.Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
Sunday April 23, 2017
Meeting Minutes
Attending: Dave Henson, Linda Henson, Diane Caoua, Callie Caoua,
Ron Bank Jr., Ron Banks Sr., Debbie Thurston, Mary Ham, Brian Ham,
Danielle Dudley, Dan Fox, Brooke Fox, Shari Semelroth, Mitzi Walters,
Chad Long, Coagi Long, Shannon Daniels, Ernie Daniels,
Steve Wisnieski, Kim Murray, Angela Dineen, Cindy Hollar, Tim Talbott,
Monica Baughman, Todd Baughman, Megan Wervey, Jody Black,
Julianna Campbell, Amber Weiler
Previous Minutes: November 2016 minutes are available on the
website. (Moved by Debbie Thurston, Second Chad Long)
Report of President (Dave Henson: Huge thank you to the club for sponsoring all the supported Entry trophies in less than 48 hours.
Report of Recording Secretary (Monica Baughman):
2017 Meeting Schedule
January - no meeting
February - no meeting
March - no meeting
April - Columbus (Sunday)
May - Bucks
June - Troy
July - Lima
August - Marion
September - Lancaster
October - Urbana
November - Columbus (election)
December - no meeting
Recent Board votes:
Proposal for the club to start having ribbons for CGC tests and new Champions was approved
Proposal: MCONO Independent Specialty on Friday October 20, 2017 with raffle, auction and Sweepstakes. ,MCONO Designated Specialty on Saturday October 21, 2017, and Marion in July as a Supported Entry with Sweepstakes and raffle. All with Debbie Thurston and Dan Fox as Show Chair and assistant (it will be noted in the Premium Lists that show chairs may show dogs) Also that we do a cook out at Marion if the weather is nice was approved.
Proposal to send junior members in the top 10 for 2016 a $100 gift card was approved
Proposal to advertise in July 2017 MCOA journal was not approved.
Judges’ expense was approved for Friday 2017 Specialty at Wilmington
Proposal to donate $100 to MCOA 2017 National Specialty Welcome Party was approved
Proposal for ribbons for Summertime Supported Entry was approved
Proposal to put in place a Facebook Group moderator and sportsmanship policy was approved
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters) :
We have new members to welcome! Be sure to reach out to them! We currently have 138 members.
Tammy Moyer
Maria Ruoto
Report of Treasurer (Niko Hagan) :
Checking: $482.89 Savings: $9,499.55 Paypal: $396.07
AKC Rep Report (Debbie Thurston):
AKC approved a New Trick Dog Titling Program, which will be launched May 1, 2017.
AKC approved a Scent Work Program, which will be launched October 1, 2017.
Information is available on akc.org
See below for changes coming in April to NOHS
Report of the Committees
Health: If members have suggestions for health testing to be offered at the Mastiff Picnic, let Kim Murray know ASAP. Currently planned are: CMR/PRA & Cystinuria.
Title Recognition Committee: (Brian Ham, Debbie Thurston, Niko Hagan)
We renewed our membership with AKC for 2017
Our February titles:
GCH CH Gary Schneider's Deez Rockin Zee Of Hess' Country CGC, Niko Hagan
CH Deez Guardian Of The Gate Druzilla CGC, Niko Hagan
GCH CH Stonehaven Shabri-El's Rock N Roll Presley, Shane & Bug Hamilton
New Titles (CGC): Needs to be mentioned that Mary and Brian Ham can do CGC evaluations for MCONO and use the ribbons we currently have until new printed ribbons are ordered and received.
Events Committee 2017
(July 29, 2017) Supported Entry, Sweepstakes (Callie Caoua judge) and cook-out at Marion, OH show
(September 30 2017) Mastiff Picnic
(October 20, 2017) Independent Specialty, Sweepstakes, Raffle & Auction
(October 21, 2017) Designated Specialty & Droolapalooza
2017 MCONO Regional Specialty(s): Debbie Thurston (show chair) report
Independent Specialty and Designated Specialty – Wilmington –October 20-21, 2017 (Friday and Saturday)
Paperwork has been approved by AKC to hold our 3rd Independent Specialty on Friday, October 20, 2017. We will hold a Designated Specialty on Saturday, October 21, 2017. Sunday, October 22, 2017 will be a normal all-breed dog show.
Houston Clark will be judging our Independent Specialty on Friday. Judges for Saturday and Sunday have not been confirmed yet with Clermont County Kennel Club.
