Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
January 7, 2012
Board Meeting Minutes
Attendance: (taken by Corresponding Secretary) Coagi Long
Board Members Present: Erinn Hadley, Lucy Parschauer, Chad Long,
Mitzi Walters, Gloria Cuthbert
Previous Minutes: November 2011 general meeting minutes were
approved and were posted in the Members Only page of the website
Report of President or Vice President: No report, Erinn Hadley brought the meeting to order
Report of Recording Secretary: New Board Members were announced at Columbus, welcome: Lucy and Sherrie
Report of the Membership (Corresponding) Secretary : see attached correspondence with MCOA. They are reviewing our club for recognition.
Discussion: Changes to our Code of Ethics.
b12-01-01 It was agreed that the Board and committee come up with a proposed change (one sentence concerning ages for breeding a bitch) to our Code of Ethics and that the General Membership has the final say in if we change it or not. This will be done by a mailed ballot. It was agreed that we do not want to lose members over this.
It was agreed that AKC approval shall remain our number one priority.
Report of the Treasurer:
Checking Account Balance - $3,346.99
Savings Account Balance - $25.00
PayPal Balance - $398.88
I have heard nothing from the Fulton County Ohio KC, Inc. regarding the $40.00 check they issued to the Club for the supported entry (supported by Sherry Deans) that was returned on a closed account. We (the Club) was charged a $15.00 fee for the check. Mitzi was supposed to send them (Fulton County Ohio KC, Inc.) a letter about the check on the closed account but I don't know if that happened.
b12-01-02 Motion was made to drop this and take it as a small loss. It was passed unanimously. Mitzi will inform Teresa so she will have it in the Treasurers’ records.
Email Motions: none
Report of the Commitees:
Archive Committee-Nothing to report
Ways and Means-Marissa McFarland (absent) nothing to report
Health-Martha Hartley (absent) nothing to report
AKC Committee-Presentation was approved by all at Columbus, and will be submitted by Mitzi
Events Committee – Mitzi
Picnic: date is Saturday, Sept 15 from noon til 6:00. We plan on doing a Sanctioned Match if Kim is ok with this
Supported Entry: we would like to do a Supported Entry at the 2013 November show in Columbus, Ohio.
New Castle is the same weekend as Specialty so we will not have a match this year
Unfinished Business:
Club Incorporation- Chad is going to discuss this with Chuck Cuthbert
New Business:
1 - MCOA Specialty Basket donation by MCONO – it was agreed that we want to do this and make it nice! Coagi Long was nominated to Head this and agreed
2 – 2012 Schedule was tentatively set for MCONO Board & General Meetings:
January 7 – Tallmadge, OH
Feb – no meeting
March 31 – Monroeville, PA (General & Board)
April –?
May 5 – Bucks County, PA
June 2 – Specialty, Oconomowoe, WI
July 14 – Madison, OH??
Aug 4 – Canfield, OH
Sept 15 – Medina, OH picnic
Oct 13 – Urbana, OH?
Nov – Columbus, OH (General & Board)
Dec – no meeting
Open Discussion:
Adjournment: Erinn adjourned
All motions are labeled, example: e11-04-01 means that electronic vote in 2011, month of April, and is the first electronic vote of April, b=board, g=general.
March 17, 2012
Board Meeting
Board Members Present: Erinn Hadley, Lucy Parschauer, Chad Long, Teresa Emerson, Mitzi Walters
Committee Heads Present: Coagi Long
Previous Minutes:January 2012 Board meeting minutes were approved and were posted in the Members Only page of the website
Report of President or Vice President: No report , Erinn Hadley presiding
Report of Recording Secretary: New members approved: Lynnette Albright, Jennifer Moore, Eli Hemphill, Bev Molloy, Donald Rolli
Report of the Membership (Corresponding) Secretary :
-Notification was sent to Fulton County kennel club that we are not able to support an entry by mail and also by email to Bill Sahloff. Bill emailed a smiley face as a response
-MCOA has touched base and said that they are reviewing MCONO for approval, but need a change to our COE to consider it.(see Unfinished Business)
Report of the Treasurer:
Checking Account Balance - $3,435.29
Savings Account Balance - $25.00
PayPal Account Balance - $392.06
Recent Email Motions:
e12-01-01 – Black & White Early Bird Ad in Specialty Catalogue – approved (artwork has been submitted)
e12-02-01 – AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day to be sponsored by Sherrie Hart – approved
e12-02-02 – Donate $100 to the 2012 Specialty Welcome Party – approved (Specialty committee has been notified but we are waiting for directions on payment) Corresponding Secretary will follow up on this.
