Board Meeting
Conference Call Meeting 1/23/2020 7:30PM
Attended: Kim Stefanik, Matt Hess, Mitzi Walters, Angela Dineen, Shari Semelroth, Daniel Fox, Phil Azzaretto, Alex Triskell
Absent: Debbie Thurston
New Business: (Matt Hess) President
- *Create A special “Raffle Committee” to start collecting items for the Wilmington OH Show in October 2020 – (Matt working on)
- Still Need sweeps judge for Wilmington OH Show in October. Evelyn Gregory & Nance Hafner were names given to us. Matt Hess suggested Daniel Fox or Niko Hagen. Kim Suggested Joe Caton. We will also contact the club to see if any of the current judging panel would be interested in a sweeps assignment to go towards there judging license. (Matt Working on)
- *Voted on a Supported Mastiff Entry on Sunday for the November Columbus Show. (approved)
- All present on call voted YES. Matt Hess will contact Kathy Musto to get information and let he know we would like to do a supported entry.
- *No general membership meeting in April – We will have a general membership meeting in November after Mastiffs show on Sunday at the Columbus Show.
- *Phil suggested doing a memorial / scholarship fund in memory of Anya Vasilis
- - When: At Nationals in May 2020
- -Ask MCOA to match MCONO raised funds? (Sheri to talk to Mark Tichnor)
- - Have Juniors get involved in raising money for Anya – Fun games to raise money like we did at prioir year nationals.
Club Scent Work (Angela Dineen)
*Found a potential building to do scent work trails in. Madison County Fairground ( London Ohio) 6,000 square feet-climate controlled-
Angela and Debbie Thurston are working on details and more information
Financials (Mitzi Presented)
*2019 Financials are complete & Available
* Current Financials
-4,034 Checking account
-11,964 Savings account
- ???? Paypal password not available
Meeting Ended 8:25PM (Matt Hess, Kim Stefanik 2nd)
MCONO Board Meeting Minutes
Conference Call Meeting 2/3/2020 7:30PM eastern
Attended: Dan, Alex, Matt, Angela, Kim, Phil, Mitzi / Absent: Debbie, Shari
Proposal: October 16 Specialty be held in memory of Gail Marschak - approved (Mitzi will ask Liz Simon for help)
A special “Raffle Committee” has been started to begin collecting items for the Wilmington OH Show in October 2020 –: Brooke Fox to head, Vicki Orewiler, Melissa Holcomb on committee . Brooke will contact others. Clermont Kennel Club is allowing us to have our raffle all three days in October. We can do drawings Friday and Sunday but not on Saturday.
Sweeps judge for Wilmington OH Show in October is Joe Caton. We will just need to pay for 1 night RV parking for him. $45 approved
Approved a Supported Mastiff Entry on Sunday for the November Columbus Show.
- o
Matt Hess has informed Kathy Musto that we would like to do a supported entry. Our judge will be Peggy Beisel-McIlwaine. Mitzi and Angela will work on the budget for trophies and ribbons.
*No general membership meeting in April – We will have a general membership meeting in July and in November after Mastiffs show on Sunday at the Columbus Show.
Proposal to have a raffle quilt in October with money to go toward Anya cause. Mitzi to ask Shari Semelroth. Suggestion that it be generic (paws) approved
Title recognition. Do we still want to pay AKC $180 for the Title reports when we are not using them? Other ideas presented. Voted to discontinue: Dan, Alex, Matt, Kim, Phil, Mitzi. Voted to continue: Angela Dinneen (Angela will research new options)
Possibility proposed that MCONO would hold an Independent specialty at Roberts Center the first day of 2022 MCOA Nationals(Monday) followed by MMF Regional and National starting on Wednesday. We are going to hold off until after the 2020 Specialty to see if it is feasible. (Mitzi)
Club Scent Work (Angela Dineen) no report
Financials update We now have access to our Paypal account. 2019 Financials have been emailed to Board
Meeting Adjorned: Mitzi motioned, Alex seconded
MCONO Board Meeting Agenda
Conference Call Meeting 5/3/2020 7:30PM eastern
Attended: Kimberly Stefanik – Mitzi Walters – Matt Hess – Daniel Fox – Angela Dinneen – Phil Azzaretto -Debbie Thurston – Kay Stivason – Shari Semelroth
Absent: Alex Triskell
New & Unfinished Business to discuss:
- •
Update schedule: Moved Marion Ohio supported Entry to July 2021.
- Mcono Annual Dues going out this week.
- •
July Supported entry in Marion – Due to Covid 19 this show is cancelled. Voted on moving it to the same show but in 2021. All attended voted Yes. Trophies/Ribbons were all sponsored but not printed yet so all sponsored trophies will go towards the 2021 show.
- •
October Specialties – All attended Voted Yes to send out emails asking for Trophy Sponsorship. As of today this show has not been cancelled. Mitzi is sending out email asking for sponsors.
- •
November Supported entry- No changes
- •
2021 – On Hold till shows resume and Covid 19 updates effecting shows
Meeting Adjorned: Matt Hess called meeting Adjorned at 7:25pm Kim Stefanik 2nd it.
MCONO Board Meeting Minutes
Conference Call Meeting 11/1/2020 7:30PM eastern
Attendance: Matt Hess, Angela Dinneen, Deb Thurston, Mitzi Walters, Dan Fox, Shari Semelroth, Alex Triskell, Callie Caoua, Phill Azzaretto Absent: Kim Stefanik
Election report from Nominating committee:
Our original nominees were President: Matt Hess (did not accept), Recording secretary: Kim Stefanik (accepted), Board: Dan Fox (accepted), Board: Callie Caoua (accepted) or Sandy Holzwarth (only if we needed her) to replace Shari Semelroth who is ending her 2nd term and offered to run a committee
After discussing with our nominees we adjusted to:
President: Angela Dinneen for her 1st term
V.P.: Matt Hess for his 1st term
Recording Secretary: Kim Stefanik for her 2nd term
Board: Dan Fox for his 2nd term
Board: Callie Caoua for her 1st term
No new nominations were made from the general membership so new Officers and Board will be announced at the November General meeting.