We will be doing our Poop N Panty game again on Friday evening. Think about getting your teams of four together for this fun activity where adults and children can compete on the same level. Saturday, after BIS we will be holding our Droolapalooza event with Holly Scott judging. We changed the name from Puppypalooza…so people will know it is not just for puppies.
Question from Chad about creating 2017 Specialty T-Shirts to help promote the event. Mitzi will look at creating a logo asap.
Trophy sponsorship information will be sent out in May.
MCONO 2016 Limited Edition T-shirts - available on Specialty 2016 page of the website ….just a few left!
Public Education (Mary Ham): Nothing to report
New/Unfinished Business:
Marion Supported Entry/Sweepstakes (July 29, 2017)
Trophies: 100% of the trophies have been sponsored for the Summertime Supported Entry in
Marion!! Payment is not due at this time.
We are looking for people to help organize the cook-out at Marion! Please see Mitzi if interested.
Mary H. will bring grill. Ernie is in charge of grilling and will need some help cooking.
Potluck - Angela Dineen will be in charge.
CGC & CERF will be available at the Marion show, as will Lure Coursing and Fast CAT events.
Suggestion raised for a mastiff specific crating area.
Adjournment: Moved by Chad, Second by Angela
Changes to NOHS
As part of the AKC’s continuous effort to evaluate and improve the AKC National Owner-Handled Series (NOHS) based on feedback from exhibitors, clubs, superintendents, and AKC Executive Field Representatives, the AKC Board of Directors has approved a number of changes to the NOHS effective April 1, 2017. A significant change is the conversion of the current NOHS Best Practices & Policies to NOHS Regulations. Regulations have an advantage of enforceability which will provide consistency and clarity in the execution of the competition.
Additional modifications to the program were made to provide more structure to the NOHS judging panel requirements. The judging panel changes are:
Require a different judge to be assigned to the same NOHS group for each day of a weekend/cluster/circuit.
Require a different judge be assigned to the regular and NOHS group/BIS at the same event.
Judges will not be approved to judge a breed and, at the same show, the NOHS Variety Group of which the breed is a part and NOHS Best in Show.
Single individuals cannot judge all the NOHS groups at an event.
A judge must be approved for at least one breed in the group to judge the NOHS Group unless they are approved for at least 1 full group, in which case they may judge any NOHS Group.
With the adoption of the above; fewer judging conflicts will occur at the Group level, and the issue of pre-judging dogs has been eliminated as an individual cannot judge the same regular & NOHS Group at the same event. It is our expectation that their execution will greatly reduce exhibitor frustration on the day of the event by minimizing judging conflicts between the regular and NOHS Groups.
Currently, it is recommended that NOHS Groups be scheduled to start at least 30 minutes prior to the regular to minimize any opportunity for conflicts. If that scheduling does not meet the needs of the club’s event, an alternative recommendation that is available to clubs at their discretion is to schedule the NOHS Group/BIS judging to occur immediately following the completion of the regular Group/BIS judging [in the same order].
However, even with the best schedule, circumstances on the day can lead to conflicts for exhibitors that have been awarded both NOHS and regular Best of Breed/Variety. AKC Board Policy states “judging of a special attraction must not interfere with the orderly conduct of regular or group judging at the event. Best in Show judging may not be delayed more than 15 minutes for a Special Attraction judging.” Accordingly, when exhibitor conflicts occur, clubs should delay the judging of NOHS Groups in order to alleviate a conflict for an exhibitor that needs to be in both the regular & NOHS Group. The remaining NOHS Groups can then follow the alternative recommendation listed above to complete the day.
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
Saturday July 1, 2017
June/July Meeting Agenda
Attending: Megan Wervey, Kim Stefanik, Dan Fox, Ron Banks Sr., Coagi Long, Chad Long, Mitzi Walters, Debbie Thurston, Angela Dineen, Monica Baughman and Lois Franchino
Previous Minutes: April 2017 minutes are available on the website were approved.
Report of President (Dave Henson: No report
Report of Recording Secretary (Monica Baughman):
2017 Meeting Schedule
January - no meeting
February - no meeting
March - no meeting
April - Columbus (Sunday)
May - Bucks
June -
July - Lima
August – Marion (Saturday 7/29)
September - Lancaster???