Report of the Commitees:
Archive Committee-Nothing to report
Ways and Means-Marissa McFarland (absent) nothing to report
Health-Martha Hartley Head (absent) Discussion and agreement to start a Health page in the MCONO Messenger which would include a Remedies section and a Pros and Cons section. Mitzi will contact Martha about this.
AKC Committee-(Mitzi reporting) Presentation (after some updates) was submitted to AKC. We received a follow-up letter stating that they would review our presentation in approximately 6 weeks. Their letter was addressed to the Mastiff Club of Northern California. A phone call was made to clarify this. AKC sent an email apologizing for the error.
Events Committee
- MCOA Specialty Basket donation by MCONO (Coagi reporting)- theme decided upon “Tail”gate Time! Ideas: Cooler, tailgate grill, sports and dog show items.
Unfinished Business:
Club Incorporation- (Chad reporting) Chuck is working on this
Proposed sentence to be added to COE Item 6 (if approved by General Membership):
“Unless recommended by a veterinarian, I will not be a party to the breeding of an underage (less than 22 months) or veteran (7 years and over) bitch; nor will I be a party to producing consecutive litters from a bitch.”
Mailing will be done to general membership to vote on this.
New Business:
Proposal(Mike): Add the option to pay 3 yr membership for $40/$55 for couple when we do our membership renewal - agreed
Proposal(Sherrie/Mitzi): to form a policy for telephone voting by Board members unable to attend a meeting who express an interest in being contacted. We already do this on an emergency basis. This will need to be a change to the By-Laws which will need to be voted on
Open Discussion:
Working Group re-alignment - Molosser Group (Erinn) How involved do we want to be in this? It was agreed to send out a survey with the COE change vote.
Adjournment: Erinn adjourned
All motions are labeled, example: e11-04-01 means that electronic vote in 2011, month of April, and is the first electronic vote of April, b=board, g=general.
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
April 22, 2012
General Meeting Minutes
Board Members Present: Chad Long, Gloria Cuthbert, Mitzi Walters, Erinn Hadley, Teresa Emerson
Committee Heads Present:
General Members Present: Teresa Long, Carl Long, John Emerson, Debbie Thurston, Jeff Thurston, Dave Henson, Tammy Kinkade, Dave Kinkade, Webb Boyles
Previous Minutes: March 2012 Board meeting minutes were approved and were posted in the Members Only page of the website
Report of President or Vice President: No report
Report of Recording Secretary:
Report of the Membership (Corresponding) Secretary :
We have heard from AKC that they are reviewing our accreditation application.
Our mailer went out concerning the proposed COE change (for the purpose of being recognized by MCOA) and the opinion poll on the AKC group realignment. I will collect the ballots at Eaton and Bucks plus they can be scanned and emailed or just mailed. We will count these at the Bucks meeting.
Email Motions: none
Report of the Treasurer:
Checking Account Balance - $3,435.29
Savings Account Balance - $25.00
PayPal Account Balance - $392.06
$100 was just paid to MCOA as a donation for the Welcome Party. The COE mailing cost the club $51.03.
Report of the Commitees:
Archive Committee-Nothing to report
Ways and Means-nothing to report
Health- Martha Hartley has stepped down as Health Committee Head.
AKC Committee- see corresponding secretary report.
Events Committee
- MCOA Specialty Basket donation by MCONO (Coagi reporting)- theme decided upon “Tail”gate Time! Ideas: Cooler, tailgate grill, sports and dog show items. We will be really kicking in high gear on the basket donation for the Specialty. We have donations from Chuck and Gloria Cuthbert, Sherrie Hart and Marissa McFarland.
Dave Henson is donating booze and Dave Kinkade is making a mastiff game.
