Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
November 15, 2014 Meeting Minutes
Attending: Attending: Webb Boyles, Ernie Daniels, Mitzi Walters, Dave Henson,
Shannon Daniels, Brian Ham, Debbie Thurston, Peggy Coffman,
Gloria Cuthbert, Mary Ham, Monica Baughman, Rodd Baughman,
Becky Campbell, Gail Marschak, Marge Lutz, Kim Stefanik, Deb Thurston,
Deb Vandeveer, Kelly Verbridge, Niko Hatter, Angela Dineen, Matt Hess,
Shane Hamilton, Kelly Banks, Ron Banks
Previous Minutes: September meeting minutes are posted in the website
Report of President Vice President(Dave Henson) for Chad:
Report of Recording Secretary (Mitzi forCoagi Long):
Board Voting: Board voted to limit our Supported Entries to November
Columbus in 2015 because we will be so busy with the Specialty
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters) :
We have 93 members at this time. Welcome to our newest member Angela Dinneen.
We have gotten new applications from 8 people today.
Report of Treasurer (Niko Goins)
We will have a treasurer report for the end of the year.
Report of the Commitees:
Ways and Means (Marti Linfert)- no report
Health- (Tammy Kinkade) – no report
AKC Committee-(Mitzi) As soon as we have filed our A Match paperwork with AKC we will apply to become an AKC Licensed Club. We are on a very tight schedule with this.
Events Committee
- 2014
(Nov 2014) A Match at Columbus, OH – Debbie Thurston has done her usual wonderful job getting this together
2014 November(11/16/14) - Supported entry and Raffle at Columbus, OH- all sponsorships have been paid! What a great group we have
2015 June(6/1/15) – Regional Specialty-we are filling Sponsorships at this time. We can start collecting money for the sponsorships.
2015 Specialty – Show Chairs - Dave Henson and Gloria Cuthbert – Dave announced the judges for the Specialty.
Please talk to the committee heads with any ideas and suggestions.
Welcome Bags(Mary Ham)
Vendors(Gail Marschak)
Raffle (Matt Hess)
Tophies (Niko Hatter)
Clothwear (Becky Campbell)
Public Education Co-ordinator Mary Ham – suggested that we get involved with 4H conformation
New/Unfinished Business:
Election results: ballots will be counted Sunday because they are still being collected
Open Discussion:
the club must get a microphone for meetings
Ft Wayne(which is out of our area) or Madison were recommended as a site for Nov 2015 Supported Entry if the Columbus show is not going to provide a better ring for an entry of this size.
Adjournment: Brian Ham motioned, Webb Boyles seconded
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
September 13, 2014
Meeting Minutes
Attending: Ken Parschauer, Lucy Parschauer, Lois Francino, Marge Lutz, Mary Ham,
Dave Henson, Chad Long, Debbie Thurston, Mitzi Walters, Jeff Thurston, Brian Ham,
Webb Boyles, Gloria Cuthbert, Cindy Hollar, Deanna Kneeland, Teresa Emerson,
Monica Baughman, Todd Baughman, Coagi Long, Kim Stefanik, Danielle Wisneiski,
Peggy Coffman
Previous Minutes: meeting minutes are posted in the website
Report of President (Chad Long): we were unable to hold a meeting at Medina due
to the picnic running late
Report of Recording Secretary (Coagi Long):no report
Board Voting:
Board approved purchase of prizes for picnic costume contest and Rally.
Board approved sponsoring Veterans at the November Ft Wayne MMF Regional Specialty in Ft Wayne, IN
Board approved 2014 Nominating Committee: Mitzi Walters, Monica Baughman, Marti Reither, Ernie Daniels, Marti Linfert, Matt Hess, Gail Marschak
Board Approved Trophy Budget for 2015 Regional Sweepstakes and Specialty
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters) :
We have 91 members at this time. Welcome to our newest members Patsy and Dennis Robbins, Jackie Dugan and Natalie Buck, Kelly and Mike Verbridge
Report of Treasurer (Niko Goins)
Balances: Savings: $5,115.19/Checking: $588.15/Petty Cash: $35/PayPal: $851.02
Report of the Commitees:
Ways and Means (Marti Linfert)- “BE THERE!” t shirts are for sale on the club website that promote the 2015 Specialty. The embroidered shirts are more expensive than the printed ones but can be made by piece so you can get them much faster. We need to wait til we have 36 ordered to get the printed ones. The printed ones are going to be removed from the Store due to this delay.