October - Urbana
November - Columbus (election)
December - no meeting
Recent Board votes:
Proposal for the club to start having ribbons for CGC tests and new Champions was approved
Proposal: MCONO Independent Specialty on Friday October 20, 2017 with raffle, auction and Sweepstakes. MCONO Designated Specialty on Saturday October 21, 2017, and Marion in July as a Supported Entry with Sweepstakes and raffle. All with Debbie Thurston and Dan Fox as Show Chair and assistant (it will be noted in the Premium Lists that show chairs may show dogs) Also that we do a cook out at Marion if the weather is nice was approved.
Proposal to send junior members in the top 10 for 2016 a $100 gift card was approved
Proposal to advertise in July 2017 MCOA journal was not approved.
Judges’ expense was approved for Friday 2017 Specialty at Wilmington
Proposal to donate $100 to MCOA 2017 National Specialty Welcome Party was approved
Proposal for ribbons for Summertime Supported Entry was approved
Proposal to put in place a Facebook Group moderator and sportsmanship policy was tabled
Proposal for ribbons for October Independent Specialty, Sweepstakes and Designated Specialty was approved
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters):
We have new members to welcome! Be sure to reach out to them! We currently have 138 members.
Megan Wervey
Amber Weiler
Report of Treasurer
Checking: $_______Savings: $_______ Paypal: $_________
Dues for 2017/2018 are Due by July 1st! Please get yours paid!
You are due if you received an email.
AKC Rep Report (Debbie Thurston):
AKC approved a New Trick Dog Titling Program, which will be launched May 1, 2017.
AKC approved a Scent Work Program, which will be launched October 1, 2017.
Information is available on akc.org
Kim S. is a new CGC evaluator. Can do CGC, Trick, etc.
Report of the Committees
Health: If members have suggestions for health testing to be offered at the Mastiff Picnic, let Kim Murray know ASAP. Currently planned are: CMR/PRA & Cystinuria.
Title Recognition Committee: (Brian Ham, Debbie Thurston, Niko Hagan)
CH Millennium Gatehouse Moonlight Ride CAA
Carrie Klaiber/Karen Klaiber
CH Weiler's Peacemaker BN RN CGCA CGCU
Mrs. Amber Nicole Weiler
CH Weiler's Peacemaker BN RN CGCA CGCU
Mrs. Amber Nicole Weiler
CH Redbarnsa Handley Page Halifax
Mary Ham/Brian Ham
CH TR2C's Going Rogue On Hickory Creek CGC
Monica L Baughman/Todd N Baughman/
Tim Talbott/Robin Talbott
CH Kada Hill's Don't Poke The Bear
Mrs. Kim Berube
We have received the new title ribbons.
CGC evaluators should email the TRC (Brian, Debbie & Niko) if they want to evaluate for MCONO.
Events Committee 2017
(July 29, 2017) Supported Entry, Sweepstakes (Callie Caoua judge) and cook-out at Marion, OH show
(September 30 2017) Mastiff Picnic
(October 20, 2017) Independent Specialty, Sweepstakes, Raffle & Auction
(October 21, 2017) Designated Specialty & Droolapalooza
2017 MCONO Regional Specialty(s): Debbie Thurston (show chair) report
Independent Specialty and Designated Specialty – Wilmington –October 20-21, 2017 (Friday and Saturday)
Paperwork has been approved by AKC to hold our 3rd Independent Specialty on Friday, October 20, 2017. We will hold a Designated Specialty on Saturday, October 21, 2017. Sunday, October 22, 2017 will be a normal all-breed dog show.
Houston Clark will be judging our Independent Specialty on Friday. Carrie Klaiber will be judging Sweepstakes on Friday.
Holly Scott will be judging our Designated Specialty on Saturday.
Judge for Sunday has not been confirmed yet with Clermont County Kennel Club.
We will be doing our Poop N Panty game again on Friday evening. Think about getting your teams of four together for this fun activity where adults and children can compete on the same level. Saturday, after BIS we will be holding our Droolapalooza event with Holly Scott judging. We changed the name from Puppypalooza…so people will know it is not just for puppies.
Kay S. will be at the next meeting to talk about Droolapalooza.
We will be having our usual huge raffle event on Friday, so please start collecting items.
We will be needing lots of volunteers to help at our Wilmington events…a sign up sheet will be prepared soon.
Saw examples of the MASTIFF cutout trophies. They are very nice!
MCONO 2016 Limited Edition T-shirts - available on Specialty 2016 page of the website ….just a few left!