Unfinished Business:
Club Incorporation- (Chad reporting) Chuck is working on this
Proposed sentence to be added to COE Item 6 (if approved by General Membership):
“Unless recommended by a veterinarian, I will not be a party to the breeding of an underage (less than 22 months) or veteran (7 years and over) bitch; nor will I be a party to producing consecutive litters from a bitch.”
This has been mailed out to membership. It was clarified that we will not police this as a club.
New Business: The Board decided to add a Health column to our MCONO messenger but we no longer have a functioning Health Committee. Tammy Kinkade volunteered to be Health Committee Head and Gloria Cuthbert volunteered to be on the committee.
Open Discussion:
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
August 25, 2012
Board Meeting Minutes
Board Members Present: Chad Long, Gloria Cuthbert, Lucy Parschauer, Mitzi Walters
Committee Heads Present: -
Previous Minutes: March & April 2012 Board meeting minutes were approved
and were posted in the Members Only page of the website
Report of President or Vice President: No report
Report of Recording Secretary: No Report
Report of the Membership (Corresponding) Secretary :
AKC letter was reviewed. We have not received a letter stating these revisions to our
ByLaws that they are requiring. They agreed that we could hold a B Match before
changing our ByLaws. Mitzi is going to check on:
1) If we must hold our second B Match prior to us being approved to support the entry at
the 2013 Columbus, OH show
2) What EXACTLY an A Match is for a mastiff club
3) Are we considered a Specialty Club or a Group Club
Membership in club was not renewed by Sherry and Brandon Deans, Chris and Erinn
Hadley, Dan and Debi Kimbrell, Bruce, Vicki and Kaitlyn Orewiler. The club usually
gains and looses approximately 15% each year so we seem to balance out between 50 and
60 members. We are at 52 right now.
Election process will start soon. Nomination committee will be formed by Corresponding
Secretary this year. Positions up for election are President, Recording Secretary and 2
Board Positions.
MCOA announced at the 2012 general meeting that we are approved
Report of the Treasurer:
Checking Account Balance - $4,049.16
Savings Account Balance - $25.00
PayPal Account Balance - $120.82
Email Motions:
Report of the Commitees:
Archive Committee-Nothing to report
Ways and Means-nothing to report
Health- Tammy Kinkade is doing a CPR/Seminar at the picnic and there will be
Cystinuria testing also
AKC Committee-(Mitzi reporting) see corresponding secretary report.
Events Committee -
Events Committee – Remaining schedule for 2012
Picnic – we need helpers for Sherrie with the CGC/TDI
Tammy’s Basket theme was decided! “Go To the Show!” Now we need to move fast on
Meeting will be at end of the Picnic
Get-together/meeting at the Columbus, OH show 11/17/12 – it was decided to have
the meeting on the show grounds and also plan an evening get-together. Texas
Roadhouse was recommended.
Events Committee - Suggested schedule for 2013
Specialty Club involvement – not discussed
B Match at 2013 Picnic – this will depend on our AKC requirements
Supported entry at Columbus, OH show- Joe Caton has been recruited to advise us on
this with the possibility of doing a Sweeps also
Unfinished Business:
Club Incorporation- (Chad reporting) Chuck is working on this
New Business: see Events Committee
Open Discussion:
Adjournment: Chad Long
All motions are labeled, example: e11-04-01 means that electronic vote in 2011, month of April, and is the first electronic vote of April, b=board, g=general.
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
September 15, 2012
Board Meeting Minutes
Board Members Present: Lucy Parschauer, Marissa McFarland, Mitzi Walters, Chad Long
Committee Heads Present:
Previous Minutes: August 2012 Board meeting minutes were approved and were posted in the Members Only page of the website
Report of President or Vice President: none
Report of Recording Secretary: No Report
Report of the Membership (Corresponding) Secretary :
We have received a letter from AKC with revisions to our ByLaws that they are requiring.
Election process has started. Nomination committee has come up with a list of their nominees and we are going to now open nominations up to the general membership.