Nominating Committee (Mitzi Walters – the 2014 nominating committee will be nominating
Chad Long for his second term as President,
Coagi Long for her second term as Recording Secretary and
Debbie Thurston and Ernie Daniels for first term Board positions.
Nominations are now open for the November election. An email will go out to the club asking for nominations. Tammy Kinkade will be running for a Board position and Gloria Cuthbert will not be running. She has served her second term on the Board and (as per our By-Laws) cannot run again at that position.
Health- (Tammy Kinkade) –bloat demo at the picnic went very well
AKC Committee-(Mitzi reporting) - no report
Events Committee
- 2014
(Nov 15, 2014) A Match at Columbus, OH Saturday after BIS– Debbie Thurston is show Secretary. Bill Martin will be the judge. The Linferts are sponsoring the ribbons/prizes. We would like to promote this and get a larger entry then the April A Match. The entry form is already available on the A Match page of our website. We have received AKC approval! Thank you Debbie!
(Nov 1, 2014) Ft Wayne Regional Specialty and Sweepstakes hosted by MMF – please try to support this event with your attendance…they moved it to a venue very convenient to our club members in the hopes that we would come
(Nov 16, 2014) - Supported entry and Raffle at Columbus, OH- We have all sponsorships filled. We have started collecting raffle items now that the picnic is over. We have some great items already! Please give your items to Mitzi or Debbie Thurston.
(June 1, 2015) – Regional Specialty and Sweepstakes – Sponsorship sheets are being passed around and will be available on the website.
2015 National Specialty – Show Chairs - Dave Henson and Gloria Cuthbert
Tentative schedule is going on the website and committees are being set up. Please remember that these are a work in progress. We will have small Specialty planning meetings at Urbana and Delaware shows.
Public Education Co-ordinator - Mary Ham – we participated in a reading program
New/Unfinished Business:
Open Discussion: Kim Stafanik nominated Ken Parschauer for president. We don’t know if Ken accepted the nomination because he took off running.
Adjournment:Webb motioned Kim seconded
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
June 28, 2014
Meeting Minutes
Attended: Janice Akers, Webb Boyles, Teresa Emerson, Niko Goins, Brian Ham, Mary Ham,
Dave Henson, Matt Hess, Deanna Kneeland, Dave Kinkade, Tammy Kinkade, Marti Linfert,
Chad Long, Coagi Long, Marge Lutz, Kim Stefanik, Robin Talbott, Tim Talbott,
Debbie Thurston, Mitzi Walters,
Previous Minutes: April meeting minutes are posted on the website
Report of President (Chad Long): Please see attached thank you letter from RFI.
Report of Recording Secretary (Coagi Long):
Board Voting:
Debbie Thurston was approved as 2015 Regional Specialty Show Chair(she will be working with Dave Henson and Gloria)
Bill Martin was approved as 2014 A Match judge at Columbus in November
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters) :
We have 92 members at this time. Welcome to our newest member Nancy Whobrey
Report of Treasurer (Niko Goins)
Savings: $4614.65
Checking: $891.82
Petty Cash: $43.00
PayPal: $544.75
Report of the Commitees:
Ways and Means (Marti Linfert)- no report
Health- (Tammy Kinkade) – no report
AKC Committee-(Mitzi reporting)
Events Committee
- 2014
(April) Specialty A Match at Columbus, OH show Saturday night –AKC has approved our first A match but requested some changes.
Debbie Thurston will set up committees and is working on having the match information printed in the premium list. Chad Long will coordinate insurance with Niko.
(May) Regional Basket Competition for 2014 Specialty –Our basket’s value was over $1,400! Thank you for the generous donations! Mary Ham won it!
2014 RFI Auction at Denver Specialty – Tammy Kinkade, Debbie Thurston, Matt Hess, and Mary Ham did a great job…. Thank you!
(Sept) Northern Ohio Mastiff picnic (Kim Fish) – we will be doing a Rally demo and walk through (follow the leader) instead of our usual Match. We will do CGC testing.
Danielle Wisnieski, Callie Caoua, and Gail Marschak will organize.
(Nov 15, 2014) A Match at Columbus, OH Saturday after BIS– Debbie Thurston has offered to be the Show Secretary again. Bill Martin will be the judge. We would like to promote this and get a larger entry. The Linferts are sponsoring the ribbons. Becky Campbell got approval from Ellen Fetter, Lima Kennel Club that we hold it on Saturday. The entry form is already available on the A Match page of our website.