Public Education (Mary Ham):
2 reading sessions with two of our mastiffs at a group home for learning disabled. April-14 people in attendance first visit. May- 22 people the second visit. Showed the AKC dog video and I passed out AKC coloring books to them. We talked about caring for your pets. We will be returning.
Also attended two Safety Town morning classes for pre-K kids. We showed the AKC video and passed out the remaining coloring books that I have.
Question from Monica: Worthington Libraries would like to start monthly a Read to Your Dog program. Would any MCONO members be interested/available to participate one weekday evening a month?
New/Unfinished Business:
Marion Supported Entry/Sweepstakes (July 29, 2017)
Friday: Roger Gifford
Saturday: Edd Bivin, Callie Caoua Sweepstakes
Sunday: Dr Spritzer
Monday: Charles Olvis
Ring Steward for Sweepstakes and Supported Entry will be Danielle Dudley.
Reminder: Veteran Sweepstake entries do not have to be intact.
Change of judge for Sunday. Was Meredith Johnson-Snyder, but has changed to Dr. Ronald Spritzer
Sweepstakes will be first and then the AKC breed judging (Saturday) will be next.
When entering the Marion Show, pay attention to where entries are sent to
For the all breed show entries, send to MBF
For the Coursing Ability Tests (CAT) – refer to the CAT premium list, entries go directly to the CAT event secretary
For the FastCat Tests – refer to the FastCat premium list, entries go directly to the FastCat event secretary.
On Friday and Saturday of the Marion Show, AKC 4 and under 6 months puppy competition will be offered.
Trophies: 100% of the trophies have been sponsored for the Summertime Supported Entry in
Marion!! Payment can be made to Niko Hagan, Treasurer
Potluck (lunchtime):
Mary H. will bring grill. Ernie is in charge of grilling and will need some help cooking.
Potluck - Angela Dineen will be in charge.
CGC & CERF will be available at the Marion show, as will Lure Coursing and Fast CAT events.
There will be a mastiff specific crating area.
Adjournment: (Moved and seconded by Dan/Papa Banks)
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
Saturday July 29, 2017
August Meeting Minutes
Attending: Ron Banks, Karlee Banks, Ron Banks Sr, Shannon Daniels, Ernie Daniels, Diane Caoua, Callie Caoua, Kay Stivason, Mike Stivason, Bev Ward, Mitzi Walters, S Deans, Angela Dineen, Danielle Dudley, Kelly Verbridge, Dan Fox, Dave Henson, Linda Henson, Matt Hess, Coagi Long, Pam McCune, V Orewiler, Bruce Orewiler, Julie Millay, Keith Fulton, Debbie Thurston, Molly Bracken, Josh Bracken
Previous Minutes: June/July 2017 minutes are available on the website
Report of President (Dave Henson): no report
Report of Recording Secretary (Monica Baughman): no report
2017 Meeting Schedule
January - no meeting
February - no meeting
March - no meeting
April - Columbus (Sunday)
May - Bucks
July - Lima
August – Marion (Saturday 7/29)
September - Lancaster???
October -
November - Columbus (election)
December - no meeting
Recent Board votes:
Proposal for the club to start having ribbons for CGC tests and new Champions was approved
Proposal: MCONO Independent Specialty on Friday October 20, 2017 with raffle, auction and Sweepstakes. MCONO Designated Specialty on Saturday October 21, 2017, and Marion in July as a Supported Entry with Sweepstakes and raffle. All with Debbie Thurston and Dan Fox as Show Chair and assistant (it will be noted in the Premium Lists that show chairs may show dogs) Also that we do a cook out at Marion if the weather is nice was approved.
Proposal to send junior members in the top 10 for 2016 a $100 gift card was approved
Proposal to advertise in July 2017 MCOA journal was not approved.
Judges’ expense was approved for Friday 2017 Specialty at Wilmington
Proposal to donate $100 to MCOA 2017 National Specialty Welcome Party was approved
Proposal for ribbons for Summertime Supported Entry was approved
Proposal to put in place a Facebook Group moderator and sportsmanship policy was tabled
Proposal for ribbons for October Independent Specialty, Sweepstakes and Designated Specialty was approved
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters): no report
Report of Treasurer (Niko Hagan):
100% of the trophies have been sponsored for the Summertime Supported Entry in
Marion!! Payment can be made to Niko Hagan, Treasurer or Mitzi
Checking: $1,186.84 Savings: $8,499.78 Paypal: $389.27
Dues for 2017/2018 are Due by July! Please get yours paid!