Request to change all Board voting to Facebook Messenger instead of email.
November general Meeting will be Saturday November 14 at Wilmington at noon (judging break) in the back hallway near where the food court is.
New & Unfinished Business :
- •
October Specialties – very successful, negative comment was that it was too much squeezed in one day. Suggestions were to divide into two days or to not have two Sweepstakes. We don’t have our final numbers for the raffle yet.
- •
Sunday November 15, 2020 Supported entry- Trophies (Sherry Deans)are complete
- •
April 2021 - Support Dan Emmet Kennel Club show Saturday April 24, 2021 at the Columbus show instead of July in Marion. Dan motioned, Angela seconded all approved
- •
October 2021 Specialty - MMF again? This was tabled. We do not know if MMF is even interested. Comments were favorable on doing it again and the Hoedown theme was popular. Discussion on raffle and how to divide it but no easy solutions. If we do a joint specialty it was requested that we not share the raffle….that the raffles are separate.
- •
November 2021 Supported Entry? This was tabled.
Meeting Adjorned: Mitzi motioned, Alex seconded, all approved
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
Saturday, November 14, 2020 at noon (Judging Break)
General Membership Meeting Minutes
Attending: Matt Hess, Diane Caoua, Angela Dinneen, Mitzi Walters, Todd Baughman, Monica Baughman, Vicki Orewiler, Sherry Deans, Shari Semelroth, Conner Semelroth, Brian Semelroth, Webb Boyles, Alex Marcelli, Caitlyn Quinn
Report of President (Matt Hess):
2020 Board meeting minutes are available on the website. We did not have a lot of meetings.
Our October raffle and show were a great success! The Hoedown theme was popular.
Report of Recording Secretary (Kim Stefanik):
2020 General Membership Meeting Schedule
April - Columbus (did not happen)
November - Wilmington
2020 Board votes:
Approved sponsoring trophy for Bucks (did not happen)
Approved donation for Welcome Party - Nat’l Specialty
Approved ad in Nat’l Specialty catalog (ad put on hold)
Approved doing a Nat’l Specialty raffle basket (Niko offered to be in charge)
Approved doing Farm dog testing in October 2020
Approved sponsoring MMF trophy
Approved moving November Supported entry from Columbus to Wilmington
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters):
Welcome to our newest members: Lisa Simons, Ashley Hernandez, Alexandra Marcelli - Lisa is very connected to mastiff rescue
Sadly, we lost two members this past year: Gail Marschak and Lucy Parschauer
Report of Treasurer (Debbie Thurston): Balances as of 11/8/2020
Checking: $5,539.08/Savings: $11,966.58 (includes $1,045.00 designated Judge Fund)
PayPal: $4,495.69
Income and some expenses from October are not included.
AKC Rep Report (Debbie Thurston): no report
Report of the Committees:
Amateur Recognition Committee: (Kay Stivason) Drawings for Amateur $100 winner will continue. Diane Caoua was the winner in October!
Events Committee:
April 2021 - Saturday, April 24, 2021 - Supported Entry and MCONO meeting - Columbus, OH (3 day show with Dan Emmitt KC & Central Ohio Kennel Club)
October 2021 - No plans at this time
Nominating Committee (Melissa Holcomb, Sandy Holzwarth, Shari Semelroth): (Mitzi)
The 2020 MCONO nomination committee would like to present the following slate:
President: Angela Dinneen
Vice President: Matt Hess
Treasurer: Deb Thurston
Recording Secretary: Kim Stefanik
Board Member: Dan Fox
Board Member: Callie Caoua
No other nominations were received from the general membership.
Raffle Committee (Brooke Fox& Vicki Orewiler): Raffle at the Wilmington Specialty was very successful. Earned $3,400 split 50/50 with MMF.
Trophy Committee (Mitzi): Thank you Dan Fox for all your Hard work. Shari Semelroth has agreed to take over with assistant Phil Azzaretto.
Public Education Committee (Monica Baughman): Covid has made this very hard. Debbie Thurston is doing Scentwork training and Niko has started a training site, Niko and Sandy offered Farm Dog testing to 12 dogs Friday of the Wilmington Specialty for MCONO (revenue for CCKC also)
Adjournment: Matt/Todd moved & seconded
MCONO Board Meeting Minutes
Conference Call Meeting 1/10/2021 7:00PM eastern
Attendance: Angela Dinneen, Matt Hess, Dan Fox, Alex Triskell, Phil Azzaretto, Mitzi Walters, Shari Semelroth, Callie Caoua, Deb Thurston
New & Unfinished Business to discuss:
Resignation of Kim Stefanik - Recording secretary Mitzi nominated Monica Baughman to replace Kim, Alex seconded and Board agreed unanimously. Angela has checked with Monica and she is willing. Kim has the option and is welcome to rejoin the club after her AKC suspension but cannot run for office until she has been a member for 1 year.
April 2021 - Support Dan Emmet Kennel Club show Saturday April 24, 2021 at the Columbus show instead of July in Marion. Board agreed that we will not have raffle tables at this show but we will attempt an online raffle on Facebook with the drawing at the show (membership meeting)
Concrete Mastiff - Mitzi will ask Niko
Big barker - Angela
48” crate with bucket, pad and cover - Mitzi, Angela & Matt
Dremel Bit - Callie
Cooler on wheels - Alex?