Report of the Treasurer:
Checking Account Balance – $4,090.66
Savings Account Balance - $25.00
PayPal Account Balance – $130.23
Record of Email Motions:
Nominating Committee for 2012 was approved (Dave Henson, Marty Reither, Lois Francino, Debbie Thurston, Mitzi Walters and Marti Linfert & Bev Molloy as alternates)
Member was approved– Kristin Zellen
Report of the Commitees:
Archive Committee-Nothing to report
Ways and Means-nothing to report
Health- no report
AKC Committee-(Mitzi reporting) we only need to have held one B Match to apply to do a supported entry. As long as our second B Match is held prior to the supported entry we are fine….so we can do the second B Match at the picnic in 2013 if we wish.
To be approved to do an A Match we will have to submit another formal presentation and be approved. An A Match is exactly like a Specialty show but with no points.
Events Committee
Events Committee – Remaining schedule for 2012
Get-together/meeting at the Columbus, OH show 11/17/12 – not discussed
Events Committee - Suggested schedule for 2013
Specialty Club involvement??? not discussed
B Match at 2013 Picnic???? not discussed
Supported entry at 2013 Columbus, OH show- we have reached out to the Club who is hosting the Sunday show at Columbus, 2013 to do the entry. Joe Caton and Joan Hahn seem very happy to work with us to set this up. We are also discussing doing Sweeps to draw more entries. Everyone needs to brainstorm for prizes!
Marion has also been recommended as a site for a Supported entry.
Old Business: The revision to our By Laws Item 6 was passed with 57% of our membership voting and became effective July 1, 2012.
Unfinished Business:
Club Incorporation- (Chad reporting) no report
New Business:
Open Discussion:
Adjournment: Chad adjourned
All motions are labeled, example: e11-04-01 means that electronic vote in 2011, month of April, and is the first electronic vote of April, b=board, g=general
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
October 13, 2012
Club Meeting Minutes
Board Members Present: Chad Long, Teresa Emerson, Gloria Cuthbert, Lucy Parschauer, Mitzi Walters
Members Present: Coagi Long
Previous Minutes: September 2012 Board meeting minutes were approved and were posted in the Members Only page of the website
Report of President or Vice President: none
Report of Recording Secretary: none
Report of the Membership (Corresponding) Secretary :
We received notification from AKC:‘This notice will advise you that the Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio’s September 15th, 2012 Sanctioned match B results were acceptable.’
We have received a letter from AKC with revisions to our By Laws that they are requiring.
I was hoping to include the proposed changes to the By Laws with the ballot for approval so we just have to do one mailing but that will be done at the November meeting.
Report of the Treasurer:
I closed the Club's PayPal account since I'd been having problems with it since I moved and had to change Internet Providers. I wasn't getting the e-mail notifications to my current e-mail address. I opened a new Paypal account for the Club this morning. I had to wait to do that until the transfer of funds to the checking account was completed.
The Club account balances are as follows:
Checking Account - $4,544.20
Savings Account - $25.00
Mitzi removed all the old PayPal buttons from the Club website a few days ago. Now that the new PayPal account has been opened, the buttons can be put back on the Club website. I sent Mitzi an e-mail earlier this morning to advise that the new PayPal account was up and running and that she could put the buttons back on. As soon as that is completed, we (the Club) will be back up and running with PayPal.
I want to apologize for any inconveniences caused by me having to change Internet Providers but Time Warner was the only provider available in our area.
Email Motions:
New Members were approved– Liz Simon, John Priest, Camron Priest
Report of the Commitees:
Archive Committee-no report
Ways and Means-we are revamping the Store page of the web site
Health- no report
AKC Committee-(Mitzi reporting) Please review By Laws with AKC’s proposed changes in red. Gloria is going to ask Chuck to look them over.
Events Committee
Events Committee – Remaining schedule for 2012
Get-together/meeting at the Columbus, OH show 11/17/12 .Reservations for 20 have been made at Logan’s at Easton at 7:00. May change time?
Events Committee - Suggested schedule for 2013
Specialty Club involvement??? Do we want to get involved in the 2013 Specialty? Not discussed
B Match at 2013 Picnic – We have sponsors for this event! Thank you Cuthberts and Linferts!
Supported entry at 2013 Columbus, OH show-
It was unanimously agreed that we will do a supported entry at the November 2013 Columbus, Ohio show on Sunday and we will also do Sweeps. Dave Henson was approved for Sweeps judge (he has not yet been asked) Mitzi will research requirements for Sweeps.