You are due if you received an email. See Mitzi to pay.
AKC Rep Report (Debbie Thurston):
AKC approved a New Trick Dog Titling Program, which will be launched May 1, 2017.
AKC approved a Scent Work Program, which will be launched October 1, 2017.
Information is available on akc.org
Sept 14-Sept 17 there will be a huge AKC/Eukanuba event at the Roberts Center in Wilmington with everything from dock diving to scent work.
Report of the Committees
Health: If members have suggestions for health testing to be offered at the Mastiff Picnic, let Kim Murray know ASAP. Currently planned are: CMR/PRA & Cystinuria.
Title Recognition Committee: (Brian Ham, Debbie Thurston, Niko Hagan)
CH Millennium Gatehouse Moonlight Ride CAA
Carrie Klaiber/Karen Klaiber
CH Weiler's Peacemaker BN RN CGCA CGCU
Mrs. Amber Nicole Weiler
CH Weiler's Peacemaker BN RN CGCA CGCU
Mrs. Amber Nicole Weiler
CH Redbarnsa Handley Page Halifax
Mary Ham/Brian Ham
CH TR2C's Going Rogue On Hickory Creek CGC
Monica L Baughman/Todd N Baughman/
Tim Talbott/Robin Talbott
CH Kada Hill's Don't Poke The Bear
Mrs. Kim Berube
We have received the new title ribbons.
CGC evaluators should email the TRC (Brian, Debbie & Niko) if they want to evaluate for MCONO.
Events Committee 2017
(October 20, 2017) Independent Specialty, Sweepstakes, Raffle & Auction
(October 21, 2017) Designated Specialty & Droolapalooza
Droolapalooza Report: Kay Stivason We are changing it up to have two divisions...one for juniors and seniors and we are combining some of the categories.
2017 MCONO Regional Specialty(s): Debbie Thurston (show chair) report
Independent Specialty and Designated Specialty – Wilmington –October 20-21, 2017 (Friday and Saturday)
Paperwork has been approved by AKC to hold our 3rd Independent Specialty on Friday, October 20, 2017. We will hold a Designated Specialty on Saturday, October 21, 2017. Sunday, October 22, 2017 will be a normal all-breed dog show.
Houston Clark will be judging our Independent Specialty on Friday. Carrie Klaiber will be judging Sweepstakes on Friday.
Holly Scott will be judging our Designated Specialty on Saturday.
Judge for Sunday has not been confirmed yet with Clermont County Kennel Club.
We will be doing our Poop N Panty game again on Friday evening. Think about getting your teams of four together for this fun activity where adults and children can compete on the same level. Saturday, after BIS we will be holding our Droolapalooza event with Holly Scott judging. We changed the name from Puppypalooza…so people will know it is not just for puppies.
We will be having our usual huge raffle event on Friday, so please start collecting items.
We will be needing lots of volunteers to help at our Wilmington events…a sign up sheet will be prepared soon.
Saw examples of the MASTIFF cutout trophies. They are very nice!
MCONO 2016 Limited Edition T-shirts - available on Specialty 2016 page of the website ….just a few left!
Public Education (Mary Ham): no report
New/Unfinished Business:
If any member of MCONO wants to buy puppy pee pads from the Dan Emmett Kennel Club, they are $3.00 and $4.00 each at Marion show. Great deal for people so wanted to tell MCONO first.
Question from Mary Ham: for Wilmington, is MCONO offering CGC evaluating at that specialty? Might be a good place to offer CGCA as well.
Question from Monica: Worthington Libraries would like to start monthly a Read to Your Dog program. Would any MCONO members be interested/available to participate one weekday evening a month?
Linda Henson proposal: that MCONO hold a 50/50 at well-attended shows and the money is split as usual but the remaining 50% goes into a designated Judge Fund which will be used to help pay for the cost of judges when we do our Specialties.
Marion Supported Entry/Sweepstakes (July 29, 2017)
CGC & CERF will be available at the Marion show, as will Lure Coursing and Fast CAT events.
There is a mastiff specific crating area.