Vickie Orewilers’ famous baskets - Mitzi will ask Vickie
October 22, 2021 Independent Specialty- Board agreed unanimously to hold a Specialty at the October show in Wilmington, OH with the understanding that there will not be 2 Sweepstakes (if we do it again with MMF). Shari Semelroth will approach MMF to see if there is interest.
Meeting Adjorned: Alex motioned, Matt seconded, agreed
Note: The next meeting will be Sunday February 28 at 7:00pm eastern
MCONO Board Meeting Minutes
Conference Call Meeting 2/14/2021 7:00PM eastern
Attendance: Mitzi, Angela, Phil, Dan, Monica, Matt, Callie
New & Unfinished Business to discuss:
April 2021 - Supported Entry Dan Emmet Kennel Club show Saturday April 24, 2021 at the Columbus show instead of July in Marion - as of Saturday Dave Henson says this is currently still a go.
October 2021 -
70’s theme PEACE, LOVE & DROOL
Sweepstakes judge Colleen Winslow at no cost to club.
Specialty and Juniors breeder judge Cat Angus (Zavoras) for 2 hotel nights and flight $218 plus transportation Thurs and Sat from Cinci airport. No fee for judging. We have approximately $1,100 in our judges fund.
ESMF has been asked to do afternoon specialty.
Action: Approved $450 expense to hire Cat Angus for the October 2021.
Mastiff Picnic is scheduled for 9/25/2021. Maybe host a puppy/fun match or Agility.
Meeting Adjourned: (Monica/Dan)
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
Saturday, November 20, 2021
General Membership Meeting Minutes
Columbus, OH
Attending: Melissa Holcomb, Vicki Orewiler, Mitzi Walters, Steve Wisnieski, Trudy Hite, Wayne Hite, Matt Hess, Angela Dinneen, Jeff Berkes, Chad Long, Coagi Long, Monica Baughman
Report of President (Angela Dinneen):
Report of Recording Secretary (Monica Baughman):
2022 General Membership Meeting Schedule
Spring – Columbus, Summer – Marion, Winter – Columbus
May - National Specialty – Health Clinic Thursday, May 19—we will need members to volunteer (with perks).
2021 Board votes:
Approved October 2021 show trophy & ribbon budget
Approved relocation of April show from Columbus to Marion
Approved $450 expense to hire Cat Angus for October 2021 show
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters):
Welcome New members: Sarah Yandell
Report of Treasurer (Debbie Thurston):
Balances as of 11/17/2021:
Paypal: $11,302.41
Checking: $4,545.20
Savings: $12,354.87
Cash: $1,185 (raffle, 50/50, catalog, membership)
Specialty money is not included in these figures. Statement from FoyTrent $1,027.50 in club earnings.
Nominating Committee (Angela Dinneen)
The nominating committee is proposing the following list of individuals for the upcoming 2022 MCONO positions:
Phil Azzaretto- Vice President (1st term)
Matt Hess- Treasurer (1st term)
Mitzi Walters- Corresponding Secretary (2nd term)
Board nominations:
Melissa Holcomb (1st term)
Vicki Orewiler (1st term)
At this time these positions are running unopposed, therefore ballots will not need to be mailed this year. Thank you so much to our outgoing Officer Debbie Douglas Thurston and Board members Shari Bridges-Semelroth and Alex Triskell for your generous commitment to our club. We could not be where we are without your help.
October Specialty Report:
Raffle, silent Auction and 50/50 made $2,145
Live Auction for Rescue made $2,025
We are sending a check to Mastiff Rescue of Florida $2,025. Ken Parschauer added an additional $10,000 to this donation.
Report of the Committees:
Amateur Recognition:
Events Committee: Clermont County KC show will not be at Wilmington next year. Looking for new location. Will look at options for 2022, possibly the Columbus show in November.
Raffle committee: The 2022 raffle committee is Wayne Hite, Brooke Fox & Vicki Orewiler
Trophy Committee: Wayne Hite volunteered to assist Dan (Fox) the Trophy Man.
Public Education:
AKC Canine College
AKC offers online educational courses and resources for the benefit of current & prospective judges, breeders, groomers, trainers and the general dog-owning public. Many of the courses are free or offered at a nominal fee, like $20. Link to the AKC Canine College: Examples of some of the offered courses include: ABCs of Dog Breeding: Canine Anatomy course and Canine Genetics course, Conformation for Beginners, Mastiff Breed Exam (for judges), How Studly is Your Stud and many others.
TIP: How do I create a Canine College account? I can only find the option to login and I have never had an account before. If you have never purchased a Canine College exam or course before you do not need to login. Please select the exam/course you would like to take from our website and complete the checkout process. The email that you enter as part of your contact information during the checkout process will become your username to log into Canine College. Once the checkout process is complete you will receive a “Welcome! Learning awaits” email that will instruct you on how to create a password for your Canine College account. Once you’ve created your password you can login by clicking “Log In” on the Canine College website.
Adjournment: Moved Mitzi/2nd Coagi
MCONO Board Meeting Minutes
February 6, 2022 7 p.m. Conference Call
Attending: Phil Azzaretto, Matt Hess, Angela Dinneen, Dan Fox, Melissa Holcomb, Callie Caoua, Mitzi Walters, Monica Baughman, Vicki Orewiler
Treasurers Report (Matt):
Judges Fund-$3,607.19
MMF still needs to send their half of the judge’s room from Wilmington ($159ish).
New & Unfinished Business to discuss:
- •
May 2022 National Specialty Health clinic (Angela)
Blood draws- any volunteers?
Eye Clinic helpers (2)
Heart clinic (2)
Thyroid helpers (2)
-Possible free/discounted testing for helpers. Schedule?
Half day or whole day shifts on May 19th. Helpers: Callie, Phil, Melissa, Monica, Angela. Send out call to membership.