2014 November(11/16/14) - Supported entry and Raffle at Columbus, OH- We have all sponsorships filled.. You may pay after the meeting or by Paypal on our website. We have been told that we cannot offer a Veterans class because the actual show does not.
2015 June(6/1/15) – Regional Specialty
2015 Specialty – Show Chairs - Dave Henson and Gloria Cuthbert
Tentative schedule and committees are on attached sheets and are posted on the Members Only page of the MCONO website. Please remember that these are a work in progress. Dave will be answering questions and then meet with Individuals after the meeting
Public Education Co-ordinator – Brian for Mary Ham –No Safety Town this year, but doing other activities. Contact Mary Ham if interested.
New/Unfinished Business:
Open Discussion:
Dave’s Specialty Meeting Schedule
Niko – Trophies, Welcome Bag Stuffers, name tags (bags)
Debbie Thurston – Regional Specialty
Dave requested everyone look at the list of teams. Let Mitzi know if you have any additions or changes.
Will be sending a monthly email update regarding progress of National Specialty preparations. Emails will start in August.
We need to look at vendors. Anyone can make suggestions.
Schedule is pretty locked in. Any changes must be communicated ASAP.
Hotel rooms: Encourage everyone to reserve their room ASAP. There is a reserve hotel 8 miles away. No camper hookups available at Roberts Center. Will bring in truck for RVs to dump, along with water at least once during the week.
Mitzi/Coagi to look into adding corn hole sign up list to web site.
Niko suggested adding koozies to welcome bags (with logo imprinted). Marti L. suggested sheets with Specialty logo for bed covers.
Motion to adjourn by Niko. seconded by Webb.
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
April 19, 2014
Meeting Minutes
Attending: Janice Akers, Monica Baughman,Webb Boyles, Becky Campbell, Gloria Cuthbert,
Ernie Daniels, Shannon Daniels, Teresa Emerson, Kim Fish, Niko Goins, Brian Ham, Mary Ham, Shane Hamilton, Dave Henson, Cindy Hollar, Chad Long, Coagi Long, Gail Marschak, Lucy Parschauer, Marty Reither, Alison Stroub, Shawn Stroub, Peggy Coffman, Mitzi Walters, Nancy Whobrey, Danielle Wisnieski
Previous Minutes: March meeting minutes are posted on the website on the members only page.
Report of President (Chad Long):
Report of Recording Secretary (Coagi Long):
Board Voting:
Motion made by Mitzi to get event insurance for the April A Match. Requests by multiple Board members to check different options. Chad found and Board approved event price. Chad has taken care of this. We can use this for individual events.
Board approved the budget for 2014 November Supported Entry
Board approved a monetary thank you gift for Medina Kennel Club for allowing us to hold the A Match
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters) :
We have 91 members at this time, going on 92. We’d like to welcome Nancy Whobrey to the club.
Report of Treasurer (Niko Goins)
Savings: $6,054.65
Checking: $489.78
Petty Cash: $43.00
PayPal: $896.45 (**Balance is now $796.45 as $100 was paid to MCOA as a Welcome Party donation)
($217.87 (RFI) is also in Paypal)
We have temporarily set up a Paypal button on our web site for RFI donations (as a favor to RFI). These go straight to RFI and are not co-mingled with our funds.
Report of the Commitees:
Ways and Means (Marti Linfert)- no report
Health- (Tammy Kinkade) – no report
AKC Committee-(Mitzi reporting)
Becky Campbell will ask Nina Fetter (Lima Kennel Club) about A Match for November Saturday the 15th. Nina has already verbally said “yes.” Becky will reconfirm.
Events Committee
- 2014
(April) Specialty A Match at Columbus, OH show Saturday night –thank you to Debbie Thurston and Becky Campbell for all of your hard work!
(May) Regional Basket Competition for 2014 Specialty – Tammy Kinkade - We are collecting money and use it to put together a “package” for 2015 specialty. Thank you for the generous donations coming in! Any raffle items that need to go can be left with Mitzi.
2014 RFI Auction at Denver Specialty – Tammy Kinkade, Debbie Thurston, Matt Hess, and Gloria Cuthbert -They are collecting art/handmade items for the Denver Specialty and Mary Ham will be transporting.
Rescue Parade (Denver Specialty) –Mitzi Walters - notices have gone out looking for rescues who will be there but we have had no responses. Shannon Van Duren is contacting local rescue organizations.
(Sept) Northern Ohio Mastiff picnic (Kim Fish) –
Rally Demo: we will be doing a Rally demo and walk through (follow the leader) instead of our usual Match. Gail Marschak will lead the rally demo/walk through.