Adjournment: Danielle Dudley motioned and Dan Fox seconded
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
Saturday Sept 17, 2017
September Meeting Minutes
Attending: Brian Ham, Cindy Hollar, Matt Hess, Christina Davis, Dave Henson, Debbie Thurston, Danielle Dudley, Dan Fox, Tim Talbott, Monica Baughman, (plus a few perspective members)
Previous Minutes: June/July 2017 minutes are available on the website
Report of President (Dave Henson: welcome and thanks
Report of Recording Secretary (Monica Baughman):
2017 Meeting Schedule
January - no meeting
February - no meeting
March - no meeting
April - Columbus (Sunday)
May - Bucks
June -
July - Lima
August – Marion (Saturday 7/29)
September - Lancaster
October - Wilmington
November - Columbus (election)
December - no meeting
Recent Board votes:
Selected Nominating committee for 2017 Election: Monica Baughman, Brian Reese, Angela Dineen, Brian Ham, Kim Krichko
Proposal for the club to spend $85 for concrete Mastiff statue for the Mastiff Picnic
Proposal for the club to hold 50/50 raffles at well-attended shows, with the MCONO portion used to help pay for the cost of Specialty judges was approved.
Proposal for the club to start having ribbons for CGC tests was approved
Proposal: MCONO Independent Specialty on Friday October 20, 2017 with raffle, auction and Sweepstakes. MCONO Designated Specialty on Saturday October 21, 2017, and Marion in July as a Supported Entry with Sweepstakes and raffle. All with Debbie Thurston and Dan Fox as Show Chair and assistant (it will be noted in the Premium Lists that show chairs may show dogs) Also that we do a cook out at Marion if the weather is nice was approved.
Proposal to send junior members in the top 10 for 2016 a $100 gift card was approved
Proposal to advertise in July 2017 MCOA journal was not approved.
Judges’ expense was approved for Friday 2017 Specialty at Wilmington
Proposal to donate $100 to MCOA 2017 National Specialty Welcome Party was approved
Proposal for ribbons for Summertime Supported Entry was approved
Proposal to put in place a Facebook Group moderator and sportsmanship policy was tabled
Proposal for ribbons for October Independent Specialty, Sweepstakes and Designated Specialty was approved
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters):
Welcome to new members Josh and Molly Bracken.
Report of Treasurer (Niko Hagan): (No report)
AKC Rep Report (Debbie Thurston): none
Report of the Committees
Health: Mastiff Picnic health testing: CMR/PRA & Cystinuria.
Title Recognition Committee: (Brian Ham, Debbie Thurston, Niko Hagan)
May Titles
GCHB CH Eastwinds Float Like A Butterfly Sting Like A Bee CGCA
Ron Banks/Nancy A Huether
Goldleaf's She's A Head-Turner CGC TKI
Maria Ruoto/Jann Lanz
CH Goldleaf's You'Re Gonna Need A Bigger Boat CGC TKI
Mrs. Wm Ruoto/Jann Lanz
CH Steelheart's Drama Queen Of Heatwave CGC TKN
Maria Ruoto/Jann Lanz
GCHS CH Watchman's Redbarn's Brutus THDN CGC
Mary Ham/Brian Ham
CH Leodess' Into The Mystic
Lisa L Gynn
CH Tr2c's The Legend Lives On
Webb Boyles/Lucy Parschauer
CH Eastwinds Family Tradition CGC
Ron Banks/Nancy A Huether/Karlee Banks
June Titles
CH Millennium Gatehouse Moonlight Ride CAA BCAT
Carrie Klaiber
GCH CH Bluebonnet's Playing The Odds CGCA
Tamara Moyer/Marty Hancock/Phil Hancock
Goldleaf's She's A Head-Turner CGC TKA
Maria Ruoto/Jann Lanz
CH Goldleaf's You'Re Gonna Need A Bigger Boat CGC TKA
Mrs. Wm Ruoto/Jann Lanz
GCH CH Nottinghill's Last Call
Jane Mitchell/Pam Bartlett
Crossroads Hot & Spicy At Jug Head Mastiffs CGCA CGCU TKN
Mrs. Marge Lutz
CH Nottinghill's Backwoods Barbie
Jane M Mitchell
CH Harvesthaze Brazenhead Big Hero
mitzi walters/Kelly Verbridge
July Titles
Luciana In The Sky With Diamonds RN
Megan A Wervey
CH Tr2c's Dance Of The Mistborn
Kim Edward Krichko
GCHB CH Mountainview's I Put A Spell On You CGCA