- •
November 2022 Columbus Specialty, Sweeps and Supported Entry (Mitzi)
- After discussion, the Board recommends:
- o
Thursday: AB
- o
Friday: AB
- o
Saturday AB, Concurrent Specialty. Hold raffle
- o
Sunday Support Entry, Sweeps
- •
Show sites for MCONO events (Angela):
- Columbus Fall, Madison Clermont (if they host), Lima mid-summer, Canfield, Marion, Owensville, Smithfield. Think about favorite shows in the mid-summer. Revisit next meeting.
- •
2023 Bucks (Matt)
- o
Matt will reach out to the Empire ladies & Bucks KC and discuss ways MCONO can support the show.
Adjournment: Matt/Phil
MCONO Board Meeting Minutes
October 5, 2022 at 8 p.m. EST
Attending: Monica, Mitzi, Dan, Vicki, Phil, Matt, Melissa, Callie.
Not present: Angela
Treasurers Report (Matt): Dues notices to go our next week. Monica will send Matt emails.
New & Unfinished Business to discuss:
Ways and Means - Callie Caoua has agreed to head this committee.
Callie proposed: all approved
Custom Ink
Hoodies XS - 4X $40
Tshirts - $25
Shipping $7 - ships directly - order with their link
Minimum to sell is 8 / 2 week turn-around (adjusted after the meeting)
Discussed rain ponchos for Spring 2023
2023 MCONO events:
2023 Bucks
Bucks will be held at Trenton in 2023
Next meeting: October 23, 2022 7 p.m.
Adjournment: Phil/Vicki
MCONO Board Meeting Minutes
October 23, 2022 at 7 p.m. EST
Uberconference Log in or call in:
Attending: Mitzi, Angela, Phil, Matt, Callie, Vicki, Dan, Monica
Not present: Melissa
Treasurers Report (Matt):
Checking- $2,331.96
Savings- $13,762.16
Judges Fund-$3,607.17
PayPal $12,469.81
Dues renewals are coming in.
New & Unfinished Business to discuss:
November 2022 Columbus Specialty, Sweeps and Supported Entry (Mitzi)
Sweeps approved.
Ribbon lady(Rau) is starting on the ribbons
Transportation for the judge: flying in Thursday, leaving Monday. Staying with Debbie Thurston.
Raffle (Vicki)-Vicki & Brooke have things under control. Will need help getting tables set up. Looking for donations. Planning to do a 50:50. Might need to buy more tickets. Dan will check the stock and see what colors we have. (Update: Need 2 large rolls of red & 2 orange)
Independent Specialty & Sweeps (Mitzi)
Xenia 2nd weekend in September.
If we’re going to have a theme we should identify it early so we can promote it.
Committee: Angela, Callie, Monica
Work with Clermont County KC. (Mitzi)
Discussing possibility of adding a second specialty to the weekend (possibility Friday).
Premium list deadline is in December. Need to do a hard push for trophy sponsors
Need trophy ideas.
Bringing It Back, maybe use a historic picture
Fall show 2023 MCONO events
Currently, Xenia
Ways and Means update (Callie)
Logowear fundraiser ends this week. As of today have sold 47 items and $500 profit.
Survey for all club members (Angela)
Try to discover areas to potentially increase engagement, what are they are looking for in the club, opportunities to get involved, referrals, etc. Possibly launch after first of the year.
Monthly Meetings
Schedule for 1st Sunday of every month work - agreed
Matt: Need 7 Primo Pads for November. Royal blue 48” crates
Angela: 2 more double-quilted (Mr. Wags) mats, 8 crates
Next meeting: Sunday, November 6th at 7 p.m.
Adjournment: Mitzi/Angela
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
Membership Meeting Minutes
November 19, 2022 Columbus, OH
Attending: Mitzi Walters, Angela Dinneen, Dan Fox, Steve W, AJ & Amber Keeter, Lisa Gynn, Melissa Holcomb, Tammy Kinkade, Lynette Dill, Bev Ward, Tracie Grandstaff, Shannon Daniels, Webb Boyles, Holly Scott, Monica Baughman, Karen & Alex Pettry, Matt Hess, Sarah Yandell, Vicki Orewiler, Zachary Boris, Michelle Craig-Marra
Treasurers Report (Matt):
• Checking-$1,655.22
• Savings- $13,762.39
• PayPal- $13,011.86
• Cash on hand: $200 petty cash, $375 for gas card drawing, $200 judges’ gift cards
New & Unfinished Business to discuss:
2022 MCONO Nominating Committee (Amber Weiler, Wayne Hite, Brooke Fox and Mitzi Walters) would like to congratulate our candidates for 2023: Angela Dinneen for 2nd term as President, Monica Baughman for 2nd term as Recording Secretary, Callie Caoua for 2nd term on our Board and Trudi Hite for 1st term on our Board. A BIG thank you to Dan Fox for everything that you have contributed to the club. We will miss you!
• Bucks/Trenton update
o EMSF hosting, MCONO providing support
o Premium list deadline is in December.
o Trophy sponsors
o Bas Bosch judging and will provide critiques
• Xenia show update (9/2023)
• Ways and Means update
o The Fall Logowear Fundraiser raised $709.00 through donations and purchases.
o Items were shipped on 11/7 and are expected to be received by 11/15.
o Brainstorming is in progress for the Spring Fundraiser.
o Emailed membership to introduce the new committee and our mission.