Health Testing: Please let Kim know if there is any health testing you would like to see at the picnic. If we provide paperwork, she will provide the tubes/shipping, etc.
Raffle items: Raffle donations must be submitted by August 1st. Kim is looking to start the raffle by 3:00pm on picnic day.
Kim is also collecting old jeans and t-shirts.
(Nov 2014) A Match at Columbus, OH –
Debbie Thurston has offered to be the Show Secretary again
2014 November(11/16/14) - Supported entry and Raffle at Columbus, OH- We have a list of available sponsorships for the prizes for our November Supported Entry. Please sign up to reserve yours and sign clearly and exactly what you would like it to say in the Premium List. You may pay after the meeting or by Paypal on our website Prize sponsorship list routed among members at meeting.
Health Testing: Becky will contact AKC to get DNA kits.
2015 Specialty – Show Chairs - Dave Henson and Gloria Cuthbert
All committees and workers will be posted the week after the 2014 Specialty.
Activities/Schedule: Dave needs to know about any ideas or activities members would like to see at the specialty (Ex: Tailgate party) as the schedule is nearly finalized.
Monday will be the regional specialty and pre-welcome dinner. Niko is making boards for a corn hole tournament.
Kim Fish suggested considering “Dancing with Dogs” at the specialty.
Hotel: Hotel reservations can begin after the 2014 National Specialty concludes. Details will be posted on the MCOA web site. If you sign up for a Holiday Inn membership club, you will receive late check out amenities.
Education: Dave recommended Tammy Kinkade looks into a heart professional. It has been arranged to have Dr Hutch speak
Public Education Co-ordinator – Mary Ham – Safety Town will be in June/July. Please see Mary if you have time to help. Safety Town is designed to teach dog safety to children. There are morning and afternoon sessions on one day in June and one day in July.
New/Unfinished Business:
Open Discussion:
Becky Campbell encouraged members to starting thinking of seminar topics and presenters for 2015 national specialty. Dr Hutchison will be holding a seminar.
Niko presented examples of trophy ideas
Adjournment: Motioned by Webb, seconded by Mitzi.
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
March 15, 2014
Meeting Minutes
Attending: Webb Boyles, Becky Campbell, Ernie Daniels, Niko Goins, Shane Hamilton, Dave Henson, Linda Henson, Chad Long, Coagi Long, Marge Lutz, Matt Hess, Lucy Parschauer, Ken Parschauer, Aliceson Stroub, Peggy Coffman, Mitzi Walters
Previous Minutes: Feb meeting minutes were posted in the Members Only page of the website
Report of President (Chad Long):
Report of Recording Secretary (Coagi Long):
Board Voting:
Motion made by Chad and seconded by Mitzi to support the MMF Supported Entry show in Ft. Wayne, IN to be held November 1-2, 2014, both financial and with attendance. Approved.
Proposal that MCONO does the RFI Auction and Rescue Parade at the 2014 Specialty - approved (and Tammy Kinkade, Gloria Cuthbert, Matt Hess and Debbie Thurston offered to help.
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters) :
We have 91 members at this time. Welcome new members: Cassie & Brett Stein
Rescue Parade: Becky Campbell recommended looking at rescues in the area of the National Specialty. Per Mitzi, Don Crumb is looking into options.
Report of Treasurer (Niko Goins)
Savings: $6,635.11
Checking: $517.28
Petty Cash: $96.00
PayPal: $20.00 (MCONO)
$217.87 (RFI)
We have temporarily set up a Paypal button on our web site for RFI donations (as a favor to RFI). These go straight to RFI and are not co-mingled with our funds.
Report of the Commitees:
Ways and Means (Marti Linfert)- no report
Health- (Tammy Kinkade) – no report
AKC Committee-(Mitzi reporting) We will need to hold two A Matches a minimum of 6 months apart before we can apply to be a licensed club. We must be a licensed club to hold a regional specialty which is our goal for 2015. The shows in our geographical area that work with this schedule are the April & Nov Columbus shows. The Central Ohio Kennel Club and Medina Kennel Club have agreed to work with us on this. AKC has approved our April Specialty A Match. The show entry form/premium list is on our club website and was emailed to all members. Mitzi has copies of the premium list to pass out at the Louisville show.
Becky Campbell will ask Ellen Fetter (Lima Kennel Club) about A Match for November.
Per Becky, AKC just approved offering owner/handler classes at National Specialties. We’ll want to keep this in mind as we plan for 2015.