It was unanimously agreed that the club will provide supported entry prizes of embroidered folding chairs and custom leather collars. Lucy Parschauer is researching this.
Marion has also been recommended as a site for a Supported entry but it was decided that it is too hot.
It was agreed that we will send out an email to all club members asking for judge recommendations and donations for the specific prizes for the Supported entry.
It was agreed that we will advertise our Supported Entry in the Journal and Constant Contact.
We will try to have an area at the 2012 Columbus, OH show where we can sit and provide breakfast.
Old Business:
Unfinished Business: Election ballots will be mailed within the next week.
Club Incorporation- no report
New Business:
Open Discussion:
Adjournment: Chad adjourned
All motions are labeled, example: e11-04-01 means that electronic vote in 2011, month of April, and is the first electronic vote of April, b=board, g=general.
Mastiff Club of Northern Ohio
November 17, 2012
Club Meeting Minutes
Board Members Present: Chad Long, Lucy Parschauer, Dave Henson, Teresa Emerson, Sherrie Hart, Webb Boyles, Gloria Cuthbert, Mitzi Walters
Members Present: Marti Linfert, Niko Goins, Don Linfert, Ken Parschauer, Cammie Priest, John Priest, Debbie Thurston, Jeff Thurston, Coagi Long
Previous Minutes: October 2012 Board meeting minutes were approved and were posted in the Members Only page of the website with all other meeting minutes
Report of President or Vice President: Welcome from Chad
Report of Recording Secretary: none
Report of the Membership (Corresponding) Secretary :
We received notification from AKC
We have received a letter from AKC with revisions to our By Laws that they are requiring.
I was hoping to have the proposed changes to the By Laws but AKC is still reviewing them.
Report of the Treasurer:
The Club account balances are as follows:
Checking Account - $4,516.20
Savings Account - $25.00
Paypal Account - $65.91
Email Motions:
New Members– Kim & Richard Berube, Niko Goins, Deanna Kneeland, Cassie Kneeland, John & Cammie Priest
Motion was made by Lucy Parschauer to donate the funds from our winning Specialty Regional Club basket to GLMR in the names of Jeff Myroup, Chris Pettry and Mary Frances Lea Elliot. Approved. Teresa received a thank you from GLMR and forwarded to Corresponding Secretary.
Report of the Commitees:
Archive Committee-no report
Ways and Means-(Marti reporting) we are revamping the Store page of the web site. Marti Linfert showed the new jackets, window decals and tshirts that she and Niko made
Health- there is confusion as to who is on this committee
AKC Committee-(Mitzi reporting) we are waiting to hear from AKC
Events Committee
Specialty Club involvement-the response was positive..discussion included talking to Chuck Cuthbert and Becky Campbell and possibly helping with the Heath testing
2013 B Match– We have sponsors for this event! Thank you Cuthberts and Linferts!
suggestion was to try having it at the 2013 Specialty or again at the picnic
Mitzi will check on this
Supported entry at 2013 Columbus, OH show-
We will hold a supported entry at the Columbus, Ohio show in November 2013 and Sweeps. Dave Henson accepted his nomination as Sweeps judge.
the club will provide supported entry prizes of embroidered folding chairs (and custom leather collars if feasible.) Lucy Parschauer is researching this. Marti Linfert and Niko Goins have etched platters that they would like to make as awards.
It was agreed that we will send out an email to all club members asking for judge names. These were also collected at the meeting.
We will try to have an area at the 2013 Columbus, OH show where we can have crates, sit and provide breakfast.
Unfinished Business: Club Incorporation- no report
New Business:
Election results. Welcome new board members
Our new 2013 Board is:
President: Chad Long
VP: Dave Henson
Treasurer: Teresa Emerson
Corresponding Secretary: Lucy Parschauer
Recording Secretary: Mitzi Walters
Sherrie Hart, Webb Boyles (odd)
Tammy Kinkade, Gloria Cuthbert, (even)
Adjournment: Motion by Webb Boyles, seconded by Teresa Emerson
All motions are labeled, example: e11-04-01 means that electronic vote in 2011, month of April, and is the first electronic vote of April, b=board, g=general.