• Any other business
o Share trophy ideas & ideas for future judges with Mitzi
• Adjourn
MCONO Board Meeting Minutes
Conference Call Meeting 1/15/2023 7:00PM eastern
Attendance: Angela, Phil, Mitzi, Matt, Callie, Vicki, Trudi
Absent: Monica, Melissa
Guest: Kay Stivason (Bucks/Trenton contact person)
Treasurer Report (End of Year Report):Matt: included in December minutes
New & Unfinished Business to discuss:
May 6-7 2023 - Bucks-Trenton Supported Entry and Sweepstakes
Trophy & Ribbons 100% sponsored (Additional expenses that need to be covered: Paypal fees, rosettes for Sunday classes, Judge gifts)
Advertisement. Use Matt’s contact. vintage theme. In progress
Received $400+ in additional sponsorships - proposal to carry any extra money (after all expenses) forward in a designated “Bucks Fund”- unanimous vote to approve
Additional activities?
50/50 for Rescue- unanimous vote to approve
MCONO Raffle - Kay will discuss with ESMF as to what their expectations are with raffle funds
Critiques - Kay will ask Bas Bosch is he will be able to do this
Kay suggested that we have Bas do a seminar Saturday after judging and is working on logistics (Pavilion? Picnic? Charge?)
Judge gift idea - raincoats, mastiff print
September 8-10 2023 - Xenia
hotel - we are half way between Wilmington and Fairborn Holiday Inns. Matt will look into this.
Next Meeting: 7:00pm Sunday Feb 5, 2023
Meeting Adjourned: Matt motion to adjourn, Mitzi second
MCONO Board Meeting Minutes 2/12/2023
Attending: Trudy Hite, Mitzi Walter, Angela Dinneen, Monica Baughman, Vicki Orewiler, Callie Caoua
Absent: Matt Hess, Phil Azzaretto, Melissa Holcomb
Treasurer Report:
Checking: $718.14, Savings: $13,762.74, PayPal: $16977.85, No cash on hand
New & Unfinished Business to:
May 6-7 2023 - Bucks-Trenton Supported Entry and Sweepstakes
Trophies are covered
Looking at ways to do a small raffle and/or 50:50 for rescue
Advertisement is done
Bas Bosch seminar details forthcoming. (Will discuss with Kay Stivason)
Tent near the ring
September 8-10 2023 - Xenia
Mitzi is working on trophies. (trolleys, crates, etc…)
Advertisement status?
Peace Love & Drool Theme
Sweepstakes judge Bill Bates at no cost to club.
Specialty and Juniors breeder judge Liz Simon for 1 hotel night and 2 meals. No fee for judging and judge will provide own transportation. $200 expense to hire Liz Simon for the September 2023.
Mitzi is working with AKC to gain approval for Mark Tincher to judge the Designated Specialty on Saturday.
Plan for a raffle
Hotel possibilities:
Hampton Inn & Suites by Hilton Xenia Dayton. 6 min from the show site. $164 per night. Pet friendly
Holiday inn Roberts Centre. 19 min from the show site. $138 per night. Pet friendly
Holiday inn Dayton/Fairborn. Pet friendly. 18 min from the show site. $126 per night
2023 MCOA National Specialty Social Events
MCONO received a request from MCOA encouraging the club to support the social events, like the Welcome party (5/16).
Action: Angela moved/seconded Vicki to donate $500 to the MCOA social events at the National Specialty. Motion passed unanimously.
Can send via Paypal to:
Ways and Means Update:
Ponchos-Callie will get details before the next meeting to have info ready to open sale in time to receive before Bucks.
Mitzi requested doing another sweatshirt sale. Angela suggested using the Bucks advertisement as the logo.
Next Meeting: Sunday, March 5, 2023 7 pm
Meeting Adjourned: Monica/Vicki moved to adjourn.
MCONO Board Meeting Minutes
Conference Call Meeting 4/2/2023 7:00PM eastern
Attending: Monica, Trudy, Mitzi, Phil, Callie, Vicki, Matt, Angela (Melissa not present)
Treasurer Report:
Checking: $594.77
Savings: $12,762.97
PayPal: $16,977.85
No cash on hand
Opening a separate account for Bucks/Trenton. PayPal too.
New & Unfinished Business to discuss:
May 6-7 2023 - Bucks-Trenton Supported Entry and Sweepstakes
Any news to share
Great Dane Club partnership—reserved parking area, sharing a tent, party Friday night.
Bucks/Trenton has a deal for RVers who are going to Westminster, allowing them to leave RVs at the sit e until after.
Bucks/Trenton FB group.
Looking for volunteers for things.
• contact Kay Stivason
September 8-10 2023 - Xenia
Plan for a raffle (Vicki)-raffle is happening. Cannot conflict with the CCKC Juniors’ raffle
Hotel possibilities (Matt):
Hampton Inn & Suites by Hilton Xenia Dayton. 6 min from the show site. $164 per night. Pet friendly
Holiday inn Roberts Centre. 19 min from the show site. $138 per night. Pet friendly
Holiday inn Dayton/Fairborn. Pet friendly. 18 min from the show site. $126 per night
Hotel block—Matt is working on a block
Budget (Mitzi)
Will include ribbons with sponsorships to cover the $300 cost.
Raincoats for judges gifts.
Need ring steward for Friday. Mitzi will ask Dave Henson
2023 MCOA National Specialty Raffle Basket (Mitzi)
Ask Shari S. about logistics of getting a raffle basket there. Post in the MCONO FB group and see if anyone is going.
Ways and Means Update:
Spring Fundraiser Closes April 5
Sales are low thus far
Rain Coats - 23 Sold = $470 Profits
Bucks and Trenton Gear - 21 Sold = $250 Profits
Next Meeting: April 16, 2023 7p.m.
Meeting Adjourned: Mitzi/Matt
MCONO Board Meeting Minutes
12/3/2023 7:00PM EST
Attending: Matt Hess, Vicki Orewiler, Mitzi Walters, Melissa Holcomb, Callie Caoua, Monica Baughman, Trudy Hite, Angela Dineen. Guest: Kay Stivason
Treasurer Report:
Checking: $17,894.65
Savings: $11,294.53
PayPal: $5,156.72
Cash: $134 check for Bucks/Trenton
Bucks/Trenton fund: $1706.44
Old Business:
Report on Meet the Breed (Angela) – Amber Weiler & Stacy Gotti
Ideas for future MTBs: Slime to experience drool, handouts, coloring sheets.