Events Committee
- 2014
(April) Specialty A Match at Columbus, OH show Saturday night –Judge - Vicki Jordan
Show Secretary – Debbie Thurston
Ring Stewards - Becky Campbell, Dave Henson

Committee Chair – Becky Campbell
Prize Table – Deanna Kneeland
Table Covers - Chad Long
Antibacterial, judge water, paper towels - Debbie Thurston
Set up - Chad Long, Marty Reither, Debbie Thurston, Dave Henson, Becky Campbell, Matt Hess
Clean up (brooms, trash bags) - Mitzi Walters, Debbie Thurston, Marty Reither, Dave Henson, Chad Long
Judge Gift - gift certificate - Debbie Thurston
Prize/Ribbons - Debbie Thurston (ribbons ordered) Debbie will have Niko order prizes.
(May) Regional Basket Competition for 2014 Specialty – Tammy Kinkade - We are going to collect money and use it to put together a “package” for 2015 specialty.
2014 RFI Auction at Denver Specialty – Tammy Kinkade, Debbie Thurston, Matt Hess, and Gloria Cuthbert -They are collecting art/handmade items for the Denver Specialty
Niko will bring metal mastiff head to Columbus show and give to Dave (to give to Chuck to take to Denver Specialty)
Rescue Parade (Denver Specialty) –Mitzi Walters - notices have gone out looking for rescues who will be there but we have had no responses.
(Sept) Northern Ohio Mastiff picnic – we will be doing a Rally demo and walk through (follow the leader) instead of our usual Match
(Nov 2014) A Match at Columbus, OH
Supported entry and Raffle at Columbus, OH- do we need to do both Sweeps and an A Match??? We did not have a very large entry for Sweeps in 2013 but it is a great opportunity to see our veterans. Mitzi checked with Vicki Jordan and we can add a Veterans Class to the November classes so we do not need to do Sweeps. It was agreed to focus on doing A Match only. Niko is working hard on prizes for the Supported Entry so we can come up with a budget for sponsorships and the Premium List. Mitzi sent info for the Nov judge (Julie Narzisi) to Becky Campbell so she can contact her about judging.
Mitzi motioned to have Niko make the decision on what prizes go to which show (Supported entry vs. regional specialty). Webb seconded. Niko still wants club input and did not agree.
2015 Specialty – Show Chairs - Dave Henson and Gloria Cuthbert
There was a conference call Feb 13 to discuss setting up website. Coagi and Mitzi are working directly with Erika Wepner (MCOA webmaster) to get this up and running.
Dave is setting up a General Raffle Committee for the 2015 Specialty. Debbie Thurston will head this committee. Gail Marschak offered to be on committee.
We are sending an ad (for the 2015 Specialty) in to Jess Baughman to go on the back cover of the 2014 Specialty catalogue.
Public Education Co-ordinator – Brian for Mary Ham – Safety Town will be in June/July
New/Unfinished Business:
Open Discussion:
Becky Campbell encouraged members to starting thinking of seminar topics and presenters for 2015 national specialty. Webb suggested bringing Dr. Marc.
Dave Henson will post the assigned tasks for the 2015 specialty on the MCONO web site after the 2014 specialty.
Mitzi inquired about junior activities. Dave/Becky suggested participation in the mastiff Olympics, pizza party, etc.
Linda suggested having DNA packets available at the 2014 November supported entry.
Adjournment: Webb motioned to adjourn and Niko seconded
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
Feb 8, 2014
Meeting Minutes
Attending: Chad Long, Coagi Long, Mitzi Walters, Cassie Stein, Brett Stein,
Niko Goins, Gail Marschak, Dave Henson, Becky Campbell, Janice Ackers,
Brian Ham, Shawn Stroub, Alison Stroub
Previous Minutes: November 2013 meeting minutes were posted in the Members Only page of the website
Report of President (Chad Long): We are going to have a busy year with a lot of deadlines.
Report of Recording Secretary(Coagi Long):
Results of the general membership vote on the changes requested by AKC to our constitution & bylaws: 28 members (33%) voting with 100% approval
Board Voting:
Board voted to approve the two A Match judge nominations made by the club’s general membership. These were Vicki Jordan and Julie Narzisi. One will be used for the A Match in April and one in Nov (if they accept.)
Board voted to approve a $100 petty cash fund controlled by the Treasurer to cover misc. Reports on the fund will be included in the Treasurer Report
Chad made a motion that we sponsor trophies for the Southern States Mastiff Rescue Supported Entry show in Perry, GA . This was approved. Mitzi contacted them and we will be sponsoring 2 Selects and a BOB. Niko sent SSMR a check for $150.