Katherine Stivason/Michael Stivason
CH Goldleaf's Blaze Of Glory RN
Jodi LaBombard/Jann Lanz
CH Redbarns We Can Build What We Want
Mr. Brian Ham/Mrs. Mary Ham
CH Hrothgars R3 The Color Purple At Green Meadow
Mrs. Pamela J Bartlett
CH Crossroads Hot & Spicy At Jug Head Mastiffs CGCA CGCU TKN
Mrs. Marge Lutz
GCH CH Eastwinds Born To Perform
Coagi Long
Goldleaf's She's A Head-Turner CGC TKA
Maria Ruoto/Jann Lanz
CH Crossroads Hot & Spicy At Jug Head Mastiffs CGCA CGCU TKN
Mrs. Marge Lutz
CH Goldleaf's You'Re Gonna Need A Bigger Boat CGC TKA
Mrs. Wm Ruoto/ann Lanz
CH Deez Brazenhead Shifting Gearz CGC
Callie Caoua/Mitzi Walters/Aura Niko Hagan
CH Bittersweet's Diamond In The Rockz
Angela Dinneen
Events Committee 2017
(October 20, 2017) Independent Specialty, Sweepstakes, Raffle & Auction
(October 21, 2017) Designated Specialty & Droolapalooza
Nominating Committee:
The following positions are up for election. The 2017 MCONO Nominating Committee offers the following nominees for consideration for the open board positions in the upcoming election:
Vice President
Debbie Thurston
Corresponding Secretary
Kay Stivason
Shannon Daniels
Board (2 positions)
Ernie Daniels
Angela Dineen
Kim Stefanik
Tim Talbott
Additional nominations are now open to the general membership and can be made at the September/October meeting(s). Nominations may also be submitted to the club Secretary (Monica Baughman) along with a written statement of the proposed candidate’s willingness to run. Ballots will go out in October and election will take place in November.
2017 MCONO Independent Specialty(s): Debbie Thurston (show chair) report
Independent Specialty and Designated Specialty – Wilmington –October 20-21, 2017 (Friday and Saturday), Independent Specialty on Friday, October 20, 2017. We will hold a Designated Specialty on Saturday, October 21, 2017. Sunday, October 22, 2017 will be a normal all-breed dog show.
Houston Clark will be judging juniors and our Independent Specialty on Friday.
Carrie Klaiber will be judging Sweepstakes on Friday.
Holly Scott will be judging our Designated Specialty on Saturday.
Brian Meyer will be judging Sunday.
We will be doing our Poop N Panty game again Friday evening. The Raffle table numbers will be called out Friday afternoon. Get your teams of four together for the fun Poop N Panty Game where adults and children can compete on the same level. Saturday, after BIS we will be holding our Droolapalooza event where Holly Scott will be judging.
We plan on having our usual huge raffle event on Friday.
We need everyone to bring raffle items!!!
I need volunteers to help out on Friday and Saturday to pull our Specialties off. We will need the most help on Friday. Set-up for the raffle tables will be Thursday evening.
Volunteers are needed for:
Sell Raffle tickets (Friday)
Sell 50/50 tickets (Friday)
Need someone to bring a large dry erase board for Friday and Saturday - we need a total of two. Mitzi is bringing one.
Public Education (Mary Ham): (no report)
New/Unfinished Business:
Question from Mary Ham: for Wilmington, is MCONO offering CGC evaluating at that specialty? Might be a good place to offer CGCA as well. Christina can help, as well.
Kim Stefanik: Mastiff Picnic is September 30. Is the club interested in hosting an activity this year? May offer fun match.
Question from Monica: Worthington Libraries would like to offer a Paws to Read program on: Thursday 12/7, Monday 12/11, Thursday 1/11, Monday 1/22, Monday 2/12, Thursday 2/15 OR Monday 2/19 …6:30-8 p.m. or 7-8:30 p.m. Would any MCONO members be interested/available to participate? What’s you’re preferred date? Decided Monday evenings would be best.
Selected Monday, January 22, 7-8:30 p.m. at the Northwest Library. Library will publicize this as a program offered in partnership with MCONO. Let Monica know if you can attend.