New & Unfinished Business to discuss:
May 4-6 2024- Bucks-Trenton (Kay)
- •
Saturday Designated Specialty (Judge - Colin R. Hill) and Sweepstakes (Judge - Karen Park)
- •
Sunday Designated Specialty (Judge - Diane Collings) and Sweepstakes (Judge - Lynn Sherlock)
- •
Monday Supported Entry - Judge Espen Eng( (fancy ribbons)
- •
- Hospitality - Bev Ward & Traci Grandstaff
- o
Ring Steward-try to have helpers for the ring stewards
- •
Promises of early ring times
- •
Premium list deadline January 1 for trophies & sponsorships.
- o
Sponsorship lists going out this week on FB. Everyone please share.
- . Plan to fundraise for Lucie’s Mastiff Mission and future Buck’s expenses fund.
- Action Item: Motion to approve trophy budget: Matt/Melissa. Motion Approved
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September 6-8 2024 - Xenia (Mitzi)
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Friday Independent Specialty (Judge - Barbara House & Sweepstakes Judge - Julia Kriebs & General Membership meeting & Raffle/Auction
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Saturday Designated specialty (Judge - Jane Mitchell)
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Sunday Supported Entry
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Recommending same hotel for block
Election Report presented by Angela Dineen
As directed by the Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio’s By Laws (Article IV) there shall be an election of Officers and Board members each year in November. This year, being an odd numbered year, is set forth to be the election of the Vice President, Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary and two Board Members at Large. The Nominating Committee proposes the following candidates after it was then confirmed that they wished to run for a second term for their position and that they meet the qualifications set forth in MCONO By Laws, Article IV. They are members in good standing with the club and all will have been members of the club for at least one year at the time of the election. (Please note that it is also set forth in our By Laws that a person may hold the same office for two (2) consecutive terms.)
Report of the results from the recent election of officers:
Vice President - Phil Azzaretto for a second term
Treasurer - Matt Hess for a second term
Corresponding Secretary - Mitzi Walters for a second term
Board - Vicki Orewiler for a second term
Board - Melissa Holcomb for a second term
Meeting Adjourned at 7:49pm
Next Meeting: January 7. 2024 7 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Monica Baughman, Recording Secretary
MCONO Board Meeting Minutes
Conference Call Meeting 1/7/2024 7:00PM EST
Attending: Angela, Monica, Mitzi, Melissa, Vicki, Phil, Trudy, Kay, Callie, Matt
Treasurer Report (as of 1/7/2024)
Checking: $24,522.04
Savings: $13,000.97
PayPal: $4,136.97
Bucks/Trenton: $1706.44
New & Unfinished Business to discuss:
Questionnaire (Angela): Angela has created a draft of ten questions to review/edit and then send out to the membership. Angela will send the questions out to the BOD after the meeting.
What has been your favorite trophy, What trophies would you like to see? Have you been happy with the trophies presented? What activities do you participate in with your mastiff? What do you think MCONO as done well? What can MCONO do better? How would you like to be more involved? Would you be in favor of a single show in one day or would you be in favor of a double show? Would you like to see more breeder education coming from MCONO?
May 4-6 2024- Bucks-Trenton update (Kay/Mitzi)
Saturday Designated Specialty (Judge - Colin R. Hill) and Sweepstakes (Judge - Karen Park)
Sunday Designated Specialty (Judge - Diane Collings) and Sweepstakes (Judge - Lynn Sherlock)
Monday Supported Entry
Premium list info submitted. Hotel for judges pending. (Weston Princeton at Forrestal Village was last year)
Informal plan for Saturday night- (Salt Creek Grill?)
Gather list of hotels and possible Saturday night bar/grill by next meeting
Trophies almost 100% sponsored. Ribbons ordered.
Sashes in the works for specialties. Diane is making.
September 6-8 2024 - Xenia update (Mitzi)
Friday Independent Specialty (Judge Jane Mitchell-pending) & Sweepstakes (Judge - Julia Kriebs-pending) & General Membership meeting & Raffle/Auction, Myra Roth (ring steward)
Saturday Designated specialty (Judge Barbara House-pending)
Sunday Supported Entry
Ways and Means Committee (Callie)
Bucks/Trenton logowear fundraiser
T-shirts and possibly sweatshirts
Callie will bring options in the colors (Army gray, black & gray) to the next meeting.
Think of other raffle/fundraising ideas. Maybe a monthly raffle leading up to May. Ideas: wheeled stretcher, grooming table, Dremel, raised feeder…
Next Meeting: February 4, 2024
Meeting Adjourned: 7:55pm (Matt/Trudy)
MCONO Board Meeting Minutes
Conference Call Meeting 2/4/2024 7:00PM EST
Attending: Angela, Monica, Mitzi, Vicki, Phil, Trudy, Callie, Matt (Melissa absent)
Treasurer Report (as of 2/6/2024)
• Checking: $24,329.30
• Savings: $13,595.85
• PayPal: $4,136.97
• Bucks/Trenton: $1706.44
New & Unfinished Business to discuss:
• May 4-6 2024- Bucks-Trenton update (Mitzi)
• Saturday Designated Specialty (Judge - Colin R. Hill) and Sweepstakes (Judge - Karen Park)
• Sunday Designated Specialty (Judge - Diane Collings) and Sweepstakes (Judge - Lynn Sherlock)
• Monday Supported Entry
o Directly pay for judges expenses, rather than run through KC. Have judge book and reimburse. MCONO paying for flight. KC covering hotel.
o Bev handling hospitality – looking for suggestions. Individually wrapped, grab and go.