Proposal was made to collect $ from club members for 2014 Regional Basket (Specialty) and do a basket that includes services/costs for the 2015 Specialty. Gloria, Tammy, Mitzi approved. Tabled for further discussion
Proposal was made that the club does the RFI Auction at the 2014 Specialty and the Rescue Parade. It was approved. Tammy offered to run it and Gloria offered to help. Tammy will contact Dave Henson for background. Mitzi will contact Lora Myroup.
Report of the Corresponding Secretary (Mitzi Walters) :
Our new 2014 officers and our membership roster were sent to AKC as is required every year.
A Regional Club Report was sent to MCOA.
We have 91 members at this time. Welcome new members: Becky & Corky Campbell and Cassie & Brett Stein
Report of Treasurer (Niko Goins)
Savings: $6,635.11
Checking: $261.37 (money will be transferred to bring this up to $500)
Outstanding: 0
Petty Cash: $95.57
PayPal: $177.76
Invoices Paid: 0
Report on Nov 2013 Supported entry/Sweeps/Raffle: Raffle brought in $1,400 + $8.00 donation
Report of the Commitees:
Ways and Means (Marti Linfert)- no report
Health- (Tammy Kinkade) – no report
AKC Committee-(Mitzi reporting) We will need to hold two A Matches a minimum of 6 months apart before we can apply to be a licensed club. We must be a licensed club to hold a regional specialty which is our goal for 2015. The shows in our geographical area that work with this schedule are the April & Nov Columbus shows. The Central Ohio Kennel Club and Medina Kennel Club have agreed to work with us on this. We have not been able to get the correct paperwork that will satisfy AKC from the Medina Kennel Club and we are getting close to the 90 day deadline. We may have to change our date to Sunday of the April show in conjunction with the Columbus Kennel Club. We would not have good attendance but we need to get this done. Becky and Chad are trying to get the letter or email from an officer of the Medina Kennel Club this week.
Events Committee
- 2014
- •
(April) Specialty A Match at Columbus, OH show Saturday night – (Becky Campbell) judge will be Vicki Jordan and the judging program could include an ad if we want to do this. The Board will discuss this. Becky and Dave will be Ring Stewards.

Show Secretary – Debbie Thurston
Committee Chair – Becky Campbell

Volunteers at this time – Teresa Emerson, Marty Reither
- •
(May) Regional Basket Competition for 2014 Specialty – Tammy Kinkade
- RFI Auction – Tammy Kinkade and Gloria Cuthbert–Dave and Becky explained that RFI is like the United Way of Rescue. It distributes rescue assistance to approved organizations who are 501c but not to individuals.

- Rescue Parade (Specialty)
- •
(Sept) Northern Ohio Mastiff picnic – we will be doing a Rally demo and walk through (follow the leader) instead of our usual Match
- •
(Nov) A Match at Columbus, OH
- Supported entry and Raffle at Columbus, OH- do we need to do both Sweeps and an A Match??? We did not have a very large entry for Sweeps in 2013 but it is a great opportunity to see our veterans. Mitzi will check to see if Vicki Jordan can add a Veterans Class to the November show and we will discuss this at the Louisville meeting. Niko has presented prizes for the Supported Entry so that we can come up with a budget for sponsorships and the Premium List. Mitzi will forward the info for the Nov judge (Julie Narzisi) to Becky Campbell so that she can contact her about judging.
2015 Specialty – Show Chairs - Dave Henson and Gloria Cuthbert
There will be a conference call Feb 13 to discuss setting up website.
We need to set up a General Raffle Committee for the 2015 Specialty. Mitzi will start on this. Gail Marschak offered to be on committee.
We need to get an ad (for the 2015 Specialty) in to Kay Stivason to go on the back cover of the 2014 Specialty catalogue by March 1st. Coagi & Mitzi will do this.
Public Education Co-ordinator – Brian for Mary Ham – Safety Town will be in June/July
New/Unfinished Business:
Open Discussion:
Mark Tichenor from the Midwest Mastiff Fanciers Club presented a proposal of holding a Regional Specialty in the beginning of November 2014 at the Ft Wayne, IN show on Sat. with a possible Supported entry. MCONO cannot officially be part of this because it is outside of our AKC assigned geographical area but we can help with member attendance and general support. The members were interested and asked to be kept updated. We will keep our club members informed and promote the event.
Adjournment: Chad motioned to adjourn and Gail seconded