Brian Ham with Maverick
Tina Clement with Josie
Stacy Gotti with Moose
Heather Mize with Gus
4/12/10 Rescue Fundraiser Franklin, PA
thank you Marissa McFarland, Kay Stivason, Kodey Young, and Webb Boyles!
NewCastle Fun Match Saturday May 30th, 2010 /Judge Webb Boyles (22 entries)
3-6 Mo Dog
1st – Nitro (Barfield)
2nd – Stargazer’s Don’t Look Back Now (Emerson)
3rd – Dandylion’s Music to Roling Hils (Long)
9-12 Mo Dog
1st – Cruise (Hamm)
2nd – Noble (Lautner)
3-6 Mo Bitch
1st- Dandylions Over Roling Hils (Long)
2nd- Stargazer’s Red Dirt Road (Emerson)
3rd- Stargazer’s Little Miss HonkyTonk (Melago)
4th- Stargazer’s Neon Moon Ochsenbine(Ochsenbine)
6-9 Mo Bitch
1st – Sage (Borsos)
9-12 Mo Bitch
1st – Jewel (Lautner)
Adult Dog
1st – Titan (Densmore)
2nd – Donagh (Petronick)
3rd – Lenny (McFarland)
4th – Bugsy (Melniczek)
Best Major Pointed Ch and Best Exhibition
1st – Hagrid (McFarland)
Best Puppy Dog and Best Puppy
Cruise (Ham)
Best Puppy Bitch
Dandylion’s Over Roling Hils (Long)
Best Adult Dog and Best in Match
Titan (Densmore)
The winners of the collar raffle were Marge Lutz, Samantha Borsos, and Brandi Ochsenbine!

Pictures are courtesy of Lucy Parschauer, Marti Linfert, Kodey Young, Martha Hartley, Kay Stivason, Tammy Kinkade, Jean Bailey, Jen Kashuba, Lois Francino.
AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day - MCONO sponsored 2009-2013
2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Event Location: Hartland Kennels, 46550 Old Hopedale Rd.,Cadiz OH 43907
Contact Name: Sherrie Hart (740) 937 - 2575
Puppy picnic. Potluck lunch. Gift basket raffle with proceeds donated to Pilot Dogs or the local animal shelter. Beginner Agility/Rally course for you to try out with your dog. AKC Canine Good Citizen testing. This certification helps dogs and owners gain respect in their community. You can observe the test before signing up to see if your dog can do it. If he fails you will get training tips to help you pass the next time.
8/6/10 Bas Bosch Molosser Seminar
Canfield, Ohio
2010 Northern Ohio Mastiff Picnic
Congrats to those who have earned their CGC & TDI!
Lisa & Everett Petronick
Gary McFarland
Janet Lewis
CGC Noble
Laura Lautner
TDI Noble
Laura Lautner
CGC Cash
Lucy Parschauer
TDI Cash Lucy Parschauer
CGC Hoss Lucy Parschauer
TDI Hoss Lucy Parschauer
CGC Eno Connie Armbruster
TDI Eno Connie Armbruster
TDI Shawnee Kay Lackey
TDI Rocky Kay Lackey
TDI Maisie Martha Tulisiak
CGC Capone Dusty Courtney
TDI Capone Dusty Courtney
Meet the Breed Saturday December 18th, 2010
Cleveland, Ohio
Fun Match Results! (32 entries)
3-6mo dog - Beeker Kashuba
6-9mo dog - Nitro Barfield
9-12mo dog - Noble Long
Best Puppy dog - Beeker Kashuba
12-18mo dog - Luka Kimbrell
Dog w/ no majors - Wally Deans
Best Adult Dog - Luka Kimbrell
3-6mo female - Pecan Deans
6-9mo female - Maple Deans
Best Puppy female - Maple Deans
12-18mo female - Maggie Orewiler
Female w/ no majors - Mina Zavasnik
Best Puppy in Match - Beeker Kashuba
Best Adult in Match - Maple Deans
Best In Match - Luka Kimbrell
Best Altered - Bella Dingledine
Best Major Pointed - Cruise Hamm
Best Exhibition in Match - Bella Dingledine
Our club participated in Meet the Breed at the Cleveland, Ohio show on Saturday December 18, 2010.
thank you...
Marissa & Gary McFarland with Lenny & Hagrid
Martha & Frank Hartley with Lucy
Ken & Lucy Parschauer with Hoss & Cash
Deb Thurston with Bull
MCONO New Castle Fun Match 2011 (16 entries)
3-6 mo Puppy Male
Wilson (1)
Waylan (3)
Woody (2)
12-18 mo Male
Hoss (1)
3-6 mo Puppy Female
Alex (1)
Sweet Pea (4)
Willa (3)
Mollie Jo (2)
6-9 mo Puppy Female
Bling (2)
Aspen (1)
12-18 mo Female
Kenzee (2)
Darby (1)
Adult Female
Mina (1)
Major Pointed
15 Ch Leodess’ Second Time Around (1)
Ch Leodess’ Last Call For Cuervo (2)
Leodess’ Guaranteed to Steal Ur Heart (1)
Best Puppy Male
Best Puppy Female
Best Puppy
Best Adult
Best Major Pointed
Ch Leodess’ Second Time Around
Best Veteran
Leodess’ Guarantedd To Steal Ur Heart
Best In Match
September 15, 2012 Medina, Ohio Picnic and B Match
CGC Testing and Bloat Demo

2013 Safety Town
Safety Town is something I have been doing for several years now, which started in conjunction with my job at The New Albany Police Department. I was asked to fill in, and do a presentation when the veterinarian that used to teach that day called at the last minute and could not attend. I have been doing it ever since.
Safety Town is held the last two weeks of June and the second two weeks of July. I teach the animal safety class at Safety Town in New Albany. It consists of two days, 4 sessions per day. I teach about 400 children, ages 4, 5, and 6. I show an AKC video about dogs and how to approach them, how to greet a dog, how to walk away from a dog, and what to do if approached by a strange dog, as well as other safety issues with animals.
Brian and I have taken our mastiffs there for the last 4 years and Maverick has been there all 4 years. We teach the children how to "stand like a tree" and "lay like a rock" for their safety if approached or knocked down by a dog. It is not a "meet and greet" type of day, although they do get to pet the dogs if they want to at the end of class, but is more structured and dogs must be approved to attend. (Maverick has a CGC, TDI, and TT certificate).
We also show a video from AKC about "Best Friends". This video talks about taking care of pets and caring for them. We talk about grooming, vet visits, vaccinations, etc. and we obtain coloring books from AKC that we pass out to all the children.
As a Public Education Coordinator with AKC, I am excited to do this program each year. I am always looking for people that might like to attend so if anyone has any questions about the program, please just ask!
Mary Ham-D1
New Albany Police Dept.

2013 B Match, CGC testing and picnic with a raffle and auction for rescue (benefiting FORM and GLMR)