• Hotel (Matt) – Courtyard Marriott (Ewing, NJ) discount $159 king beds w/pull out sofa, $179 two double beds. 15 minutes from show site. Has restaurant and bar. Pet friendly. 10 room minimum. Following up about pet fee. ($75)
• September 6-8 2024 - Xenia update (Mitzi)
• Friday Independent Specialty (Judge - Jane Mitchell) & Sweepstakes (Judge - Julia Kriebs) & General Membership meeting & Raffle/Auction
• Saturday Designated specialty (Judge - Barbara House)
• Sunday Supported Entry
• MCOA has “approved” judges. Now waiting on AKC to approve.
• Liz Simon will be there and can cover juniors if needed.
• Ways and Means Committee (Callie)
o Zip hoodies and hat have a high print minimum & are not viable.
o Checking on logistics and pricing for bulk ordering.
Next Meeting: March 3, 2024
Meeting Adjourned: 7:47p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Monica Baughman, Recording Secretary
MCONO Board Meeting Minutes
Conference Call Meeting 4/14/2024 7:00PM EST
Attending: Mitzi, Vicki, Angela, Monica, Melissa, Phil, Matt, Trudy. Absent: Callie
Treasurer Report (as of 3/24/2024)
Checking: $24,299.30
Savings: $13,650.96
PayPal: $1,852.16
Bucks/Trenton: $1921.09
New & Unfinished Business to discuss:
May 4-6 2024 - Bucks-Trenton
Saturday after the show, gathering at the Salt Creek Grill
Hotel rooms available. Link open through this week.
Matt working on closing the open raffle for dryer. Has a few spots still open.
National Specialty
Everyone bring things for booze wagon. Phil is bringing the wagon.
MCONO Specialty (Xenia, September 2024)
Getting quotes for ribbons. Will vote on pricing in messenger.
May 1 deadline for sponsors for premium list. Need to hustle.
MCONO Membership Meeting
Will hold membership meeting at Bucks show. Working on draft of the agenda.
Next Meeting: TBD
Meeting Adjourned: Mitzi/Vicki
Minutes submitted by Monica Baughman, Recording Secretary
MCONO Board Meeting Minutes
Conference Call Meeting 07/14/2024 7:00PM EST
Attending: Mitzi Walter, Monica Baughman, Vicki Oreweiler, Callie, Angela Dinneen, Matt Hess, Trudy Hite
Absent: Melissa Holcomb, Phil Azzaretto
Treasurer Report:
Checking- $13,988.02
Savings- $21,699.71
Motions Approved Electronically Between the June & July Meetings:
Motion to approve the 2027 National Specialty Committee comprised of Kay Stivason, Monica Baughman and Mitzi Walters.
Motion to approve Kay Stivason as head of the 2025 Bucks/Trenton show.
New & Unfinished Business to discuss:
- MCONO Specialty (Xenia, September 6-8, 2024)
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Update – Start promoting hard in August.
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Ringside hospitality on Friday: Breakfast? Lunch? Snacks?
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Ribbons ordered, trophies obtained.
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Raffle on Friday (Vicki, Trudy, Brooke). Will do online raffles the weeks leading into the show.
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2025 planning
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Judge recommendations- Kay starting to work on it.
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Hospitality- Invite Denise Williams?
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Owensboro hotels will not cooperate.
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Wilmington – Piggyback off September Xenia show (Friday-Sunday). Then national starting Tuesday…
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Anyone have time to email it out to the membership? Matt will send out.
- Election Nominations (Phil): Terms for President, Recording Secretary and two Board positions are up this year. Phil is working on
- forming a nominating committee.
- Mastiff Picnic (9/14): MCONO is welcome to attend and host activity or do membership drive or.. Lots of pet owners attend.
Next Meeting: August 4, 2024, 7 p.m.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:54 p.m.
MCONO Board Meeting Minutes
08/11/2024 7:00PM EST
Attending: Matt, Angela, Monica, Mitzi, Vicki, Callie, Trudy Absent: Melissa, Phil
Treasurer Report: (as of 7/14/20)
Checking- $13,988.02
Savings- $21,699.71
$439.45 Raffle proceeds. Paid for ribbons
Motions Approved Electronically Since the July Meeting: None
New & Unfinished Business to discuss:
MCONO Specialty (Xenia, September 6, 7 8 2024)
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Raffle (Vicki) – Everyone bring an item to put in raffle buckets to help fill them up.
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Food – Ask volunteers to bring items to share.
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Show closes 8/20
Bucks-Trenton (Kay):
Kay submitted a Bucks/Trenton report in case she’s not able to make the meeting:
Regular Classes
We reached out to the Bucks and Trenton show chairs and requested a list of contracted judges for the all-breed shows. We also sent them a short list of foreign judges who can judge Mastiffs plus other breeds, and asked if they would be willing to bring any of them over and split costs.
Bucks – the only name she gave us so far was Douglas Johnson (as one of their contracted all-breed judges). On July 30th she said they would discuss the list of foreign all-breed judges and get back to us soon.
Trenton – the only name she gave us is Dana Cline, who will be judging Mastiffs on Monday. He is a very well-respected judge and will be great for a Monday Supported entry. As far as the foreign judge names we gave her, she said on August 1st that she will review with the committee and then let us know.
Action – this week will be two weeks since we’ve heard from either of them. Will send a follow-up email to see if they have contracted with any more judges for the all-breed show, and/or their decision on foreign all-breed judges who are also Mastiff judges.
Pending on what the Bucks & Trenton show chairs say, we will also need to consider bringing in a Mastiff-only foreign judge for Bucks and a US-Breeder judge for Trenton, as we did for 2024.