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
Saturday, November 18, 2017
November Meeting Agenda
Attending: Webb Boyles, Kim Stefanik, Linda Henson, Matt Hess, Brooke Fox, Dan Fox, Coagi Long, Chad Long, Mitzi Walters, Diane Caoua, Todd Baughman, Monica Baughman, Niko Hagan, Angela Dineen, Shari Semelroth, Brian Semelroth, Connor Semelroth, Carrie Klaiber, Debbie Thurston
Previous Minutes: September 2017 minutes are available on the website
Moved: Webb/Angela Action: Approved
Report of President (Dave Henson): MCONO would like to give a “shout-out” to Matt Hess for donating the awesome whiteboard.
Report of Recording Secretary (Monica Baughman):
2017 Meeting Schedule
January - no meeting
February - no meeting
March - no meeting
April - Columbus (Sunday)
May - Bucks
June -
July - Lima
August – Marion
September - Lancaster
October – no meeting
November - Columbus (election)
December - no meeting
Recent Board votes:
Board approved expenses for Judge Bob Busby
Board declined to participate in the MCOA Regional Basket event at the May 2018 National Specialty. We feel that it is too much to ask of our members.
Board approved Bob Busby to judge our April 2018 Independent Specialty in Columbus
Board approved ribbon and trophy budget for the April 2018 Independent Specialty, Sweepstakes, Junior Showmanship and Supported Entry
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters):
We have 5 new members!
Phil and Lexus Azzaretto from Alden NY
Keith Kimbrough from Brooklynn Park MN
Lisa and Trent Armstrong from Waseca MN
Our Regional Club Report was submitted to MCOA and will be submitted to AKC at the end of the year.
Report of Treasurer (Niko Hagan):
Checking: $584.39 Savings: $10,658.37 Paypal: $2345.53
Wilmington show generated $4,055.32 in income.
$3,155 raffle/auction, $756.32 in entries, $144 Other (catalog sales, keychains and CGC), Droolapalooza $85.00
AKC Rep Report (Debbie Thurston): none
Report of the Committees
Title Recognition Committee: (Brian Ham, Debbie Thurston, Niko Hagan)
CH Nottinghill's Boil Toil N Trouble At Green Meadows
Jane Mitchell/Pam Bartlett
CH Hrothgars R3 The Earl @ Green Meadow
Pam Bartlett
GCHS CH Eastwinds Float Like A Butterfly Sting Like A Bee CGCA
Ron Banks
CH Steelheart's Drama Queen Of Heatwave CGC TKA
Maria Ruoto/Jann Lanz
CH Kharismas May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor
Karen Pettry/Alexandra Pettry
CH Tr2cs Hess Sir Chamberlain Returns At Fox Inn CGC
Dan Brooke Fox/Matt Hess
Nominating Committee:
The following positions are up for election. The 2017 MCONO Nominating Committee offers the following nominees for consideration for the open board positions in the upcoming election:
Vice President
Debbie Thurston
Corresponding Secretary
Kay Stivason
Shannon Daniels
Board (2 positions)
Ernie Daniels (25 votes)
Angela Dineen (28 votes)
Kim Stefanik (38 votes)
Tim Talbott (13 votes)
Events Committee
April 2018 Independent Specialty, Sweepstakes, Raffle/Auction, and Droolapalooza
November 2018 Designated Specialty, Sweepstakes, and Raffle/Auction
2018 Independent and Designated Specialty (Debbie Thurston) Show Chair Report
We are working with Central Ohio Kennel Club to hold an Independent Specialty, Sweepstakes, Juniors, Raffle/Auction, and Droolapalooza on Saturday, April 21, 2018 in Columbus, Ohio. Dan Fox is helping again as Assistant Show Chair.
We are also planning on holding a Supported Entry on Sunday, April 22, 2018 in Columbus, Ohio.
We are also working with COKC to hold a Designated Specialty, Sweepstakes, and Raffle/Auction on Sunday, November 18, 2018 in Columbus, Ohio.
The Board submitted 18-20 judge names for COKC to select one for their Sunday all-breed show, so MCONO can use that same judge for their Saturday Independent Specialty.
Bob Busby will be judging our Independent Specialty on Saturday, April 21, 2018.
REMINDER: COKC will be having a Puppy Match Saturday, April 21, 2018 after BIS.
Public Education (Mary Ham):
Question from Monica: Worthington Libraries would like to offer a Paws to Read program on: Monday, 1/22/2018 from 7-8:30 p.m. at the Northwest Library (2280 Hard Rd, Worthington, OH 43235) and at the Family Reading Festival at the Shoppes at Worthington Place on Sunday, January 28 1-5 p.m. Any MCONO members be interested/available to participate?