Donna and Jess Bahlman were asked but declined.
Asked Dena & Matt Drozdoff and waiting for their reply.
Action - Back-up suggestions are welcome, and/or suggestions for 2026.
Planning Committee:
Now that the 2024 National Specialty is over, the ESMF is going to be involved with Bucks & Trenton again. We decided that it would make the most sense to have an odd-numbered planning committee consisting of 3 MCONO members, 3 ESMF members, and 1 MCOA member from the Bucks/Trenton area. The extra person will be Denise Williams from Lucie’s Mastiff Mission Rescue, since she has a booth near our ring every year and this year she worked with hospitality to provide food & drinks.
Action - Planning committee needs to have first meeting and set some policies/procedures, decide on sub-committee chairs (hospitality, fundraising, etc) and go over expectations for each club’s involvement
Note – I am OK with continuing to serve as the Club Liaison for the shows, as long as anyone else doesn’t have an interest in taking over. The Club Liaison is the point of contact person between the Bucks KC, Trenton KC, MCOA, and previously MCONO/ESMF. This position includes ensuring that all paperwork gets done in a timely manner via the MCOA Corresponding Secretary. (Currently me)
2027 National Specialty (Mitzi):
Cherry Valley Hotel – extremely expensive
Frankenmuth, MI – event center owned by city. They get to pick timeframe. Considering May.
Roberts Center – still pending. Won’t sign a contract yet.
Election / Board Vacancies:
From the Bylaws: Section 3. Vacancies Any vacancies occurring on the board or among the offices during the year shall be filled until the next annual election by a majority vote of the members of the board at its first regular meeting following the creation of such vacancy, or at a special board meeting called for that purpose; except that a vacancy in the office of President shall be filled automatically by the Vice President and the resulting vacancy in the office of Vice President shall be filled by the board. If the vacancy is that of the Secretary, Corresponding Secretary or Treasurer, the retiring officer shall turn over all properties and records to the designated successor as soon as possible, but no later than thirty (30) days.
Action: Mitzi Motion to nominate Trudy will fill V.P. vacancy. Monica second.
Nominations: Terms for President, Recording Secretary and two Board positions are up this year. Mitzi will convene a nominating committee and have a slate by the next meeting.
Next Meeting: Hold General Membership meeting on Saturday of Xenia. Will work on agenda over messenger.
Meeting Adjourned: Mitzi/Trudy
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
Membership Meeting Minutes
Greene County Fairgrounds, Xenia, OH
September 7, 2024
Attending: Angela Dineen, Monica Baughman, Mitzi Walters, Vicki Orewiler, Brian Semelroth, Shari Semelroth, Jane Mitchell, Carrie Klaiber, Liz Simon, Debbie Yesko, Brian Yesko, Dan Fox, Matt Hess
Treasurers Report (Matt):
Savings- $19,230.33
PayPal- $3,377.60
Cash on hand: 0
Bucks/Trenton: 1,852.16
New & Unfinished Business to discuss:
Xenia (Angela)
Huge thank you to Vicki Orewiler for all her hard work on the raffle!
2025? Location, judges, ribbons/prizes?
See if we can get the other fans on. 2nd year it’s been stifling inside the building for the specialty show day.
Share any other location ideas with the board.
Share any ribbons/prizes ideas too
Discussed possibly holding two specialty shows in one day, like 2 on Friday and or 2 on Saturday.
Nominating Committee (Mitzi)
Bev Ward, Brian Reese, Lisa Simons, Webb Boyles, Mitzi Walters
Proposed slate: Monica Baughman, President; Shari Semelroth, Recording Secretary; Angela Dineen, Director; Bev Ward, Director
Bucks/Trenton update
No judging panel yet. Looking at bringing in a foreign judge.
Shari will ask Claire and we can pass this on to the Bucks committee(NZ).
2027 National Specialty
MCONO is hosting!!
Potential show location is Frankenmuth, MI. Karen Park is currently working through details with the city.
Membership Survey – sending a survey to the membership soon to get some feedback on the club, ribbons, prizes, etc.
Adjourn (Vicki/Liz S)
Minutes respectfully submitted by Monica Baughman, Recording Secretary
MCONO Board Meeting Minutes
Conference Call Meeting 11/17/2024 7:00PM EST
Attending: Monica, Mitzi, Matt, Callie, Trudy, Vicki, Angela
Treasurer Report:
Checking $4,216.10
Savings: $30,000.13
Paypal: $4,022.71
Bucks & Trenton: $2,370.16
No cash on hand
Motions Approved Electronically Between since the July Meeting: None
New & Unfinished Business to discuss:
Bucks-Trenton Update- Have judges, possibly from Crufts. Have Sweeps judges (Matt Drozdoff). Pat Borracci designed new logo. Will need to start trophy sponsorship soon. Reminder to see if super will increase ring size. Getting tent for Denise/hospitability.
2025 MCONO Specialty- (late fall)
Location - found out Xenia may be moving from Xenia to Wilmington in June. Options: Columbus in November, Owensboro, New Castle (PA), Wauseon, Lexington (KY).
Send top 3 locations to Mitzi in the chat by Friday.
2027 National Specialty update-
11-24-01 Motion to recommend the Asheville, NC site for the 2027 National Specialty. Moved by Matt, Second Angela. Ayes: All. Nay: None. Motion unanimously approved.
To Dos: Trophies, Theme, events.
Fundraising (year-round)- Any ideas? Regular raffles, non-dog stuff (Blackstone, Dyson). Mitzi wants to raffle a golf cart.
Election Results- Monica Baughman, President; Shari Semelroth, Recording Secretary; Angela Dinneen, Director; Bev Ward, Director
Next Meeting: December 8. 2024
Meeting Adjourned: 8:16 p.m.